Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
4323 Daedalus 0011-5266 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
133537 Dagstuhl Artifacts Series 2509-8195 Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik
126722 Dagstuhl Manifestos 2193-2433 Schloss Dagstuhl - LZI GmbH
70062 Dagstuhl Reports 2192-5283 Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik
127639 Daguesh Science Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle de l’Ambassade de France en Israël
38740 Daily Labor Report The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
38741 Daily Tax Report 1522-8800 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
123557 Daimon, Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1130-0507 Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Murcia
167399 Dairy 2624-5647 MDPI
38742 Dairy Foods 0888-0050 Delta Communications Inc
102067 Dairy Science & Technology 1958-5586 EDP sciences/Springer
22359 Dakar médical 0049-1101
76609 Dalhousie French studies = Revue d'études littéraires du Canada atlantique 0711-8813 Dalhousie University. Department of French
4324 Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies 1188-4258 Dalhousie University
4325 Dalhousie law journal 0317-1663 Dalhousie University
243586 Dalloz Actu Étudiant Dalloz [sept. 2009-....]
109977 Dalloz Actualité 2271-1716 Dalloz
113158 Dalloz IP/IT : droit de la propriété intellectuelle et du numérique 2493-2957 Éditions Dalloz [2016-....]
159469 DaloGéo 2707-5028 Département de Géographie - Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé
12466 Dalton Transactions 1477-9226 Royal Society of Chemistry
4327 Dance Chronicle 0147-2526 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
4328 Dance Magazine 0011-6009 Dance Magazine, Inc
4329 Dance Perspectives 0011-6033
12467 Dance Research 0264-2875 Edinburgh University Press
4330 Dance Research Journal 0149-7677 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
4331 Dance Scope 0011-6041
121515 Dancehouse diary 2203-417X Dance House Inc
619 Danish Medical Bulletin 1603-9629 Danish Medical Association and Danish Medical Society
38743 Danno e ResponsabilitË 1125-8918 IPSOA Editore SRL
136502 Dante e l'Arte 2385-7269 Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
115447 Danubius Noster Eotvos Jozsef University
149223 Danza e ricerca. Laboratorio di studi, scritture, visioni 2036-1599 Dipartimento delle Arti, Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna
38744 Daphnis - Zeitschrift für Mittlere Deutsche Literatur und Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit 0300-693X Rodopi
161356 Dard/Dard 2680-9605 Éditions de l'Attribut
337468 Dares Analyses et Dares indicateurs 2109-4128 Ministère du travail
140386 Darkmatter. An International Peer-reviewed Journal Darkmatter Journal
166622 Darkness Fanzine 2116-4908 Sin'Art
137295 Darkness, censure et cinéma 2557-423X La Madeleine: Éditions LettMotif,
156138 Darwiniana 0011-6793
88424 Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert 0722-740X Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts / Wallstein
109621 Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert : Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts 1015-406X Österreichische Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts
57396 Das Argument 0004-1157 Berlin Institute for Critical Theory
6699 Das Kunstwerk 0023-561X Verlag W. Kohlhammer GmbH
40326 Das Quartalsheft 1423-3789 Schweizerische Nationalbank
40487 Das SicherheitsForum MediaSec AG
142206 Data 2306-5729 MDPI
171628 Data & Policy University of Cambridge Press
4332 Data Communications -New York 0363-6399 McGraw-Hill
784181 Data Intelligence MIT Press
4333 Data Management 0148-5431 Data Management, Circulation Department
12470 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1384-5810 Springer
4334 Data Processing 0011-684X Elsevier
119887 Data Science and Engineering 2364-1185 Springer
125393 Data Technologies and Applications 2514-9288
12469 Data and Knowledge Engineering 0169-023X Elsevier
22358 Data bulletin (Center for Studying Health System Change)
102206 Data in Brief 2352-3409 Elsevier
54879 Data of glaciological studies
165090 Data-Centric Engineering Cambridge University Press
91362 Database - The journal of Biological Databases and Curation 1758-0463 Oxford University Press
4335 Database -Weston 0162-4105 Online Inc
4336 Database Searcher 0891-6713 Meckler Corp
20653 Database for Advances in Information Systems
4337 Datamation 0011-6963 Cahners Publishing Co
106542 Datenbank-Spektrum 1618-2162 Springer
12471 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 0724-4371 Springer Verlag (Germany)
12472 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1614-0702 Springer Verlag
4338 Day Care and Early Education 0092-4199 Springer-Verlag
4339 Db 0011-7145 Sagamore Pub. Co. Inc
127944 De Beeldenaar 0165-8654 Stichting De Beeldenaar
161997 De Europa - European and Global Studies Journal 2611-853X Università degli Studi di Torino
150625 De Facto - Institut Convergences Migrations 2534-532X Institut convergences Migrations
521909 De Jure 1314-2593 Veliko Tʺrnovo : Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodij
156631 De Letzeburger Bauer 0455-8154
157053 De Medio Aevo 2255-5889 Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Departamento de Historia del Arte
4368 De Paul Law Review 0011-7188 Depaul University
108081 De Signis 1726-0426 Brussels : World Catholic Association for Communication
160485 De ligne en ligne : le magazine de la Bibliothèque Publique d'Information 2106-3664 Bibliothèque Publique d'Information
101066 De ville en ville, revue de l'association française des directeurs de jardins et espaces verts publics
154715 De(s)générations 1778-0845 LG productions (La Valla-en-Gier, Loire)
4366 DePaul Business Law Journal 1049-6122 DePaul University College of Law
4367 DePaul journal of health care law 1551-8426 DePaul University College of Law
4369 DePaul-LCA Journal of Art and Entertainment Law 1061-0553 DePaul University College of Law
12474 Dead Sea Discoveries 0929-0761 Brill Academic Publishers
12475 Deafness and Education International 1464-3154 Maney Publishing
4341 Deakin Law Review 1321-3660 Deakin University School of Law
4342 Dealerscope 1534-4711 North American Publishing Co
4343 Dealerscope Consumer Electronics Marketplace 1087-1055 North American Publishing Co
4344 Dealerscope Merchandising 0888-4501 North American Publishing Co
4345 Death Studies 0748-1187 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
59496 Debate Agrario
122958 Debater a Europa 1647-6336 Aveiro: Centro de Informação Europe Direct de Aveiro; Lisboa: C.I.E.J.D
38745 Debates Latinoamericanos Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios Avanzados (CLEA)
142085 Debates do NER 1519-843X Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
151515 Debates por la Historia 2594-2956 Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras Department
116660 Debates y Combates Fondo de Cultura Económica
170491 Debats (Valencia. Internet) 2530-3074 Institució Alfons el Magnànim-Centre Valencià d'Estudis i de Recerca
12476 Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 0965-156X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
4346 Decalogue Journal 0011-7250 Decalogue Society of Lawyers
20131 Dechema-Monographien 0070-315X Verlag Chemie
12477 Decision Analysis 1545-8490 INFORMS
4347 Decision Sciences 0011-7315 Wiley
12478 Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 1540-4595 Wiley
4348 Decision Support Systems 0167-9236 Elsevier
16541 Decisions in Economics and Finance 1593-8883 Springer Verlag
12480 Deep Sea Research 0146-6291 Elsevier
12481 Deep Sea Research (1953) 0146-6313 Elsevier
12484 Deep Sea Research Part B Oceanographic Literature Review 0198-0254 Elsevier
12485 Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 0967-0637 Elsevier
12486 Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 0967-0645 Elsevier
12482 Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts 0011-7471 Elsevier
12483 Deep-sea research. Part A, Oceanographic research papers 0198-0149 Elsevier
42631 Defect and Diffusion Forum 1012-0386 Trans Tech Publications
155623 Defect and Diffusion Forum (Online) 1662-9507
18753 Defektoskopiya / Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing 1061-8309 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
12488 Defence Studies 1470-2436 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
12487 Defence and Peace Economics 1024-2694 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
12489 Defense Analysis 0743-0175 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
4349 Defense Counsel Journal 0895-0016 The International Association of Defense Counsel
38747 Defense Monitor 0195-6450 Center for Defense Information
38746 Defense and Security Analysis 1475-1798 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
4350 Defense law journal 0011-7587 A. Smith Co
170725 Defrénois, la revue du notariat 1963-1774 Lextenso
89681 Degrés : revue de synthèse à orientation sémiologique Helbo
178044 Del Prudente Saber Y El Máximo Posible De Sabor 1515-3576 Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación - Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
623 Dela 0354-0596 University of Ljubljana
4351 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 0364-9490 Widener University School of Law
4352 Delaware Law Review 1097-1874 Delaware State Bar Association
22357 Delaware Medical Journal 0011-7781 Delaware Medical Journal
624 Delaware Review of Latin American Studies 1536-1837 University of Delaware
38748 Delaware Valley Consumers Checkbook 1542-3506 Center for Study of Services
4353 Delicious Living 1536-5980 New Hope Natural Media
123007 Delito y sociedad 0328-0101 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)/SciELO
167789 Della/Afrique 2790-0576 REVUES D'ACAREF
38749 Delphi Informant 1080-0662 Informant Communications Group Inc
4354 Delta Farm Press 0011-8036 Prism Business Media
4355 Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin 0011-8044 The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
4356 Delta Pi Epsilon Journal 0011-8052 Delta Pi Epsilon, Inc
12491 Dementia 1471-3012 SAGE Publications
12492 Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 1420-8008 Karger
102800 Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 1664-5464 Karger
12493 Democracy and Nature 1085-5661 Taylor & Francis
38750 Democracy and Security 1741-9166 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
12494 Democratization 1351-0347 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
855088 Democrazia E diritto 0416-9565 Associazione CRS (Centro Studi e Iniziative per la Riforma dello Stato)
627 Demographic Research 1435-9871 Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
4357 Demography 0070-3370 Springer Verlag
4358 Demokratizatsiya -Washington 1074-6846 Heldref Publications
85909 Demonstratio Mathematica 0420-1213 De Gruyter
156854 Demófilo 1133-8032
628 Dendrobiology 1641-1307 Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Dendrologii
12495 Dendrochronologia 1125-7865 Elsevier
156763 Dendrome 1559-0569
38751 Denkbeeld Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum BV
1028 Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi. A, Kiso Zairyo Kyotsu Bumonshi / IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials 0385-4205 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
14083 Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi. C, Denshi Joho Shisutemu Bumonshi / IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 0385-4221 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
14084 Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi. D, Sangyo Oyo Bumonshi / IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications 0913-6339 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
1029 Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi. E, Sensa, Maikuromashin Bumonshi / IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines 1341-8939 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
12496 Denki Kako Gakkaishi / Journal of the Japan Society of Electrical Machining Engineers 0387-754X Japan Society of Electrical Machining Engineers
4359 Denning Law Journal 0269-1922 University of Buckingham Press Ltd
12497 Dental Abstracts 0011-8486 Elsevier
12498 Dental Clinics of North America 0011-8532 WB Saunders
12499 Dental Materials 0109-5641 Elsevier
22353 Dental Materials Journal 0287-4547 Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices
12500 Dental Traumatology 1600-4469 Wiley
22351 Dental Update -London 0305-5000 George Warman Publications (Uk)ltd
22356 Dental assistant (Chicago, Ill. : 1994) 1088-3886
22355 Dental historian : Lindsay Club newsletter 0958-6687
22354 Dental implantology update 1062-0346
153458 Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Research Open access text
167400 Dentistry Journal 2304-6767 MDPI
22352 Dentistry Today 8750-2186 Dentistry Today Inc
12501 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 0250-832X British Institute of Radiology
629 Denver Journal - An Online Review of Current Biblical and Theological Studies d000-0900 Denver Seminary
4360 Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 0196-2035 University of Denver
4361 Denver Law Center Journal 0734-0737 Denver Bar Association
4362 Denver University Law Review 0011-8834 The University of Denver College of Law
4363 Denver University law review 0883-9409 University of Denver College of Law
38403 Department of State publication. Background notes series 1049-5517 Superintendent of Documents
4365 Depaul Business and Commercial Law Journal 1542-2763 DePaul University College of Law
86568 Dependence Modeling 2300-2298 De Gruyter
138318 Depositional Record 2055-4877 Wiley
12502 Depression 1062-6417 Wiley
84572 Depression Research and Treatment 2090-1321 Hindawi
12503 Depression and Anxiety 1091-4269 Wiley
192 Der Archivar : Mitteilungsblatt für Deutsches Archivwesen 0003-9500 Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen
171708 Der Betrieb 0005-9935 Fachmedien Otto Schmidt KG
3419 Der Bibliothekar 0006-1964 VEB Bibliographisches Institut
102600 Der Chemica Sinica 0976-8505
115713 Der Deutschunterricht 0340-2258 Erhard Friedrich Verlag
39074 Der Frauenarzt 0016-0237 Publimed Medizin & Medien Gmbh
91389 Der Gartenbau
124095 Der Islam - Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 1613-0928 De Gruyter
156162 Der Praktische Tierarzt 0032-681X
154995 Der Standard 1560-6155
157264 Der Tierzuchter 0040-7364
91823 Der pharma chemica 0975-413X Der Pharma Chemica
128358 Derecho Animal Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
106136 Derecho de familia. Revista Interdisciplinaria de Doctrina y Jurisprudencia 1851-1201 Abeledo Perrot
169353 Derecho y economia de la integracion Jury-Dileyc