Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
148338 Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology 2415-6272 Scholars Middle East Publishers
148048 Recent Advances in Photonics and Optics 2689-8667 Scholars.Direct
38627 Comet - Teacher Edition Scholastic Canada Ltd
8377 Scholastic Coach 0036-6382 Scholastic Coach
8378 Scholastic Coach and Athletic Director 1077-5625 Scholastic Coach and Athletic Director
8380 Scholastic Pre-K Today 0888-3009 Scholastic Pre-K Today
3897 Child Education 0009-3947 Scholastic Publications Ltd
3982 Coach and Athletic Director 1087-2000 Scholastic, Inc
4573 Electronic Learning 0278-3258 Scholastic, Inc
5541 Instructor (New York, N.Y.: 1999) 1532-0200 Scholastic, Inc
8376 Scholastic Choices 0883-475X Scholastic, Inc
8379 Scholastic Early Childhood Today 1070-1214 Scholastic, Inc
126643 Applied Science and Innovative Research 2474-4972 Scholink
182255 Journal of Psychology & Behavior Research 2640-9895 Scholink
8384 School Arts 0036-6463 School Arts
8388 School Librarian 0036-6595 School Library Association
8394 School Library Journal 0362-8930 School Library Journal
178302 Pop! Public. Open. Participatory School for Publishing, Simon Fraser University
161804 Shagi / Steps 2412-9410 School of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Institute for Social Sciences - Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
166772 Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology 1996-9546 School of Archaeology and Tourism, Department of Archaeology, University of Jordan
1447 Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1443-5756 School of Communications and Informatics
176645 Perspectivas : Journal of Political Science 1646-2157 School of Economics and Management University of Minho
5068 Graduate Research in Education and Related Disciplines 0017-2839 School of Education, City College, City University of New York
3628 Bulletin of the School of Education, Indiana University 0882-0309 School of Education, Indiana University
9173 Viewpoints 0019-6835 School of Education, Indiana University
7443 New York University Education Quarterly 0550-5054 School of Education, New York University
116821 International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2085-6830 School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
5707 Intramural Law Review of University of California at Los Angeles 0500-8743 School of Law, University of California at Los Angeles
8349 Santa Clara lawyer (1961) 0581-6106 School of Law, University of Santa Clara
9430 Yearbook of New Zealand Jurisprudence 1174-4243 School of Law, University of Waikato
3297 Australian International Law Journal 1325-5029 School of Law, University of Western Sydney
6264 Journal of library history (Tallahassee, Fla. : 1974) 0275-3650 School of Library Science, Florida State University
6263 The Journal of Library History 0022-2259 School of Library Science, Florida State University
6836 Library Service News 0024-2551 School of Library Service, Columbia University
16647 Keio journal of medicine 0022-9717 School of Medicine Keio University
1657 Law, Environment and Development Journal 1746-5893 School of Oriental and African Studies
543951 SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics 1473-0855 School of Oriental and African Studies, Department of Linguistics
2351 SOSOL Sociology of Sport Online 1461-8192 School of Physical Education, University of Otago, NZ
163476 Africa Journal of Physical Sciences 2313-3317 School of Physical Sciences. University of Nairobi (Kenya) [2014-....]
2500 Vestnik : The Journal of Russian and Asian Studies 1930-286X School of Russian and Asian Studies
59890 Amsterdam Social Science School of Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam
39159 Grant$elect Schoolhouse Partners
122519 Revue suisse de droit international et européen / Swiss Review of International and European Law / Schweizerische Zeitschrift für internationales und europäisches Recht 1019-0406 Schulthess Juristische Medien AG (Zürich, Suiise) [1991-....]
134719 Bioethica Forum 1662-6001 Schwabe
103460 Revue suisse d'histoire 0036-7834 Schwabe
43725 Studia Philosophica 0081-6825 Schwabe
22195 Gesnerus 0016-9161 Schwabe Verlag Basel
133751 Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer 0013-8835 Schwanfeld: Wiss. Verl. Peks
21768 Krankenpflege Soins Infirmiers 0253-0465 Schweizer Berufsverband der Krankenschwestern
17363 Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie Monatshefte 0028-3649 Schweizerbart