Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
6731 Latin American Art 1042-9808 Latin American Art
11447 Latin American Business Review 1097-8526 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
1654 Latin American Essays 1525-125X Mid Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies
176518 Latin American Human Rights Studies 2763-8162 Department of Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies in Human Rights of the Federal University of Goias
93576 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
1655 Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 1679-7817 Argentinean Association of Computational Mechanics, Brazilian Association of Computational Mechanics, Mexican Association of Numerical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences
6732 Latin American Literary Review 0047-4134 Latin American Literary Review
16712 Latin American Music Review / Revista de Música Latinoamerica 0163-0350 University of Texas Press
6733 Latin American Perspectives 0094-582X SAGE Publications
6734 Latin American Politics and Society 1531-426X Wiley
39824 Latin American Politics and Society 1548-2456 Wiley-Blackwell
39825 Latin American Regional Report 0143-5248 Intelligence Research Ltd
39826 Latin American Weekly Report 0143-5280 Intelligence Research Ltd
16709 Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 1744-2222 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
54515 Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Engineering Education 1935-0295 LACCEI
124774 Latin American policy 2041-7365 Wiley Periodicals
6735 Latin American research review 0023-8791 University of New Mexico
39827 Latin Trade 1087-0857 Freedom Magazines International
101514 Latin-American Journal of Computing 1390-9266 National Polytechnic School
6736 LatinFinance 1048-535X Euromoney Publications
39828 Latinamerica Press 0254-203X Noticias Aliadas
16713 Latino Studies 1476-3435 Palgrave Macmillan
96151 Lato Sensu, revue de la Société de philosophie des sciences 2295-8029 Société de philosophie des sciences
116647 Latomus : revue d'études latines 0023-8856 Société d’Études Latines de Bruxelles – Peeters
158498 Lattara‎ : mélanges d'histoire et d'archéologie de Lattes 0996-6900 Association pour la recherche archéologique en Languedoc oriental ; Centre de documentation archéologique régional
154355 Latvijas entomologs
115173 Laval théologique et philosophique 0023-9054 Université de Laval-Québec
155928 Lavedan et Pays Toy 0223-1719
39829 Law & Governance Longwoods Publishing Corp
6738 Law & Sexuality 1062-0680 Law & Sexuality
6741 Law & the Social Order 0023-9224
6748 Law Computers & Artificial Intelligence 0962-9580 Carfax Publishing Co
6751 Law Institute journal 0023-9267 Law Institute of Victoria
6752 Law Librarian 0023-9275 Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
6753 Law Library Journal 0023-9283 American Association of Law Libraries
6755 Law Office Economics & Management 0458-8630 West Group
6756 Law Quarterly Review 0023-933X Sweet and Maxwell
39830 Law Review SNEWS LLC
6757 Law Society's Gazette 0023-9380 Law Society (Great Britain)
1656 Law and Contemporary Problems : a Quarterly Published by the Duke University, School of Law 0023-9186 Duke University School of Law
16716 Law and Critique 0957-8536 Springer Verlag
6742 Law and History Review 0738-2480 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
6743 Law and Human Behavior 0147-7307 American Psychological Association
6737 Law and Inequality 0737-089X University of Minnesota
6744 Law and Literature 1535-685X University of California Press
6745 Law and Philosophy 0167-5249 Springer Verlag
16715 Law and Policy 0265-8240 Wiley
6746 Law and Policy in International Business 0023-9208 Georgetown University Law Center
6747 Law and Psychology Review 0098-5961 University of Alabama
6739 Law and Social Inquiry 0897-6546 Wiley