Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
9345 Women's Studies 0049-7878 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9347 Women's Studies International Forum 0277-5395 Elsevier
454871 Women's Studies Quarterly (WSQ) 1934-1520 The Feminist Press
9346 Women's Studies in Communication 0749-1409 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9349 Women's Writing 0969-9082 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
19910 Women's studies international quarterly 0148-0685 Elsevier
9348 Women's studies quarterly 0732-1562 Feminist Press
345532 Women, Gender, and Families of Color 2326-0939
9331 Women: A Cultural Review 0957-4042 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
61283 Womens Health (Lond Engl)
2525 Womens Health and Urban Life 1499-0369 Pristine Publications
9341 Womens Rights Law Reporter 0085-8269 Women's Rights Law Reporter
9343 Womens Sports and Fitness 8750-653X Women's Sports & Fitness Inc
9350 Wood & Wood Products 0043-7662 Vance Publishing Corp
670717 Wood Material Science & Engineering 1748-0280
40885 Wood Material Science and Engineering 1748-0272 Taylor & Francis
104710 Wood Research 1336-4561 Statny Drevarsky Vyskumny Ustav
146940 Wood Research
99586 Wood Sci. Technol
19911 Wood Science and Technology 0043-7719 Springer Verlag
134372 Wood Science and Technology
146318 Wood Science and Technology Journal of the International Academy of Wood Science 0043-7719 Springer Berlin Heidelberg
9351 Wood Technology 1067-1064 Wood Technology
156154 Wood and Fiber Science 0735-6161
93212 Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials
32006 Wool : Products ans Markets 13th - 20th century
117443 Woolf Studies Annual 1080-9317 Pace University Press
9352 Worcester Art Museum Journal 0193-9564 Worcester Art Museum
843175 Worchester Papers in English and Cultural Studies
766914 Word & Image
33536 Word Classes and Related Topics in Ancient Greek : Proceedings of the Conférence on "Greek Syntax and Word Classes" held in Madrid on 18-21, June 2003
77390 Word Structure 1750-1245 [Edinburgh]: Edinburgh University Press
149015 Word Structure
113913 Word Structures
9353 Word and Image 0266-6286 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
125035 Word and Text
166815 Word and Text, A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics
119370 Words and silences
31691 Words, texts and concepts crusing the Mediterranean area. Studies on the sources, contents and influences of Islamic civilization and Arabic philosophy and science. Dedicated to Gerhard Endress on his sixty-fifth birthday
30992 Words, texts and concepts crusing the Mediterranean area. Studies on the sources, contents and influences of Islamic civilization and Arabic philosphy and science. Dedicated to Gerhard Endress on his sixty-fifth birthday
101927 Work
168177 Work 1875-9270
45143 Work & Society/Savoir, Travail et Société
76877 Work : a journal of prevention, assessment and rehabilitation
40886 Work Based Learning in Primary Care 1740-3715 Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd
100522 Work Employment & Society
159435 Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation 1745-641X Pluto Journals
76924 Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation
19915 Work Study 0043-8022 Emerald
9354 Work and Occupations 0730-8884 SAGE Publications
708514 Work and Occupations 1552-8464
19913 Work and Stress 0267-8373 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
151823 Work in Progress
19914 Work, Employment and Society 0950-0170 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
146954 Work, Employment and Society
878976 Work, Employment and Society
388429 Work, Employment, Society
510216 Work-in-progress, Conférence AIM
79334 Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation
84542 Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, & Rehabilitation
90846 Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation
74868 Work: Journal of prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation
9355 Workbench 0043-8057 August Home Publishers
152803 Workers of the World. International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflicts International Association Strikes and Social Conflicts
9356 Workforce -Costa Mesa 1092-8332 Crain Communications, Inc
9357 Workforce Management 1547-5565 Crain Communications
40887 Workforce Performance Solutions MediaTec Publishing, Inc
9358 Working Mother 0278-193X Working Mother
578777 Working Paper
427338 Working Paper BETA
133634 Working Paper BETA-umr7522
147282 Working Paper ETUI 1994-4454
37412 Working Paper Series
559553 Working Paper Series swisspeace
120888 Working Paper Series, Open Anthropology Cooperative Press
99068 Working Paper, Université Marc Bloch
821229 Working Paper. Percorsi di ricerca LabiSAlp 1664-3399
136763 Working Papers em Linguística 1415-1464 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística
91088 Working Papers in Functional Discourse Grammar (WP-FDG-82): The London Papers I, 2009
92048 Working Papers in Functional Discourse Grammar: The London Papers I
2527 Working Papers in Functional Grammar 0924-1205 Functional Grammar Foundation
105719 Working Papers in Local Governance and Democracy 1302-4337 World Academy for Local Government and Democracy
427321 Working Papers of BETA
36338 Working Together to Respond to Climate Change : Seminar Organised by the UNFCCC Annex I Expert Group
9360 Working Woman -New York 0145-5761 Working Woman
64686 Working notes for ImageCLEF 2010 (Notebook Papers/LABs/Workshops)
130757 Working paper CEB Université libre de Bruxelles
42173 Working paper CREPA-DRM
69095 Working paper IMRI
543636 Working paper LEM 2284-0400 Laboratory of economics and Management
165543 Working paper Moïsa (Marchés, organisations Institutions, Stratégies d'acteurs) n°2/2009
175593 Working paper Series
181333 Working paper de l'IDHEAP Université de Lausanne
181922 Working paper of the European University Institute
109000 Working paper, University Do Porto
155410 Working papers 1594-817X Centro Studi di Diritto del Lavoro Europeo “Massimo D’Antona”
345333 Working papers - Centre de recherches en économie et droit Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, Centre de recherches en économie et droit
89533 Working papers du Programme 'Cities are back in town
2526 Working papers in Art & Design 1456-4917 University of Hertfordshire
113941 Working papers on economics, ecology and the environment
65535 Working papers on operations management
9359 WorkingUSA 1089-7011 Wiley
164542 Workingpaper Regards Université de Reims
95039 Workings Papers of the International Center for Economic Research
136489 Workplace Health & Safety 2165-0799 SAGE
170961 Workplace International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering
40888 Workplace Law Report 1546-0266 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
40889 Workplace Today IPM Management Training and Development Corporation
562061 Works of the Moscow Forestry Engineering Institute
532428 Works of the Moscow Forestry Engineering Institute Moscow: MLTI
33234 Workshop "Tic et dynamiques spatiales
29365 Workshop 5 " "New migrations and Transnational Practies in the Middle East, directed by Kamel Dorai (Migrinter/CNRS) and Sari Hanafi (American University of Beyrouth), Sixth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Montecatini Terme, 16-20 March 2005, Italy
31910 Workshop Centre Alexandre Koyré " modèles et systèmes complexes, le changement climatique global " LaLonde Les Maures -14-20septembre 2003
31911 Workshop Centre Alexandre Koyré « modèles et systèmes complexes, le changement climatique global »LaLonde Les Maures -14-20septembre 2003
44625 Workshop ECI
176128 Workshop ESSDERC 2021
47904 Workshop Ethique et Finance
32097 Workshop Governance, Regulations, Powers on the Internet
35849 Workshop Identity and Capabilities, Cambridge (UK), Juin 2005
35850 Workshop Rationality and Change, Cambridge, septembre 2006
94903 Workshop interdisciplinaire sur la sécurité globale
93566 Workshop of the Thematic Network on Silicon on Insulator technology, devices and circuits
35234 Workshop on Advances in Organizational Bahavior and Human Resources Management Research, Toulouse
150380 Workshop on Conceptual Graphs
33974 Workshop on Craft and World Commerce ; Université de Warwick
511172 Workshop on Cultural Economics and Management, IFACCA
35831 Workshop on Identity and Capabilities, Cambridge, 21-23 Juin 2005
84074 Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia (SLAM)
30572 Workshop on Syntactically Annotated Corpora. Corpus Linguistics 2005 Conference
36636 Workshop on Universals
36624 Workshop on economic geography and fiscal federalism
510279 Workshop « Décisions et Marchés » du CREREG
44115 Workshop « Systèmes d'information et e-administration », du Groupe des Ecoles de Télécommunications Télécom Paris 24 mars 2005
167517 World 2673-4060 MDPI
79546 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology WASET
104990 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
530763 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) : International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering
175619 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Social, Human Science and Engineering
160608 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Social, Education, Economy, Business and Industrial Engineering,
55711 World Affairs (New Delhi)
9361 World Affairs -Washington 0043-8200 Heldref Publications
80801 World Allergy Organization Journal Elsevier
157251 World Animal Review 0049-8025
53559 World Applied Sciences Journal
40890 World Arbitration & Mediation Review 1934-3310 Juris Publishing Inc
26840 World Arbitration and Mediation Report
33314 World Archaeological Congres
9362 World Archaeology 0043-8243 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
58326 World Archeology
9363 World Architecture -London- Grosvenor Press International Limited 0956-9758 Tower Publishing
829105 World Art Studies 2543-4624 Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata
77971 World Bank
40891 World Bank Annual Report 0252-2942 World Bank Publications
19583 World Bank Economic Review 0258-6770 Oxford University Press (OUP)
71447 World Bank Policy Research
37304 World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
91564 World Bank Policy Research Working Papers
9364 World Bank Research Observer 0257-3032 Oxford University Press (OUP)
9365 World Bank Research Observer 1564-6971 Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy J - Oxford Open Option E
31407 World Bank Working paper Series, Washington
41406 World Banking Abstracts 0265-9484 Wiley
155107 World Biomedical Frontiers 2328-0166
9366 World Broadcast Engineering 1529-5052 Primedia
9367 World Broadcast News 1050-012X Intertec
813228 World Cancer Research journal 2372-3416
99226 World Cement
19916 World Class Design to Manufacture 1352-3074 Emerald
40892 World Communications Regulation Report BNA International Inc
9368 World Competition 1011-4548 Kluwer Law International
40893 World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate Government Healthcare and Higher Education Proceedings Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
40894 World Conference on Educational Multimedia Hypermedia and Telecommunications Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
27786 World Congress on Ultrasonics Paris
29090 World Congress on Ultrasonics,
29093 World Congress on Ultrasonics, 28 aout - 1 septembre 2005, Pékin
166816 World Council of Anthropological Associations
9369 World Crops 0043-8391 World Crops Publications, Ltd
157165 World Crops. Production, Utilization, Description 0167-1782
66959 World Customs Journal
9370 World Development 0305-750X Elsevier
142490 World Development
162601 World Development Perspectives 2452-2929
556529 World Development Sustainability 2772-655X
31361 World Economic Forum
168038 World Economic Forum World Economic Forum
40895 World Economic Outlook 0256-6877 International Monetry Fund
108257 World Economic Review World Economics Association
20824 World Economics
121478 World Economy
146118 World Electric Vehicle Journal MDPI
163293 World Electric Vehicle Journal
40896 World Energy Magazine World Energy Energy Houston
175791 World Energy Magazine 2533-3127
64339 World Energy System
19917 World Englishes 0883-2919 Wiley
9372 World Futures 0260-4027 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
156147 World Grain 0745-8991
9373 World Health 0043-8502 World Health Organization
40897 World Health and Population 1718-3340 Longwoods Publishing
129531 World Heritage 1020-4202 UNESCO
133711 World History Studies ?