Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
6211 Journal of International Economics 0022-1996 Elsevier
15654 Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 1042-4431 Elsevier
14906 Journal of International Management 1075-4253 Elsevier
15656 Journal of International Money and Finance 0261-5606 Elsevier
15664 Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 0022-2011 Elsevier
175066 Journal of Ionic Liquids 2772-4220 Elsevier
108162 Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 1319-1578 Elsevier
15680 Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 0022-2143 Elsevier
15696 Journal of Light Metals 1471-5317 Elsevier
15698 Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling 0929-7855 Elsevier
19504 Journal of Logic Programming 0743-1066 Elsevier
117713 Journal of Logic and Algebraic Methods in Programming 2352-2208 Elsevier
15702 Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 1567-8326 Elsevier
104307 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 2352-2208 Elsevier
15706 Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 0950-4230 Elsevier
15711 Journal of Luminescence 0022-2313 Elsevier
15712 Journal of Macroeconomics 0164-0704 Elsevier
103597 Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 2213-9567 Elsevier
15717 Journal of Magnetic Resonance 1090-7807 Elsevier
163680 Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open 2666-4410 Elsevier
15722 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 0304-8853 Elsevier
15735 Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 0161-4754 Elsevier
6275 Journal of Manufacturing Systems 0278-6125 Elsevier
15740 Journal of Marine Systems 0924-7963 Elsevier
15753 Journal of Materials Processing Technology 0924-0136 Elsevier
138822 Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2238-7854 Elsevier
23076 Journal of Materials Science and Technology 1005-0302 Elsevier
20942 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 0022-247X Elsevier
16587 Journal of Mathematical Behavior 0732-3123 Elsevier
15759 Journal of Mathematical Economics 0304-4068 Elsevier
15765 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 0022-2496 Elsevier
15769 Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery 0301-0503 Elsevier
15770 Journal of Mechanical Working Technology 0378-3804 Elsevier
15772 Journal of Mechanisms 0022-2569 Elsevier
176318 Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 1939-8654 Elsevier
15790 Journal of Membrane Science 0376-7388 Elsevier
6297 Journal of Memory and Language 0749-596X Elsevier
17271 Journal of Men's Health and Gender 1571-8913 Elsevier
15793 Journal of Microbiological Methods 0167-7012 Elsevier
21887 Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection 1684-1182 Elsevier
174579 Journal of Migration and Health 2666-6235 Elsevier
15804 Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology 1553-4650 Elsevier
6311 Journal of Molecular Biology 0022-2836 Elsevier
15818 Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 1093-3263 Elsevier
15820 Journal of Molecular Liquids 0167-7322 Elsevier
15825 Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 0022-2852 Elsevier
15826 Journal of Molecular Structure 0022-2860 Elsevier
15812 Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 0022-2828 Elsevier
15829 Journal of Monetary Economics 0304-3932 Elsevier
15837 Journal of Multinational Financial Management 1042-444X Elsevier
15838 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 0047-259X Elsevier
15849 Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 1003-9953 Elsevier
111827 Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 1875-5100 Elsevier
15854 Journal of Neonatal Nursing 1355-1841 Elsevier
15856 Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA) 1084-8045 Elsevier
15870 Journal of Neuroimmunology 0165-5728 Elsevier
15871 Journal of Neurolinguistics 0911-6044 Elsevier
15876 Journal of Neuroscience Methods 0165-0270 Elsevier
15885 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 0022-3093 Elsevier
15887 Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 0377-0257 Elsevier
15895 Journal of Nuclear Energy 0022-3107 Elsevier
15896 Journal of Nuclear Energy (1954) 0891-3919 Elsevier
15897 Journal of Nuclear Energy Part A Reactor Science 0368-3265 Elsevier
15899 Journal of Nuclear Energy Parts A/B Reactor Science and Technology 0368-3230 Elsevier
15900 Journal of Nuclear Materials 0022-3115 Elsevier
15901 Journal of Number Theory 0022-314X Elsevier
15903 Journal of Nurse Midwifery 0091-2182 Elsevier
6337 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 1499-4046 Elsevier
17582 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 0955-2863 Elsevier
15916 Journal of Occupational Accidents 0376-6349 Elsevier
177242 Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science Elsevier
15928 Journal of Operations Management 0272-6963 Elsevier
15935 Journal of Oral Biosciences 1349-0079 Elsevier
15943 Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 0022-328X Elsevier
15945 Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing 1361-3111 Elsevier
15951 Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 1443-8461 Elsevier
180322 Journal of Otology 1672-2930 Elsevier
146056 Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 2213-0780 Elsevier
15952 Journal of Pain 1526-5900 Elsevier
15954 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 0885-3924 Elsevier
15958 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 0743-7315 Elsevier
111618 Journal of Pathology Informatics Elsevier
15962 Journal of Pediatric Health Care 0891-5245 Elsevier
15970 Journal of Pediatric Urology 1477-5131 Elsevier
15960 Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 1083-3188 Elsevier
15987 Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 0920-4105 Elsevier
15989 Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 0731-7085 Elsevier
547921 Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Open 2949-771X Elsevier
15997 Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 1056-8719 Elsevier
16007 Journal of Phonetics 0095-4470 Elsevier
16008 Journal of Photochemistry 0047-2670 Elsevier
16009 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 1010-6030 Elsevier
16010 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 1011-1344 Elsevier
16011 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews 1389-5567 Elsevier
16019 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 0022-3697 Elsevier
16028 Journal of Physiology - Paris 0928-4257 Elsevier
179176 Journal of Physiotherapy 1836-9553 Elsevier
16037 Journal of Plant Physiology 0176-1617 Elsevier
16041 Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 1748-6815 Elsevier
16045 Journal of Policy Modeling 0161-8938 Elsevier
16075 Journal of Power Sources 0378-7753 Elsevier
524143 Journal of Power Sources Advances 2666-2485 Elsevier
16076 Journal of Pragmatics 0378-2166 Elsevier
16078 Journal of Process Control 0959-1524 Elsevier
16090 Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 0022-3913 Elsevier
60781 Journal of Proteomics 1874-3919 Elsevier
16097 Journal of Psychiatric Research 0022-3956 Elsevier
16107 Journal of Psychosomatic Research 0022-3999 Elsevier
16113 Journal of Public Economics 0047-2727 Elsevier
16118 Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 1478-4092 Elsevier
16119 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 0022-4049 Elsevier
16122 Journal of Quality Management 1084-8568 Elsevier
16125 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 0022-4073 Elsevier
16130 Journal of Radiology Nursing 1546-0843 Elsevier
16135 Journal of Rare Earths 1002-0721 Elsevier
16159 Journal of Reproductive Immunology 0165-0378 Elsevier
16162 Journal of Research in Personality 0092-6566 Elsevier
6418 Journal of Retailing 0022-4359 Elsevier
101661 Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 1674-7755 Elsevier
6424 Journal of Rural Studies 0743-0167 Elsevier
16178 Journal of Safety Research 0022-4375 Elsevier
126696 Journal of Saudi Chemical Society 1319-6103 Elsevier
6428 Journal of School Psychology 0022-4405 Elsevier
16185 Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 1440-2440 Elsevier
16189 Journal of Sea Research (JSR) 1385-1101 Elsevier
16190 Journal of Second Language Writing 1060-3743 Elsevier
16201 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 1058-2746 Elsevier
6442 Journal of Social Studies Research 0885-985X Elsevier
16211 Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems 1061-7361 Elsevier
16232 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 0022-4596 Elsevier
16235 Journal of Sound and Vibration 0022-460X Elsevier
16236 Journal of South American Earth Sciences 0895-9811 Elsevier
15102 Journal of Southeast Asian earth sciences 0743-9547 Elsevier
131868 Journal of Space Safety Engineering 2468-8967 Elsevier
16251 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 0378-3758 Elsevier
16252 Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 0022-4731 Elsevier
19316 Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 0960-0760 Elsevier
16253 Journal of Stored Products Research 0022-474X Elsevier
19317 Journal of Strategic Information Systems 0963-8687 Elsevier
16258 Journal of Structural Biology 1047-8477 Elsevier
138242 Journal of Structural Biology: X 2590-1524 Elsevier
16261 Journal of Structural Geology 0191-8141 Elsevier
16263 Journal of Substance Abuse 0899-3289 Elsevier
16264 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 0740-5472 Elsevier
16267 Journal of Supercritical Fluids 0896-8446 Elsevier
21821 Journal of Supportive Oncology 1544-6794 Elsevier
16268 Journal of Supramolecular Chemistry 1472-7862 Elsevier
19517 Journal of Surgery -Surgical Associates 1741-6280 Elsevier
39730 Journal of Surgical Education 1931-7204 Elsevier
16274 Journal of Surgical Research 0022-4804 Elsevier
16278 Journal of Symbolic Computation 0747-7171 Elsevier
16283 Journal of Systems Architecture 1383-7621 Elsevier
16284 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 1004-4132 Elsevier
6477 Journal of Systems and Software 0164-1212 Elsevier
16298 Journal of Terramechanics 0022-4898 Elsevier
16301 Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology 0190-9622 Elsevier
6505 Journal of The American Dietetic Association 0002-8223 Elsevier
16322 Journal of The American Society of Echocardiography 0894-7317 Elsevier
16328 Journal of The Association for Laboratory Automation 1535-5535 Elsevier
16332 Journal of The British Contact Lens Association 0141-7037 Elsevier
6537 Journal of The Franklin Institute 0016-0032 Elsevier
16404 Journal of Theoretical Biology 0022-5193 Elsevier
16416 Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 0022-5223 Elsevier
21817 Journal of Tissue Viability 0965-206X Elsevier
260643 Journal of Trace Elements and Minerals 2773-0506 Elsevier
16430 Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 0946-672X Elsevier
168347 Journal of Translational Autoimmunity 2589-9090 Elsevier
16435 Journal of Transport Geography 0966-6923 Elsevier
120764 Journal of Transport and Health 2214-1405 Elsevier
16444 Journal of Ultrastructure Research / Journal of Ultrastructural Research 0022-5320 Elsevier
19786 Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research 0889-1605 Elsevier
16445 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing 1005-8850 Elsevier
6608 Journal of Urban Economics 0094-1190 Elsevier
236044 Journal of Urban Management 2226-5856 Elsevier
16449 Journal of Urology 0022-5347 Elsevier
16454 Journal of Vascular Nursing 1062-0303 Elsevier
16456 Journal of Vascular Surgery 0741-5214 Elsevier
128653 Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases and Innovative Techniques 2468-4287 Elsevier
16463 Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 1558-7878 Elsevier
16464 Journal of Veterinary Cardiology 1760-2734 Elsevier
16476 Journal of Virological Methods 0166-0934 Elsevier
125793 Journal of Virus Eradication 2055-6640 Elsevier
111663 Journal of Visceral Surgery 1878-7886 Elsevier
16477 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 1047-3203 Elsevier
16478 Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 1045-926X Elsevier
6618 Journal of Vocational Behavior 0001-8791 Elsevier
16482 Journal of Voice 0892-1997 Elsevier
16483 Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 0377-0273 Elsevier
102220 Journal of Water Process Engineering 2214-7144 Elsevier
19880 Journal of Web Semantics 1570-8268 Elsevier
16488 Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 0167-6105 Elsevier
6626 Journal of World Business 1090-9516 Elsevier
15023 Journal of adolescent health care : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 0197-0070 Elsevier
15134 Journal of biological standardization 0092-1157 Elsevier
15139 Journal of biomedical engineering 0141-5425 Elsevier
15211 Journal of chronic diseases 0021-9681 Elsevier
107897 Journal of clinical lipidology 1933-2874 Elsevier
15249 Journal of colloid science 0095-8522 Elsevier
125178 Journal of computational science 1877-7503 Elsevier
15387 Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry 0022-0728 Elsevier