Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
114471 Blood and lymphatic cancer: targets and therapy 1179-9889 Dove Medical Press
132250 Cancer Management and Research 1179-1322 Dove Medical Press
146262 Clinical Epidemiology 1179-1349 Dove Medical Press
38606 Clinical Interventions in Aging 1176-9092 Dove Medical Press
73696 Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology 1178-7023 Dove Medical Press
56308 Drug Design, Development and Therapy 1177-8881 Dove Medical Press
78981 Infection and Drug Resistance 1178-6973 Dove Medical Press
14390 International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1176-9106 Dove Medical Press
61630 International Journal of High Throughput Screening 1179-1381 Dove Medical Press
14582 International Journal of Nanomedicine 1176-9114 Dove Medical Press
114250 International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 1178-7058 Dove Medical Press
131457 Journal of Inflammation Research 1178-7031 Dove Medical Press
173535 Nanotechnology, Science and Applications 1177-8903 Dove Medical Press
164057 Nature and Science of Sleep 1179-1608 Dove Medical Press
17400 Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 1176-6328 Dove Medical Press
103062 OncoTargets and Therapy 1178-6930 Dove Medical Press
64443 Open Access Bioinformatics 1179-2701 Dove Medical Press
62079 Open Access Rheumatology: Research and Reviews 1179-156X Dove Medical Press
19615 Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 1176-6336 Dove Medical Press
19825 Vascular Health and Risk Management 1176-6344 Dove Medical Press
169304 Advances and applications in bioinformatics and chemistry 1178-6949 Dove Medical Press Ltd
180721 Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics 1179-318X Dove Press
148177 Journal of Asthma and Allergy 1178-6965 Dove Press
130325 Open Access Medical Statistics 2230-3251 Dove Press
112014 Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine 1179-7282 Dove Press
477697 Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 1179-1594 Dove Press
237969 International Journal of General Medicine Dove Press ; Taylor & Francis
172099 Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 1178-7015 Dove Press Ltd
178485 Breast Cancer 1179-1314 Dove Press Medical
104268 Clinical ophthalmology 1177-5467 Dove medical press
110319 International Medical Case Reports Journal 1179-142X Dove medical press
115035 Hypoxia 2324-1128 DovePress
108030 Oncolytic Virotherapy 2253-1572 DovePress
182395 Eye and Brain 1179-2744 Dovepress
124383 Journal of Pain Research 1178-7090 Dovepress
528029 Local and Regional Anesthesia Dovepress
149767 Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine 1179-1543 Dovepress
107645 Patient Preference and Adherence 1177-889X Dovepress
160784 Reports in Organic Chemistry 2230-5246 Dovepress
132877 Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications 1178-6957 Dovepress
177814 The application of clinical genetics 1178-704X Dovepress
3354 Barron's (Chicopee, Mass.) 1077-8039 Dow Jones & Co., Inc
3355 Barron's national business and financial weekly 0005-6073 Dow Jones & Co., Inc
4418 Down Beat 0012-5768 Down Beat
22332 Down Syndrome Research and Practice 0968-7912 Down Syndrome Education International
38801 Downtown News Downtown News
750781 Osa Mayor Dpt of Hispanic L & L, University of Pittsburgh
165733 Sport and Exercise Psychology Review 2396-961X Dr Chris Wagstaff
117614 Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology 2375-0510 Dr Francis David Bulbeck
143787 IXQUIC 1442-5025 Dr Jorge Paredes
140440 Aeternum: The Journal of Contemporary Gothic Studies Dr Lorna Piatti-Farnell / GANZA
583678 Friends of Dr Williams's Library Annual Lectures Dr Williams's Trust
16565 Japanese Journal of Physiology 0021-521X Dr Yas Kuno
173808 Anuario del Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos 2215-2873 Dr. Alonso Ramírez Cover
174660 Optimus Omnium. SLS News Letter Dr. Aneesh V. Pillai
122979 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 2278-0149 Dr. Bao Yang
166702 Jhanavi, Sanskrit E-Journal 0976-8645 Dr. Bibin Kumar Jha
166200 Journal of Image and Graphics 2301-3699 Dr. Branislav Vuksanovic
139293 Maritime Technology Research 2651-205X Dr. Cherdvong Saengsupavanich
316016 Sahrdaya Rendez-vous, Journal of Interfaces in Arts and Culture Dr. Davees C. J.
668785 Pakistan Journal of Criminology 2222-6648 Dr. FASIHUDDIN (PSP), President & Founder, Pakistan Society of Criminology Patron-in-Chief, Pakistan Journal of Criminology
228124 Asian Journal of Research in Biochemistry 2582-0516 Dr. Fabio Altieri, Sapienza University, Italy
106724 RFP Rubber, fibres, plastics international : Magazine for the polymer industry 1863-7116 Dr. Gupta Verlags GmbH (Ratingen, Deutschland) [
122324 SRELS Journal of Information Management 0972-2467 Dr. K. S. Raghavan
397268 IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB) 2455-264X Dr. Kamaljit I. Lakhtaria
171807 International Journal of Sciences Academic Research 2582-6425 Dr. Majida Ali Abed Meshari Alasady
64053 International Journal of Discrete Event Control Systems (IJDECS) Dr. Mohamed Khalgui
110688 International Journal of Thermal Technologies 2277-4114 Dr. N.Alexander
131853 GPR. Zeitschrift für das Privatrecht der Europäischen Union / European Union Private Law Review / Revue de droit privé de l’Union européenne 2364-7213 Dr. Otto Schmidt KG (Cologne, Allemagne) [2004-....]
660786 Eirene : Estudios de paz y conflicto 2594-2883 Dr. Paris Alejandro Cabello
105900 Parallel and Cloud Computing 2329-3381 Dr. Pokkuluri Kiran Sree
20827 Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 0084-5388 Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH
205762 Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental 0188-4999 Dr. Sandra Gómez Arroyo, Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
173455 Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques 2309-1185 Dr. Shahabaldin Rezania
143976 JOE - Journal of Occultation and Eclipse 2522-7955 Dr. Soleiman Hosseinpour
138310 Prācī Prajñā(प्राची प्रज्ञा) - A Refereed E-Journal in Sanskrit 2348-8417 Dr. Sugyan Kumar Mahanty, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, H.P. India
178509 Caribbean Connections Journal Dr. Tamara Varney, Lakehead University
94976 World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2277-7105 Dr. Valentina Petkova
108734 International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 0975-4873 Dr. Yashwant Research Labs Pvt. Ltd
4421 Drake Law Review 0012-5938 Drake University
4427 Drawing -New York 0191-6963 Drawing Society Inc
174347 Glasnik Matematicki 0017-095X Drazen Adamovic
130438 Arkivi Shqiptar Drejtorisë së Përgjithshme të Arkivave
58373 International Journal of Comic Art 1531-6793 Drexel Hill
4429 Drexel Library Quarterly 0012-6160 Drexel University, College of Information Studies
69781 Drogues, santé et société 1703-8839 Drogues, santé et société
181576 Les cahiers de DIEM 1964-5775 Droit et immigration Europe Maghreb (DIEM) (Paris, France) [2008-2010]
168545 Différences 0247-9095 Droit et liberté
430867 Spintronics XIV 0277-786X Drouhin, Henri-Jean M
25758 Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire du Protestantisme Français, Droz
27544 Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 0068-516X Droz
174995 Cahiers de la Revue de théologie et de philosophie 0250-6971 Droz
112295 Diderot Studies 0070-4806 Droz
105346 Etudes rabelaisiennes Droz
178632 Histoire des idées et critique littéraire 0073-2397 Droz
100420 Histoire et civilisation du livre - Revue internationale 1661-4577 Droz
333155 Les colloques de la Société de Langues et Littératures médiévales d’Oc et d’Oïl 2674-046X Droz
111455 Revue d'histoire du protestantisme 2297-6167 Droz
111349 Revue française d'histoire du livre 0037-9212 Droz
979126 Romania Droz
180565 Romania, 134, 3-4, p. 453-457 Droz
180574 Romania, 136, 2018, 1-2, p. 175-189 Droz
180575 Romania, 136, 2018, p. 443-446 Droz
180561 Romania, T. 133, 3-4, p. 346-382 Droz
180564 Romania, T. 134, 1-2, p. 251-254 Droz
180576 Romania, T. 138, 3-4, p. 359-388 Droz
57270 Études celtiques 0373-1928 Droz / Les belles lettres
38739 D&MD Newsletter Drug & Market Development Publications
38760 DIA Forum (formerly DIA Newsletter) Drug Information Association
45648 Drôle d'Epoque [1997- 2007] 1263-6223 Drôle d'époque
146454 Histoires littéraires. revue trimestrielle consacrée à la littérature française des XIX et XXe siècles 1623-5843 Du Lérot
807873 Histoires littéraires, Revue trimestrielle consacrée à la littérature française des XIXe et XXe siècles 1623-5843 Du Lérot éd
124188 Kognitive Systeme 2197-0343 DuEPublico, Duisburg-Essen Publication Online
157829 International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 2009-7379 Dublin Institute of Technology
139767 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature 0035-8991 Dublin: Royal Irish Academy
91066 Fantom slobode 1334-3327 Dubrovnik: Art radionica Lazareti
111122 La Furia Umana 2255-2812 Duen de Bux
956 Glossos 1544-404X Duke University
5078 Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 0017-3916 Duke University
140080 Vivlīoḟika : E-Journal of Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies 2333-1658 Duke University Libraries
4436 Duke University Libraries 0895-4909 Duke University Library
6821 Library Notes 0024-2438 Duke University Library
10413 American Literary Scholarship 0065-9142 Duke University Press
2901 American Literature 0002-9831 Duke University Press
2948 American Speech: A Quarterly of Linguistic Usage 0003-1283 Duke University Press
3718 Camera Obscura 0270-5346 Duke University Press
11909 Common Knowledge 0961-754X Duke University Press
4076 Comparative Literature 0010-4124 Duke University Press
11958 Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 1089-201X Duke University Press
271606 Critical Times: Interventions in Global Critical Theory 2641-0478 Duke University Press
4291 Cultural Politics 1743-2197 Duke University Press
12688 Duke Mathematical Journal 0012-7094 Duke University Press
4551 Eighteenth-Century Life 0098-2601 Duke University Press
108101 Environmental Humanities 2201-1919 Duke University Press
4709 Ethnohistory 0014-1801 Duke University Press
4947 French Historical Studies 0016-1071 Duke University Press
5049 GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 1064-2684 Duke University Press
5218 History of Political Economy 0018-2702 Duke University Press
116665 History of the Present 2159-9793 Duke University Press
39221 Hopscotch: A Cultural Review 1098-6995 Duke University Press
6164 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 0361-6878 Duke University Press
6296 Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 1082-9636 Duke University Press
15842 Journal of Music Theory 0022-2909 Duke University Press
108271 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 2156-2261 Duke University Press
16656 Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas 1547-6715 Duke University Press
96570 Limnology and Oceanography, Fluid and Environment Duke University Press
17016 Mediterranean Quarterly: A Journal of Global Issues 1047-4552 Duke University Press
7172 Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History 0026-7929 Duke University Press
1793 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 0027-7630 Duke University Press
40037 Nepantla (Project Muse) 1527-0858 Duke University Press
40049 New German Critique 1558-1462 Duke University Press
17440 New German Critique 0094-033X Duke University Press
7484 Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art 1075-7163 Duke University Press
7520 Novel: A Forum on Fiction 0029-5132 Duke University Press
17805 Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture 1531-4200 Duke University Press
7777 Philosophical Review 0031-8108 Duke University Press
40207 Philosophical Review 1558-1470 Duke University Press
7850 Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication 0333-5372 Duke University Press
8029 Public Culture 0899-2363 Duke University Press
8101 Radical History Review 0163-6545 Duke University Press
8515 Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 0799-0537 Duke University Press
19015 Social Science History 0145-5532 Duke University Press
8549 Social Text 0164-2472 Duke University Press
8595 South Atlantic Quarterly 0038-2876 Duke University Press
8613 Southern Association Quarterly 0890-7145 Duke University Press
117951 The Minnesota Review 2157-4189 Duke University Press
6295 The journal of medieval and Renaissance studies 0047-2573 Duke University Press
8890 Theater 0161-0775 Duke University Press
8924 Tikkun 0887-9982 Duke University Press
3518 boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture 0190-3659 Duke University Press
4397 differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 1040-7391 Duke University Press
40249 positions 1067-9847 Duke University Press
5197 The Hispanic American Historical Review 0018-2168 Duke University Press [1918-....]
2743 Alaska Law Review 0883-0568 Duke University School of Law
660 Duke Environmental Law and Policy 1064-3958 Duke University School of Law
661 Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 1053-6736 Duke University School of Law
662 Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy 1090-1043 Duke University School of Law
663 Duke Law Journal 0012-7086 Duke University School of Law
1656 Law and Contemporary Problems : a Quarterly Published by the Duke University, School of Law 0023-9186 Duke University School of Law
88539 The Economic Research Guardian 2247-8531 Dumbrăviţa: [s.n.]
9213 Wallraf Richartz Jahrbuch 0083-7105 Dumont Buchverlag
4321 D&B Reports 0746-6110 Dun & Bradstreet
4439 Dun's Business Month 0279-3040 Dun's Business Month, Circulation Department
353026 Der Staat. Zeitschrift für Staatslehre und Verfassungsgeschichte, deutsches und europäisches öffentliches Recht 0038-884X Duncker & Humblot
179171 Die Verwaltung (VERW) - Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungswissenschaften 0042-4498 Duncker & Humblot
258795 Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics 0944-4610 Duncker & Humblot
84241 Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 0075-997X Duncker & Humblot
98003 Sociologus. Zeitschrift für empirische Ethnosoziologie und Ethnopsychologie/Journal for Empirical Social Anthropology 0038-0377 Duncker & Humblot
116694 Zeitschrift für historische Forschung 0340-0174 Duncker & Humblot
149150 ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship 1860-4633 Duncker & Humblot
176828 Religion - Staat - Gesellschaft 1438-955X Duncker u. Humblot
26946 IFO-Studien 0018-9731 Duncker und Humblot
62790 Otago French Notes 1178-3834 Dunedin N.Z.: Department of Languages and Cultures University of Otago
643176 La revue de l'hypnose et de la santé 2557-521X Dunod
861722 Les Cahiers de l'Analyse des Données Dunod
134948 TRaNSES 2557-521X Dunod
621579 Le français aujourd'hui 0184-7732 Dunod ÉDITEUR/AFEF
33528 Vie et sciences économiques Dunod,
130681 Littérature Dunod, Paris