Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
177154 Welt-Sichten 1865-7966
128750 WeltTrends 0944-8101 Berliner Debatte, Wiss.-Verl
160708 Weltliteratur i literatura comparada, perspectiva des d’Europa
176451 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv = Review of World Economics 0043-2636
36877 Wem gehört die Familie der Zukunft. Expertisen zum 7. Familienbericht
801559 Wenhua Yichan Yanjiu 2096-689X Sichuan University Press
519911 Wenjin xuezhi文津學志 国家图书馆出版社 National Library Publishing House
149075 Wenwu chunqiu (Stories of Relics) 1003-6555 Shijiazhuang Shi : Wen wu chun qiu za zhi she
124038 Wenwu 文物
77621 Wenxian 文獻 [The Documentation]
42158 Wenxue yichan [Literary heritage]
113113 Wenyi zhengming 文艺争鸣 (Débats littéraires et artistiques),
170391 Wenyibao (Arts et littératures)
559951 Werk, Bauen+Wohnen 0257-9332 Verlag Bauen und Wohnen
55483 Werkstatt-Praxis
70053 Werkstattgeschichte
167708 West & East. Rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici 2499-7331 EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
133065 West 86th : A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture Chicago University Press
145370 West 86th : A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture 2153-5531 University of Chicago Press
926700 West African Civil Society Institute OSIWA
159533 West African Journal of Applied Ecology
155579 West African Journal of Archaeology
110552 West African Journal of Modern Languages / Revue ouest-africaine des langues vivantes (ISSN 0331-0531)
560835 West European Politics
72143 WestEnd
84204 WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung
216332 Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 1936-900X
156070 Western Mail
96118 Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal
54914 Westways
41326 Wetenschappelijke tijdingen
80457 Wetland Ecology and Management
35224 Wetland Economies and Societies: Proceedings of the International Conference in Zurich, 10-13 march 2004 / Philippe Della Casa & Martin Trachsel Eds. (Collectio Archæologica ; 3)
143657 Wetlands International Cormorant Research Group Bulletin
151105 When a Neighbour Is a Stranger Laznia CCA, Gdansk
95499 White paper
34865 Who lent to Russia ?
137493 Why Note Gazette
92449 Wi: Journal of Mobile Culture
128294 Wi: Journal of Mobile Media 1918-2104 Mobile Media Lab
160596 Wi: Journal of Mobile Media 1918-2104
160598 Wi: Journal of Mobile Media
105975 Wi:Journal of Mobile Media 1918-2104 Owen Chapman
281128 WiBiLex
78760 WiMob '12 : The 8th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
80895 WiMob 2012: IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
331942 WiN: The EAAS Women's Network Journal
331952 WiN: The EAAS Women’s Network Journal
84097 WiSec '13 : 6th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks
521524 WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 0340-1650
770516 Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
668081 Wiadomości Ubezpieczeniowe 0137-7264
103761 Wiek Oswiecenia
164864 Wiek OŚwiecenia
66277 Wiener Blätter zur Friedensforschung
34166 Wiener Forschungen zur Archäologie
33173 Wiener Linguistische Gazette Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Wien
47664 Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde
34077 Wiener Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Neuzeit Studien Verlag
123498 Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Maorgenlandes (WZKM) 0084-0076 IM SELBSTVERLAG DES INSTITUTS FÜR ORIENTALISTIK
163427 Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 0084-0076 Institut für Orientalistik, Universiät Wien
325372 Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 0084-0076 Institut für Orientalistik, Universität Wien
258695 Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenländisches Gesellschaft
54468 Wiener ethnomedizinische Reihe
155419 Wiener slawistischer Almanach
77377 Wiki Territorrial du CNFPT
169158 WikiJournal of Humanities
354878 WikiJournal of Science 2470-6345
90634 Wikiterritorial - INSET/CNFPT
154243 Wildbach und Lawinenverbau
126687 Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 1080-6032
894431 Wildfolw journal 0954-6324 Wildfolw Press
122663 Wildfowl 0954-6324 Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
58637 Wildfowl
420184 Wildfowl Journal 2052-6458 Wildfowl Press
143979 Wildlife Biology
174151 Wildlife Research
148063 Wildlife Society Bulletin
93673 Wildproject : revue d'écologie culturelle
108819 Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
143937 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA
177760 Willamette University Faculty Research Website Willamette University
104705 Willemetia
47364 William Davidson Institute Working Paper
346782 William Morris Davis – Revista de geomorfologia 2675-6900 Universitade Est adula Vale Do Acarau Brazil
41374 Wilmot magazine
28090 Wilmott Magazine
180084 Wind 2674-032X MDPI
149775 Wind Engineering
884036 Wine & Viticulture Journal 1838-6547 Provincial Press Group
565054 Wine Business Monthly
101464 WineLand
156096 Wines and Vines
105209 Winter Braids Lecture Notes CEDRAM
69989 Winter Simulation Conference
608284 Wire forming technology international
104899 Wireless Networks
28583 Wireless Networks Journal (WINET), Kluwer Academic Publishers
125182 Wireless Networks journal 1022-0038 springer
105421 Wireless Personal Communications
71425 Wireless Personal Communications Journal-Springer Publisher
895448 Wirsa 2992-9946 Urdu Markaz New York
58895 Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter
179529 Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 0043-6291
116987 Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (WiSt)
112773 Wissenschaft und Frieden
83553 Without Bounds: A Scientific Canvas of Nonlinearity and Complex Dynamics
35815 Wittgenstein et les mathématiques
35901 Wittgenstein et mathématiques
95694 Wittgenstein in France, Paragraph
35902 Wittgenstein, Recherches Philosophiques
157692 WoPaLP
70378 Wochenbericht
172885 Wodan. Greifswalder Beiträge zum Mittelalter
249476 Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten 0340-6318 Harrassowitz
149894 Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte 0341-2253 Harrassowitz
33045 Wolff, H. E. et Gensler, O. (éds.), Proceedings 2nd World Congress of African Linguistics, Leipzig 1997
446661 Wolkenkuckucksheim | Cloud-Cuckoo-Land | Воздушный замок, International Journal of Architectural Theory 1434-0984
170229 Woman Up!2
172637 Women Patrons of Renaissance Art, Renaissance Studies
51200 Women in French Studies
174723 Women language literature in Italy 2612-1328 Fabrizio Serra
145591 Women's History Review
483873 Women's Link 2229-6409
454871 Women's Studies Quarterly (WSQ) 1934-1520 The Feminist Press
345532 Women, Gender, and Families of Color 2326-0939
61283 Womens Health (Lond Engl)
670717 Wood Material Science & Engineering 1748-0280
146940 Wood Research
99586 Wood Sci. Technol
134372 Wood Science and Technology
146318 Wood Science and Technology Journal of the International Academy of Wood Science 0043-7719 Springer Berlin Heidelberg
93212 Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials
32006 Wool : Products ans Markets 13th - 20th century
843175 Worchester Papers in English and Cultural Studies
766914 Word & Image
33536 Word Classes and Related Topics in Ancient Greek : Proceedings of the Conférence on "Greek Syntax and Word Classes" held in Madrid on 18-21, June 2003
149015 Word Structure
113913 Word Structures
125035 Word and Text
166815 Word and Text, A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics
119370 Words and silences
31691 Words, texts and concepts crusing the Mediterranean area. Studies on the sources, contents and influences of Islamic civilization and Arabic philosophy and science. Dedicated to Gerhard Endress on his sixty-fifth birthday
30992 Words, texts and concepts crusing the Mediterranean area. Studies on the sources, contents and influences of Islamic civilization and Arabic philosphy and science. Dedicated to Gerhard Endress on his sixty-fifth birthday
101927 Work
168177 Work 1875-9270
45143 Work & Society/Savoir, Travail et Société
76877 Work : a journal of prevention, assessment and rehabilitation
100522 Work Employment & Society
76924 Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation
708514 Work and Occupations 1552-8464
151823 Work in Progress
146954 Work, Employment and Society
878976 Work, Employment and Society
388429 Work, Employment, Society
510216 Work-in-progress, Conférence AIM
79334 Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation
84542 Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, & Rehabilitation
90846 Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation
74868 Work: Journal of prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation
152803 Workers of the World. International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflicts International Association Strikes and Social Conflicts
578777 Working Paper
427338 Working Paper BETA
133634 Working Paper BETA-umr7522
147282 Working Paper ETUI 1994-4454
37412 Working Paper Series
559553 Working Paper Series swisspeace
120888 Working Paper Series, Open Anthropology Cooperative Press
99068 Working Paper, Université Marc Bloch
821229 Working Paper. Percorsi di ricerca LabiSAlp 1664-3399
91088 Working Papers in Functional Discourse Grammar (WP-FDG-82): The London Papers I, 2009
92048 Working Papers in Functional Discourse Grammar: The London Papers I
105719 Working Papers in Local Governance and Democracy 1302-4337 World Academy for Local Government and Democracy
427321 Working Papers of BETA
36338 Working Together to Respond to Climate Change : Seminar Organised by the UNFCCC Annex I Expert Group
64686 Working notes for ImageCLEF 2010 (Notebook Papers/LABs/Workshops)
130757 Working paper CEB Université libre de Bruxelles
42173 Working paper CREPA-DRM
69095 Working paper IMRI
543636 Working paper LEM 2284-0400 Laboratory of economics and Management
165543 Working paper Moïsa (Marchés, organisations Institutions, Stratégies d'acteurs) n°2/2009
175593 Working paper Series
181333 Working paper de l'IDHEAP Université de Lausanne
181922 Working paper of the European University Institute
109000 Working paper, University Do Porto
155410 Working papers 1594-817X Centro Studi di Diritto del Lavoro Europeo “Massimo D’Antona”
89533 Working papers du Programme 'Cities are back in town
113941 Working papers on economics, ecology and the environment
65535 Working papers on operations management
164542 Workingpaper Regards Université de Reims
95039 Workings Papers of the International Center for Economic Research
170961 Workplace International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering
532428 Works of the Moscow Forestry Engineering Institute Moscow: MLTI
562061 Works of the Moscow Forestry Engineering Institute
33234 Workshop "Tic et dynamiques spatiales
29365 Workshop 5 " "New migrations and Transnational Practies in the Middle East, directed by Kamel Dorai (Migrinter/CNRS) and Sari Hanafi (American University of Beyrouth), Sixth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Montecatini Terme, 16-20 March 2005, Italy
31910 Workshop Centre Alexandre Koyré " modèles et systèmes complexes, le changement climatique global " LaLonde Les Maures -14-20septembre 2003
31911 Workshop Centre Alexandre Koyré « modèles et systèmes complexes, le changement climatique global »LaLonde Les Maures -14-20septembre 2003
44625 Workshop ECI
176128 Workshop ESSDERC 2021