Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
34438 Travel, Communication and Geography in Late Antiquity
32424 Travels in the Byzantine world
113466 TraverSCE 1638-9026 Ecole Doctorale SCE (Sociétés Cultures Echanges) n°496 Universités de Nantes, Angers, Le Mans
93638 Travers (Grenoble)
131455 Traverse 1638-9026 Association des doctorants de l'Université de Nantes en sciences humaines et sociales (DUNES)
172368 Traverse
136069 Traverse Lycée Descartes (Rabat)
91778 Traverse. Revue d'Histoire/Zeitschrift für Geschichte 1420-4355 éditions Chronos
155393 Traversea : Journal of Transatlantic History Transatlantic History Student Organization and Transatlantic History Ph.D. Program at the University of Texas at Arlington
574992 Traverses
27538 Traverses
61356 Traverses 19-21
158647 Traverses : Bulletin du L.A.C.I.S 1768-1383 Université Paul Valéry, Service des publications
34203 Traversée des frontières entre méthodes de recherche qualitatives et quantitatives
178635 Traversées 1371-8339
163337 Traversées Cathy Roche-Liger & Marcin Stawiarski
121077 Traversées urbaines
223929 Traversées, Summer 2019(92)
64655 Travessia
81325 Travestir au Siècle d'or et aux XXe-XXIe siècles : regards transgénériques et transhistoriques
478891 Travesía 0329-9449 Universidad Nacional de Tucuman
163713 Trax magazine Sources Management
45594 Trayectorias
176420 Trayectorias 1405-8928
178297 Trayectorias Humanas Trascontinentales 2557-0633
137384 Trayectorias satíricas : carnets de l’ASCIGE Publications en ligne du Centre de Recherche sur l’Espagne Contemporaine CREC-EA 2292
71947 Trayectorias, Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Autonomia de Nuevo Leon
259300 Traços de Linguagem - Revista de Estudos Linguísticos 2594-9063
40777 Treasury Bulletin 0960-8532 Superintendent of Documents
51699 Treatise of Geophysics
72698 Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science
21175 Treatment guidelines from the Medical Letter 1541-2784
21174 TreatmentUpdate 1181-7186
19740 Treatments in Endocrinology 1175-6349 Adis
19741 Treatments in Respiratory Medicine 1176-3450 Adis
131936 Treballs d'Arqueologia 1134-9263 Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Departament d'Antropologia Social i de Prehistòria Divisió de Prehistoria
101178 Treballs de Comunicació
106206 Treballs de Sociolingüistica Catalana 0211-0784 Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística
84688 Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia 1133-2190 Barcelona: Societat Catalana de Geografía
51423 Tree Automata and Languages
110176 Tree Genetics & Genomes 1614-2950
19742 Tree Genetics and Genomes 1614-2942 Springer Verlag
21173 Tree Physiology 0829-318X Oxford University Press (OUP)
426337 Tree Physiology
156046 Tree and Forest Science and Biotechnology 1752-3753
154326 Tree planters' notes
153794 Tree seed working group news bulletin-Canadian Forest Genetics Association 1924-2921
102273 Tree-ring research 1536-1098 BioOne
808258 Trees
19743 Trees - Structure and Function 0931-1890 Springer Verlag
179128 Trees - Structure and Function 1432-2285
169911 Trees, Forests and People Elsevier B.V
124591 Treibhaus. Jahrbuch für die Literatur der fünfziger Jahre Edition text+kritik
625470 Treibhaus. Jahrbuch für die Literatur der fünfziger Jahre: Autobiographie
624458 Treibhaus. Jahrbuch für die Literatur der fünfziger Jahre: Komik, Satire, Groteske
851266 Treiz'Maraîchage Chambre d'agriculture Bouches-du-Rhône
66217 Trek Magazine
170705 Trema. Revue internationale en science de l'éducation et didactique
118209 Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements (New York, N.Y.)
45970 Trend-Ofdt
146642 Trends Biochem Sci
28397 Trends Biotechnol
141171 Trends Cell Biol
33306 Trends Endocrinol Metab
46740 Trends Genetics
99682 Trends Macromol. Res
27723 Trends Microbiol
90026 Trends Microbiol
146635 Trends Mol Med
36467 Trends Parasitol
156773 Trends in Agricultural Sciences - Entomology
19744 Trends in Amplification 1084-7138 SAGE Publications
19671 Trends in Analytical Chemistry 0165-9936 Elsevier
141752 Trends in Anatomy and Physiology 2640-7752 Herald Scholarly Open Access
57082 Trends in Applied Sciences Research 1819-3579 Academic Journals
177648 Trends in Artificial Intelligence 2643-6000
8997 Trends in Biochemical Sciences 0968-0004 Elsevier
159896 Trends in Biochemical Sciences 0968-0004
160375 Trends in Biochemical Sciences 0968-0004
120091 Trends in Bioinformatics 1994-7941 Asian Network for Scientific Information
8998 Trends in Biotechnology 0167-7799 Elsevier
127226 Trends in Cancer 2405-8033 Cell Press
19745 Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 1050-1738 Elsevier
12463 Trends in Cell Biology 0962-8924 Elsevier
159907 Trends in Cell Biology 0962-8924
182525 Trends in Cell Biology 1879-3088
78732 Trends in Chemical Physics 0972-4346 Research Trends
166265 Trends in Chemistry 2589-5974 Cell Press
301628 Trends in Classics 1866-7473 W. de Gruyter
12464 Trends in Cognitive Sciences 1364-6613 Elsevier
145797 Trends in Cognitive Sciences
159561 Trends in Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology 0972-4540 Research Trends (Trivandrum, India)
94053 Trends in Developmental Biology 0972-8422 Research Trends
19747 Trends in Ecology & Evolution 0169-5347 Elsevier
8999 Trends in Education 0041-2392 Dept. of Education and Science
19748 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism = Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 1043-2760 Elsevier
837194 Trends in Entomology 0972-4761
129832 Trends in Evolutionary Biology 2036-265X PAGEPress®
178893 Trends in Fisheries Research
19749 Trends in Food Science and Technology 0924-2244 Elsevier
13760 Trends in Genetics 0168-9525 Elsevier
140983 Trends in Genetics
154974 Trends in Green Chemistry 2471-9889
138790 Trends in Hearing SAGE Publications
41241 Trends in Heat and Mass Transfer
90337 Trends in Heterocyclic Chemistry 0972-432X Research Trends
19750 Trends in Immunology 1471-4906 Elsevier
29501 Trends in Mathematics
70537 Trends in Mathermatics 2297-0215 Springer
148088 Trends in Medicine 1594-2848 Open access text
19751 Trends in Microbiology 0966-842X Elsevier
131397 Trends in Microbiology
19752 Trends in Molecular Medicine 1471-4914 Elsevier
175602 Trends in Neur. Sci & Educ,
107182 Trends in Neuroscience and Education 2211-9493 Elsevier
9000 Trends in Neurosciences 0166-2236 Elsevier
34177 Trends in Optics and Photonics
48335 Trends in Organic Chemistry 0972-4362 Research Trends
40778 Trends in Organized Crime 1084-4791 Springer Verlag
19753 Trends in Parasitology 1471-4922 Elsevier
19754 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 0165-6147 Elsevier
160638 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 0165-6147
175960 Trends in Photochemistry & Photobiology 0972-4532
61776 Trends in Physical Chemistry 0972-4435 Research Trends
139726 Trends in Physical Chemistry
178402 Trends in Phytochemical Research (TPR) 2588-3623
9001 Trends in Plant Science 1360-1385 Elsevier
426415 Trends in Plant Science
858600 Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 2237-6089 Associação de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul
543804 Trends in Psychology 2358-1883 Springer
553101 Trends in Science College of Graduate Studies of Walailak University
157025 Trends in Soil Science
169858 Trends in Telemedicine & E-health
2452 Trends in biomaterials & artificial organs 0971-1198 Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs - India
34206 Trends in biotechnology
171428 Trends in cardiovascular medicine 1873-2615
80595 Trends in cell and molecular biology 0972-8449 Research Trends
163226 Trends in chemistry
128722 Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM
116306 Trends in environmental analytical chemistry Elsevier
33016 Trends in genetics : TIG
161245 Trends in genetics: TIG
34225 Trends in immunology
28080 Trends in microbiology
27847 Trends in parasitology
32735 Trends in pharmacological sciences
148209 Trends in telemedicine and e-health TTEH Crimson publishers
166054 Trends in the Sciences 1342-3363 Science Council of Japan
60350 Trends of Heat and Mass Transfer
52935 Trens in Mathematics
800358 Trenvista
861325 Trenvista Ferromedia
568391 Trenzar memorias. Red de Memoria y Cultura en América Latina y el Caribe
919320 Trespass
118134 Tresses Association de la Cause Freudienne
132750 Treubia 0082-6340 Research Center for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences Bogor, Indonesia
58417 Triade (Galles-Ecosse-Irlande)
113404 Triages 1760-6861 Tarabuste
168109 Triages, « Autour de Louis Calaferte », Actes du colloque de Dijon
164596 Triages. Supplément 1962-8188 Tarabuste éd
9002 Trial 0041-2538 Association of Trial Lawyers of America
9004 Trial lawyers quarterly 0041-2554 New York State Trial Lawyers Association
2453 Trials 1745-6215 BioMed Central
262778 Trials 1745-6215
287993 Trials
78019 Triangle
115659 Triangulum 1406-2755 DAAD
9005 Tribal (San Francisco, Calif.) 1549-4691 Prism Business Media
9006 Tribal College 1052-5505 American Indian Higher Education Consortium
150807 Tribal art magazine
19758 Tribo Test 1354-4063 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
81144 Tribologia
40779 Tribologia -Tampere 0780-2285 The Finnish Society for Tribology
103204 Tribological Aspects in Modern Aircraft Industry Trans Tech Publications
182174 Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik
19755 Tribology 0041-2678 Elsevier
144318 Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 Maney Publishing
19756 Tribology International 0301-679X Elsevier
19757 Tribology Letters 1023-8883 Springer Verlag
179449 Tribology Letters 1573-2711
30162 Tribology Online 1881-218X Japanese Society of Tribologists
491522 Tribology Online
9008 Tribology Transactions 1040-2004 Taylor & Francis
143843 Tribology Transactions
9007 Tribology and Lubrication Technology 1545-858X Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
118292 Tribology in Industry 0354-8996 the Serbian Tribology Society
795414 Tribology international 1879-2464
36793 Tribology series
836729 Tribonien
489918 Tribonien, Revue critique de législation et de jurisprudence 2609-5653
127784 Tribonien. Revue critique de législation et de jurisprudence Société de législation comparée
98579 Tribotest
97049 Tribu
299845 Tribulus Emirates Natural History Group
52958 Tribuna d'Arqueologia Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Cultura
73763 Tribuna social
154529 Tribune Cebedeau
44735 Tribune de Genève
335202 Tribune de Genève 1010-2248
137114 Tribune de Lyon