Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
608585 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 0167-8809
608597 Frontiers in Insect Science 2673-8600
608656 revista investigaciones marinas 1991-6086 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
608683 Journal of Orthopaedic Research 1554-527X
608691 Mag AFSP 2825-6034 Association française de science politique — AFSP
608844 Tropical Cyclone Research and Review
608852 SECRYPT BOOK springer
608992 Les Cahiers d'Agora Laboratoire Agora
609016 Sociologia Italiana 2033-7485
609027 The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics University of Primorska
609050 Cancer radiothérapie 1769-6658
609061 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 1361-6463
609063 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET)
609078 The Medieval Chronicle 1567-2336 Brill
609087 Ressources INRAE
609088 J.M.M.S 2734-9837 Thang Long University, Dui Kim, Hong Mai, Hanoi
609149 EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology
609401 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
609538 Journal of Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences 2792-1360
609560 Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology 2249-0698
609580 AGRIEAST: Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1391-5886
609635 International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences 2277-4998
609639 International Journal of Research Publications
609736 International journal of hydrology science and technology 2042-7808 INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTD
609753 NMD-ATM 2018
609840 Zeitgeschichte
609841 EUROCLIO BULLETIN 1871-3386
609846 Minerva : Quarterly Report
609986 Handicap. Revue de sciences humaines et sociales 1295-2362 CTNERHI
609988 Neurobiology of Aging 1558-1497
609991 Acta Bio-Medica: Atenei Parmensis 2531-6745
609997 Revue d’histoire de la pensée économique 2495-8670
610038 Kafoudal 2663-7596 Département de Géographie – UPGC (Korhogo)
610040 Carrefour Scientifique 2958-8855 Unité de formation et de recherche en sciences sociales - UPGC (Korhogo)
610041 Les Cahiers du LARSOC 2960-2858 Département d'Histoire - Université Alassane Ouattara
610042 Revue d'Analyse des Vulnérabilités Socio-Environnementales (RAVSE) 2960-1606 Laboratoire d'Analyse des Vulnérabilités Socio-Environnementales - Université Alassane Ouattara
610087 Journal of Electrochemical Chemistry Elsevier
610110 Живи наследства / Living Heritage 2683-0256 Регионален център за опазване на нематериалното културно наследство в Югоизточна Европа под егидата на ЮНЕСКО
610116 Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems 2575-1220
610138 European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging
610150 FLOW: Applications of Fluid Mechanics (En ligne) 2633-4259 Cambridge University Press
610190 Engineering and Applied Science Research 2539-6161 ThaiJo system
610216 AVANCA | CINEMA 2184-0520
610337 Bio-Protocol
610358 Quaternaria Nova Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana
610506 EDG
610518 Hospitality & Society 2042-7913
610532 Revue d’histoire de l’enfance « irrégulière » 1962-9419
610533 lo Squaderno 1973-9141
610537 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. Part II, Express Briefs 1558-3791
610547 International Review of Economics, Management and Law Research 2665-7279
610606 Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 2617-6149
610637 Plumas 2967-7734
610670 L’abc del saber Edicions Reclams
610707 Revista Internacional de Lenguas Extranjeras / International Journal of Foreign Languages 2014-8100 Publicacions URV
610710 Europa Ethnica 0014-2492 facultas Verlag, Wien
610735 Autour de Vallès. Retours d'exil
610791 Solid Earth Sciences 2451-912X
610802 Computers and artificial intelligence TRANSLIBRIS, Cologne, Germany (1984-1991)
610810 La série télé à l'heure du XIXe siècle
610896 Boletin de historia y antigüedades 0006-6303 Academia colombiana de Historia
615420 Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 2468-0133
615440 Conservation Physiology 2051-1434
615453 Ocean Science 1812-0792
615460 Z.Naturforsch.A
615501 Propriétés intellectuelles
615520 Intellectual Property and Digital Trade in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data 2414-343X
615521 UC Irvine Law Review 2327-4514
615522 IPRinfo
615523 Intellectual Property and Access to Science and Culture: Convergence or Conflict? 2414-343X
615527 EBI BrieFin
615823 Ciencias Psicológicas 1688-4094 Universidad Católica del Uruguay Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga
615918 The Annals of Applied Probability
615967 Littera. Revue de langue et littérature françaises de la Société japonaise de Langue et littérature française
616485 Materials Research Proceedings 2474-395X
616490 2022 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP)
616514 Revista d’Etudis Catalans AFC
616564 International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and applications 2146-0957 Yaman Ramazan Istanbul University
616615 Voice of the Publisher 2380-7571
616617 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 1810-2328
616724 Journal of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Critical Care 2731-3786
616742 Ricercare 2346-4879
616793 Plant Journal 1365-313X
616805 La revue l’observatoire
616806 Diplomatie
616813 Jusqu’à la mort accompagner la vie
616900 Le Patrimoine, Histoire, Culture et Création d’Occitanie 2550-8423 Editions Midi-Pyrénées
616929 Academia Engineering
861520 L’Espace c’est quoi – Ouest France pour les petits et les grands curieux
861519 L'Eléphant : la revue
861521 Jurisclasseur droit de la communication
861517 Space International
861518 Les voyages d’Epsilon
861529 BDEI
861528 JCP G
861531 Energie - Environnement – Infrastructures
861487 Sur le Ring - La revue des traductrices et des traducteurs de la Maison Antoine Vitez maison antoine vitez
111839 Atlante : Revue d'études romanes Laboratoire CECILLE (Université de Lille) [2014-....]
861463 Huazhong Architecture 1003-739X Société de l'architecture de la province du Hubei
861693 Histoire de l'art 0992-2050 Association des professeurs d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art des universités (APAHAU)
861536 Bulletin Rapide de Droit des Affaires
861537 Newsletter Club des Juristes
861578 DA. Derecho Animal
169824 Biometals. An International Journal on the Role of Metal Ions in Biology, Biochemistry, and Medicine Springer
12132 Convergence SAGE Publications
121477 Physical Review Materials 2475-9953 American Physical Society
11196 BioMetals 0966-0844 Springer Verlag
11250 Blood 0006-4971 American Society of Hematology
862657 The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2163-0763
862690 JDI (Clunet)
862663 JCP G
863415 Austin Journal of Nutrition & Metabolism 2573-5330
10858 Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A 0004-6361 EDP Sciences
863515 L’inimitié dans les correspondances d’écrivains
863559 Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology 2068-0317 Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala
863399 International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Life Science 2707-2827
120748 Arabian Journal of Geosciences 1866-7511 Springer
863555 Voyage et amitié Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, coll. « Configurations littéraires »
12703 International Journal of Damage Mechanics 1056-7895 SAGE Publications
863718 EPURE, Editions et Presses Universitaires de Reims
9553 Acta Biomaterialia 1742-7061 Elsevier
11902 Combustion and Flame 0010-2180 Elsevier
163174 AVS Quantum Science 2639-0213 AIP Publishing / AVS
863761 Decision Support Systems
862588 Storia e Politica
862589 Cristianesimo nella storia
862585 Revue de l’histoire des religions
862593 Revue des sciences sociales
862590 Routledge
862582 Les Républicains et le Parlement en Italie
862595 Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines
862592 Bibliothèque de la Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique
862597 Archivum Historiae Pontificiae
862596 Oikonomia - Rivista di etica e scienze sociali
862591 Revue d’histoire de l’Église de France
862605 2011 Seventh International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids
67302 Scientific Annals of Computer Science 1843-8121 Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Publishing House
862614 Applications of Evolutionary Computation
862646 Grain de sel Inter-réseaux
862599 Annales Africaines de Médecine
775236 Lexbase affaires Lexbase
863010 Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 1567-214X
102199 Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 1662-5153 Frontiers
11882 Cognitive Science 0364-0213 Wiley
18625 Resource and Energy Economics 0928-7655 Elsevier
12771 Economic Systems 0939-3625 Elsevier
863049 European Journal of Organic Chemistry
11429 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 0141-8130 Elsevier
4108 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 0898-1221 Elsevier
863841 INFORM International News on Fats, Oils, and Related Materials 1528-9303
863880 International Journal of Business Strategy 1553-9563
17320 Nature Methods 1548-7091 Nature Publishing Group
863833 Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Science 2372-0980
863924 Journal of women's health (2002) 1931-843X
863826 日本文学 0386-9903 日本文学協会
141874 Journal of Industrial Information Integration 2467-964X Elsevier
12364 European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 0223-5234 Elsevier
864063 American Journal of Environmental Engineering 2166-465X Scientific & Academic Publishing
173806 Journal of Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization Episciences
19919 World Journal of Surgery 0364-2313 Springer Verlag
172395 Animal. Science proceedings 2772-283X Elsevier
75344 OncoImmunology 2162-4011 Taylor & Francis
864275 Webbia : Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 2169-4060 Firenze University Press
2589 Accounts of Chemical Research 0001-4842 American Chemical Society
864317 Journal of Language and Communication 2637-0875 Universiti Putra Malaysia Press
19412 Annals of Regional Science 0570-1864 Springer Verlag
314321 QRB Discovery 2633-2892 Cambridge University press
864216 Abstract en psychiatrie
864476 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy. Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering, Electronics 2537-2726 Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi
864399 International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development 2618-0723
92665 Advanced Electromagnetics 2119-0275 Advanced Electromagnetics
864438 Atti dell'Academia Peloritana dei Pericolanti Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messina
864466 Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle 1472-3808 Cambridge University press
105430 Science Advances 2375-2548 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
855088 Democrazia E diritto 0416-9565 Associazione CRS (Centro Studi e Iniziative per la Riforma dello Stato)
226473 IJID Regions 2772-7076 Elsevier
864559 Special Issue in Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence: Mathematical Foundations of Analogical Reasoning and Applications Springer
150853 The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 1548-5129 Sage Publication
864483 Nuevos trabajos en estudios medievales: historia, arte, filología y arqueología Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
15859 Journal of Neural Engineering 1741-2560 IOP Publishing
864489 Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment 2771-5949
11564 Cell Research 1001-0602 Nature Publishing Group
864625 Bibliothèque de droit privé LGDJ
864676 La semaine juridique, JurisClasseur périodique, Édition entreprise 0758-458X
864666 Revue Internationale de l'Économie Sociale: Recma 1626-1682 Institut de l'économie sociale (IES), Paris, France
864632 Revue Internationale de l'Économie Sociale: Recma 1626-1682 Institut de l'économie sociale
6076 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 0095-0696 Elsevier
15140 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 1549-3296 Wiley
864708 PUAM, collection de l’institut de droit des affaires
864668 ECT
865385 International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, 0974-570X
865296 Warszawskie Studia Teolgiczne 2719-7530 Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie
865290 La Scuola Cattolica 1827-529X Seminario arcivesovile di Milano, ed. Àncora
170753 BRICS Law Journal 2409-9058 University of Tyumen
865358 Actualité Chimique