Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
95385 The Economists' Voice
158870 The Ecumenical Review
135926 The Edgar Allan Poe Review 2150-0428
147544 The Educational and Developmental Psychologist 2059-0784 Cambridge University Press
115680 The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 1687-4285
89180 The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology
88869 The Eighth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
97160 The Eighth Lamp - Ruskin Studies Today
83947 The Electricity Journal
34104 The Electricity Journal,
46395 The Electrochemical Society
134769 The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 1479-4411
158795 The Electronic Journal of Communication / La revue electronique de communication
176544 The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation (EJISE)
84016 The Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology
177952 The Electronic Library 0264-0473 Emerald Publishing
489128 The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023)
36439 The Elgar Companion To Law And Economics
166752 The Elgar Society Journal 0143-1269
96000 The Elizabeth Madox Roberts Society Newsletter
32835 The Elizabethan Theatre XV : Papers Given at the International Conferences on Elizabethan Theatre Held at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, in the 1990s
178203 The Ellul Forum
31980 The Encyclopaedia of History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures
34580 The Encyclopaedia of Islam
162748 The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration
182749 The Encyclopedia of Islam
182748 The Encyclopedia of Islam, 3e ed
182754 The Encyclopedia of Islam, Three
34178 The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics
35544 The Encyclopedia of Virtual Communities and Technologies- USA Maison d'édition :Idea Group Reference 228-231P Groupwarae, colletive awareness, virtual team
25829 The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Brill
35471 The Encyclopedia of language and linguistics. Seconde édition
179039 The Energy Journal
929443 The Energy Journal 0195-6574 IAEE
100209 The Engineering of Sport 6
128977 The English Historical Review
31084 The Environmental Background to Hominid Evolution in Africa, INQUA XV international congress, Durban, South-Africa, August 1999, book of abstracts
74781 The Environmentalist
181151 The Environments of the Sun and the Stars, Lecture Notes in Physics
160390 The Enzymes: Biology of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases
179444 The Ergonomics Open Journal 1875-9343
148743 The Eugene O'Neill Review 1040-9483
163194 The European Actuary Actuarial Association of Europe
60022 The European Archaeologist
63084 The European Business Forum
384302 The European Business Review EBR Media
157846 The European Health Psychologist
124158 The European Higher Education Area
41606 The European History
25861 The European Journal
69869 The European Journal for the informatics professionaL
69950 The European Journal for the informatics professional (in Spanish) / Information Technologies for Visually Impaired People (in English)
182090 The European Journal of Counselling Psychology 2195-7614
108482 The European Journal of Development Research
554457 The European Journal of Health Economics
135697 The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning 1027-5207
562805 The European Journal of Psychoanalysis 2284-1059 I.S.A.P
170235 The European Journal of Women’s Studies
46985 The European Journal of cultural policy
554433 The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
172061 The European Legacy
161911 The European Legal Forum 2192-7138 IPR-Verlag
279687 The European Legal Forum - Internet Portal © 2006 IPR Verlag GmbH München
54897 The European Physic Journal B
256239 The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics (EPJ AP)
808774 The European Physical Journal A
480798 The European Physical Journal Applied Physics
180671 The European Physical Journal B
172480 The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
181834 The European Physical Journal C
278698 The European Physical Journal D
658159 The European Physical Journal E
135799 The European Physical Journal Photovoltaics
179908 The European Physical Journal Special Topics
176627 The European Physical Journal Special Topics 1951-6401
73712 The European Physics Journal - Special Topics
730637 The European Respiratory Journal ERS
123507 The European Retail Digest
139997 The European Review of Organised Crime 2312-1653 ECPR Standing Group of Organised Crime
173681 The European Scientist
160833 The European Spectator 2265-5271 Presses Universitaires de la Médittérannée
33209 The European Union
94691 The European journal of appllied linguistics and TEFL
527258 The European journal of esthetic dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry 1862-0612
174516 The European journal of neuroscience
174709 The European journal of neuroscience 1460-9568
164038 The European journal of surgery. Supplement. : = Acta chirurgica. Supplement 1102-416X
87985 The European physical journal conferences
92287 The Even Yearbook
92809 The Even Yearbook. ELTE SEAS Working Papers in Linguistics
31292 The Evolution of National Water Regimes in Europe
46681 The Excavations of the Remains of Structures at the North Precinct of the Isis Temple (Deir al-Shalwit)
121782 The Extractive Industries and Society
127292 The Eye of Photography
163192 The FEBS Journal
110669 The Fascination of Probability, Statistics and their Applications
184795 The Federalist
161954 The Federalist Debate 1591-8483 Centro Einstein di Studi Internazionali (C.E.S.I.)
152361 The Feldenkrais Jounal The Feldenkrais Guild of North America
255315 The Feldenkrais Journal
383256 The Festivus 0738-9388
511198 The Fifth International Conference on Cultural Policy Research
90650 The Fifth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observation
52989 The Film Layers
80034 The Financial Review
43839 The First International Conference on the Physiology and Acoustics of Singing (PAS), Groningen, The Netherlands, October 3-5 2002
33928 The First Organization Studies Summer Workshop on Theorizing Process in Organizational Research", 12-13 June 2005, Santorini, Greece
177183 The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 1046-1868
175752 The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs
166591 The Food Biopack Conference, Copenhagen (Denmark), 27-29 Aug 2000
165098 The Forum Newsletter - ERF Policy Portal Economic Research Forum (ERF), Cairo
53641 The Four Pillars Newsletter
50133 The Fourth International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Foods, PMF4, Quimper, France, June 15-19, 2003
77052 The Fourth National Symposium "Fundamental and Applied Information Technology Research
166307 The Free Market
178272 The French Journal of Dental Medicine
29730 The French Party System: Continuity and Change
527603 The French-Australian Review
159986 The Friends of Czech Heritage
98991 The Future of Children
80940 The Futures of Agriculture
540291 The GENEVA Papers on Risk and Insurance
743498 The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums & Culture
134715 The Gaskell Society Journal 0951-7200
113632 The Geibun Kenkyu (Université Keio, Tokyo)
30421 The Gendering of Inequalities : Women, Men and Work
71361 The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
75709 The Geographical Journal
174387 The Geographical Journal 1475-4959
98577 The Geographical Review
51797 The Geological Society of America Special Paper
51799 The Geological of America, Special Paper
117908 The Geology Society of London 0305-8719 Lyell Collection
157052 The German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE) 0002-1121 Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
61227 The German Journal of Industrial Relations
99053 The Germanic Review
103236 The Gissing Journal
553571 The Glass State : The Technology of the Spectacle
82604 The Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies (GARJMBS)
606818 The Global Fruit & Veg Newsletter
175666 The Global Governance Project
72592 The Global South
31048 The Glory of Cairo : an Illustrated History
848410 The Good Society
169587 The Goose 2291-0948 ALEEC
79231 The Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal
151097 The Grove: Working Papers in English studies 1137-005X Universidad de Jaen
176608 The Guardian newspaper
555319 The HUGO Journal 1877-6558
574351 The Hague Program for Cyber Norms Podcast
48713 The Harp
81472 The Harp. A Review of Syriac and Oriental Ecumenical Studies
870664 The Harrovian The Harrow School
172528 The Haskins Society Journal
374047 The Hazlitt Review 1757-8299 Uttara Natarajan / The Hazlitt Society at University College London
176019 The Hellenic Journal of Cardiology 1109-9666
69746 The Hellenic Review of European Law
47118 The Henry Sweet Society Bulletin
96587 The Herald of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia)/ Вестник Балтийского федерального университета им. И. Кантаб Балтийский федеральный университет им. Иммануила Канта (Калининград)
878374 The Heythrop Journal. A Bimonthly Review of Philosophy and Theology
165668 The Himalayan Journal
100155 The Histochemical Journal
175475 The Historical Expertise 2409-6105
59473 The History of Economi Thought
750907 The History of Economic Thought 1884-7358
92242 The History of the Family
70063 The History of the Family. An International Quarterly
178391 The Honest Ulsterman
173174 The Huffington Post Canada
177252 The Humanistic Psychologist 0887-3267 American Psychological Association
90738 The IAFOR Journal of Social Sciences
124030 The IBIMA Journal 1943-7765 IBIMA
46636 The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics
164197 The ICFAI Journal of Behavioral Finance 0972-9089 ICFAI University Press
51941 The ICFAI Journal of Knowledge Management
843077 The ICSID Reports 2633-9013 Cambridge University Press
128223 The IFCoLog Journal of Logic and its Applications 9781848902044 UK Charity Ifcolog
310728 The Journal 1533-0001
138868 The IPSI BgD Transactions on Internet Research
61122 The IUP Journal of Accounting Research and Audit Practices
136574 The IUP Journal of Brand Management
178397 The IUP Journal of Computational Mathematics
82049 The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance
124138 The IUP journal of Business Strategy 0972-9259
106073 The IUP journal of Supply Chain Management
37793 The Ibis
44854 The Icfai Journal of derivatives markets
34403 The Idea of European Community in History
126053 The Ideology and Politics Journal 2227-6068 Foundation for Good Politics - Kyiv, Ukraine
123748 The IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications
32679 The Illuminated Psalter Studies in the content, purpose and placement of its images, [actes du colloque, octobre 1999]
166464 The Illuminating Mirror: Tibetan Studies in Honour of Per Sørensen on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
144030 The Imaging Science Journal
136675 The Immanent Frame
131817 The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning
164207 The India Forum
153456 The Indian Express
110975 The Indian Forester 2321-094X
148445 The Indian Geographical Journal
53693 The Indian Historical Review