Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
20434 Transactions of the First Conference of the European Nuclear Society
112094 Transactions of the IAU
146332 Transactions of the IMF 1745-9192
114846 Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 0972-2815
177551 Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 0019-493X
79667 Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals
167050 Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 0975-1645
571826 Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering 2662-5415
150451 Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers 0046-9858
91230 Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section a-Mining Industry
141838 Transactions of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan 0021-1583
95631 Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B
82993 Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part A
118203 Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society
167351 Transactions of the Magnetics Society of Japan 1346-7948
23673 Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan
21176 Transactions of the Medical Society of London 0076-6011
62411 Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society
8969 Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute 0080-4312
8972 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 0080-4568
25009 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh : Earth Sciences
142634 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Earth Sciences
25014 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences
41859 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa
46364 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia
181126 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 0372-1426
164286 Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 0453-4654
91272 Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Safety Engineering Series
134446 Transactions of the VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Safety Engineering Series 1805-3238
8973 Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 0084-0505
157488 Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 0084-5620
105013 Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science
143245 Transactions on Circuits and Systems I
143208 Transactions on Circuits ans Systems I
52771 Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies
97134 Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XVI
87816 Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, Springer
867124 Transactions on Computational Science: Special Issue on Voronoi Diagrams and Their Applications
104290 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology
73036 Transactions on Computational Systems Biology VIII
78695 Transactions on Edutainment - Special Issue on Interactive Digital Storytelling
143009 Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
51155 Transactions on Electronics and Communications
142995 Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
117502 Transactions on Engineering & Applied Sciences
730626 Transactions on Engineering and Computing Sciences 2054-7390
77921 Transactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers III
119976 Transactions on Information Systems
49826 Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
115298 Transactions on Mathematical Programming and Applications
909648 Transactions on Networks and Communications 2054-7420
74082 Transactions on Service Computing
100084 Transactions on Signals, Systems and Devices
64960 Transactions on Systems, Signal and Devices
64450 Transactions on Systems, Signals & Devices
126743 Transactions on Systems, Signals & Devices, Issues on Systems, Analysis & Automatic Control
46467 Transactions on Systems, Signals & Devices, Shaker Publisher
69872 Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices
65427 Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices - Shaker Verlag Gmbh
46473 Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices, Issue on "Systems, Analysis & Automatic Control", Shaker-Verlag Publisher
707410 Transactions on Transport Sciences 1802-9876
143163 Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics (TVCG)
920910 Transalpina
175762 Transatlantic Academy
340436 Transatlantic cultures : Histoires culturelles de l’espace atlantique XVIIe – XXIe siècles
759842 Transatlantica
171158 Transbordeur
67605 Transbound Emerg Dis
159738 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 1865-1674
426347 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
45870 Transcontinentales
59971 Transcontinentales. Sociétés, idéologies, système mondial
73625 Transcontinentales. Sociétés, idéologies, système mondial
884358 Transcr(é)ation 2816-8895
76111 Transcriptas
140631 Transcription 2154-1272
141540 Transcription
36268 Transcription intégrale du manuscrit de Madame Bovary de Flaubert - Edition en ligne
162758 Transcultural Visions
162757 Transcultural vision
107964 Transdigital Coockbook
139124 Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science
916675 Transeo
240627 Transeuphratène
74330 Transeuphratène (Paris)
95166 Transeuphratène - Recherches pluridisciplinaires sur une province de l'Empire achéménide
59350 Transeuropéennes
26386 Transfer : European Review of labour and research, numéro spécial sur le dialogue social
44868 Transfer,
125284 Transferts critiques et dynamiques des savoirs
27932 Transferts culturels et politiques dans le monde hellénistique
33762 Transferts et rythmes familiaux: famille et solidarités
172846 Transferts. La revue du patrimoine des régions
87933 Transform. Groups
97078 Transformation
34582 Transformation de la famille et habitat
20771 Transformation)
180120 Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 0265-3788
180965 Transformations
114393 Transformations in Business and Economics 1648-4460
169148 Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal
33213 Transforming Political Leadership in Local Government
27404 Transfus Med Rev
147253 Transfusion
171213 Transfusion 1537-2995
245579 Transfusion and Apheresis Science
150470 Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis
621785 Transfusion medicine reviews 1532-9496
178832 Transgender Health 2688-4887
155897 Transgenic Plant Journal 1749-0413
114185 Transgenic Res
159826 Transgenic Research 0962-8819
105048 Transgenic research 1573-9368
165793 Transhumances
384036 Transient Name Server AstroNote 2022-135
811358 Transient Name Server AstroNote 2024-46
130826 Transinformacao
175863 Transit 0938-2062
34648 Transit, Europaïsche Revue (Frankfurt) Neue Kritik
49307 Transition et Société
118831 Transitions 0779-3812
178260 Transitions
41787 Transitions (Bruxelles-Genève)
66050 Transitions Studies Review
32849 Transitions et rapports à l'espace
42024 Transitions et sociétés
47786 Transitions, Revue des pays de l'Est
147196 Transl Lung Cancer Res
158903 Transl Res
150460 Transl. Cancer Res
80849 Translated World Seismology
176880 Translating constrained literature / Traduire la littérature à contrainte
131386 Translation (Austin, Tex.)
88093 Translation Studies
106842 Translation and Interpreting Studies 1876-2700
171623 Translation and Literature 0968-1361
83964 Translation of the american mathematical society
835940 Translation studies : Theory and practice 2738-2826
139835 Translational Animal Science
125070 Translational Cancer Research
47565 Translational Control in Prokaryotes (ouvrage)
100014 Translational Research
630208 Translational Research in Veterinary Science 2657-4489
411185 Translational Sports Medicine 2573-8488
236330 Translational Vision Science and Technology 2164-2591
149936 Translational stroke research 1868-601X
137896 Translocations. Ikonographie: A collection of commented image sources on cultural heritage relocations since antiquity
116143 Translocations: Migration and Social Change
508886 Transmedia Experience and Narrative Transportation
80506 Transmission/Héritage dans l'écriture de soi
104051 Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World
695178 Transmotion
95475 Transnational Corporation Review
20815 Transnational Corporations
130591 Transnational Corporations Review 1918-6444
130624 Transnational Literature
97173 Transnational Literature [revue en ligne]
100477 Transplant Proceeding
80828 Transplant Res
88590 Transplant Rev (Orlando)
159550 Transplant immunology
131661 Transplant. Proc
240398 Transplantation
167901 Transplantation Direct
160020 Transplantation Proceedings 0041-1345
561237 Transplantation Research Journal 2473-1730
137996 Transplantation proceedings
103081 Transplantation reviews (Orlando, Fla.) 1557-9816
143498 Transport Findings
105157 Transport ICE
55638 Transport Properties, Journal of Materials Science
176567 Transport Research Part D: Transport and Environment
20816 Transport Review
116404 Transport Reviews
33550 Transport amphoræ and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean : acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002
91085 Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific
545898 Transport and Mixing in Geophysical Flows, Lecture Notes in Physics
455541 Transport and Telecommunication Journal 1407-6179
173706 Transport in Porous Media 1573-1634
35264 Transport survey quality and innovation. - (Selected Proceedings)
330445 Transportation
734804 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology 2196-7202
150650 Transportation Letters
180281 Transportation Letters: The international journal of transportation research 1942-7867
115987 Transportation Planning and Technology
126340 Transportation Research : Part A, Policy and Practice
123412 Transportation Research : Part D, Transport and Environment
150522 Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
900225 Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
133942 Transportation Research Part A - Policy and Practice
176342 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
136155 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
176356 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
150546 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
693477 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 1879-2367
170888 Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
176602 Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
170311 Transportation Research Procedia
126981 Transportation Research Procedia Working Group on Transportation, EWGT
163193 Transportation Research Record