Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
22350 Dermatitis 1710-3568 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
10367 Dermatitis 1046-199X Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
12530 Dermatologic Clinics 0733-8635 WB Saunders
12531 Dermatologic Surgery 1076-0512 Wiley
12532 Dermatologic Therapy 1396-0296 Wiley
12533 Dermatologica Helvetica / Pathophysiol Haemos Thromb 9999-9999 S. Karger AG
118196 Dermatologie Pratique 0982-8567
12534 Dermatology 1018-8665 Karger
22349 Dermatology Nursing 1060-3441 A J Jannetti Inc
632 Dermatology Online Journal 1087-2108 University of California, Davis
12535 Dermatology and Psychosomatics 1422-9196 S. Karger AG
154983 Dermatology and Therapy 2193-8210
631 Dermatología Peruana 1028-7175 Sociedad Peruana de Dermatología
167401 Dermatopathology 2296-3529 MDPI
38753 Dermatosen in Beruf und Umwelt 0343-2432 Editio Cantor Verlag GmBH
148628 Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace
140874 Des Données à la Décision - From Data to Decisions ISTE OpenScience
125995 Des mots aux actes 2555-2376 Société Française de Traductologie et Société d’Études des Pratiques et Théories en Traduction
41963 Desacatos. Revistas de ciencias sociales 2448-5144 Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
127752 Desafio : revista de economia e administração 1678-1821 Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
12536 Desalination 0011-9164 Elsevier
105098 Desalination and Water Treatment 1944-3994 FHF
12537 Desarrollo Economico 0046-001X Instituto de Desarrollo Economico Y Social
126875 Desde el sur 2076-2674 Lima Universidad Científica del Sur
111439 Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente 1518-952X Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)
139643 Desert 2008-0875 University of Tehran
138953 Deshima. Revue d'histoire globale des Pays du Nord 1957-5173 Université Marc Bloch Département d'études néerlandaises
4370 Desidoc Bulletin of Information Technology 0971-4383 Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre
4371 Design 0011-9253
4372 Design (London, England) 0011-9245 Design Management Institute Press
12538 Design Automation for Embedded Systems 0929-5585 Springer Verlag
4373 Design Book Review 0737-5344 MIT Press Journals
4375 Design Issues 0747-9360 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
4376 Design Management Journal 1045-7194 Design Management Institute
4378 Design Quarterly 0011-9415 Journals Dept., MIT Press
112513 Design Science 2053-4701 Cambridge University Press
4379 Design Studies 0142-694X Elsevier
4380 Design Week 0950-3676 Centaur Publishing
161412 Design and Culture 1754-7075
140423 Design and Technology Education: An International Journal 2040-8633 Design and Technology Association
4374 Design for Arts in Education 0732-0973 Design for Arts in Education
4377 Design news 0011-9407 Reed Business Information
176916 Design, Arts, Médias 2743-0332 Ecole des Arts de la Sorbonne
12539 Designed Monomers and Polymers 1385-772X VSP BV
137755 Designs 2411-9660 MDPI
12540 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 0925-1022 Springer Verlag
139355 Despalabro: ensayos de humanidades 1888-6515 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
101449 Desperta Ferro : antigua y medieval 2171-9276 Desperta Ferro Ediciones
112568 Desperta Ferro: Arqueología e Historia 2387-1237 Desperta Ferro Ediciones
112136 Desperta Ferro: Especiales 2255-4734 Desperta Ferro Ediciones
140434 Desperta Ferro: Historia Moderna 2255-0542 Desperta Ferro Ediciones
159693 Detritus 2611-4135 Cisa Publisher
4382 Detroit College of Law review 0099-135X Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University
4384 Detroit Legal News 0739-9480 Detroit Legal News Co
125270 Deus Loci: The Lawrence Durrell Journal 0707-9141 International Lawrence Durell Society
38754 Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung 0011-9857 Df Apotheker- Verlag
17135 Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1435-1951 Pensoft Publishers
12541 Deutsche Heilpraktiker Zeitschrift 1862-2267 Medizinverlage Stuttgart
12542 Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift 0012-0308 Springer-Verlag
12638 Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 0012-0472 Georg Thieme Verlag
157404 Deutsche Molkerei Zeitung 0366-9424
22327 Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 0341-6593 Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft
156747 Deutsche Weinmagazin 0943-089X
20015 Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt 0044-166X Georg Thieme Verlag
12545 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur 0415-6412 Elsevier
38755 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Klinische Forschung Geelen & Geelen GMBH/DZHF
12548 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie 1617-5891 Medizinverlage Stuttgart
12643 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Osteopathie 1610-5044 Medizinverlage Stuttgart
12543 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 0012-1045 Akademie Verlag
152533 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin 0344-5925
12544 Deutsche Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Insolvenzrecht 1439-1589 De Gruyter
147626 Deutsches Steuerrecht 0949-7676 C. H. Beck Verlag
12549 Deutsches und Europäisches Familienrecht 1435-9499 Springer Verlag
38756 Deutsches Ärzteblatt 0012-1207 Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag
112606 Deutschland Archiv 0012-1428 Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung
20655 Developing Economies
12713 Developing Economies 0012-1533 Wiley
12550 Developing World Bioethics 1471-8731 Wiley
122314 Developing World Review on Trade and Competition Gujarat National Law University
4386 Development 1011-6370 Palgrave Macmillan
4385 Development (Cambridge, England) 0950-1991 Company of Biologists
10712 Development Genes and Evolution 0949-944X Springer Verlag
12556 Development Policy Review 0950-6764 Wiley
12557 Development Southern Africa 0376-835X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
12551 Development and Change 0012-155X Wiley
56981 Development and Cooperation 2366-7257 ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL gGmbH
12552 Development and Learning in Organizations 1477-7282 Emerald
12553 Development and Psychopathology 0954-5794 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
121431 Development and society 1598-8074 Seoul National University, Institute for Social Development and Policy Research
12555 Development in Practice 0961-4524 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
133046 Development, Environment and Foresight Palacký University Olomouc
12554 Development, Growth and Differentiation 0012-1592 Wiley
4387 Developmental Biology 0012-1606 Elsevier
11419 Developmental Brain Research 0165-3806 Elsevier
12360 Developmental Cell 1534-5807 Elsevier
105668 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 1878-9293 Elsevier
12559 Developmental Dynamics 1058-8388 Wiley
12560 Developmental Genetics 0192-253X John Wiley & Sons
12561 Developmental Immunology 1044-6672 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
22344 Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 0012-1622 Wiley-Blackwell
12562 Developmental Neurobiology 1932-8451 Wiley
12563 Developmental Neuropsychology 8756-5641 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
38757 Developmental Neurorehabilitation 1751-8423 Informa Healthcare
12564 Developmental Neuroscience 0378-5866 Karger
4388 Developmental Policy 1541-4566 Policy Studies Organization
12565 Developmental Psychobiology 0012-1630 Wiley
4389 Developmental Psychology 0012-1649 American Psychological Association
12566 Developmental Review 0273-2297 Elsevier
12567 Developmental Science 1363-755X Wiley
12558 Developmental and Comparative Immunology 0145-305X Elsevier
22343 Developmental medicine and child neurology. Supplement 0419-0238
157445 Developments in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 0167-5168
156845 Developments in Biological Standardization 0301-5149
22347 Developments in Biologicals 1424-6074 Karger
159830 Developments in Biologicals 1424-6074
155999 Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing 0969-1855
22342 Developments in Ophthalmology 0250-3751 Karger
157327 Developments in Sedimentology 0070-4571
22345 Developments in health economics and public policy 0927-4987
527838 Developments in the Built Environment Elsevier
91504 Devenir - Revue européenne du développement de l'enfant 1015-8154 Editions Médecine et Hygiène
12568 Deviant Behavior 0163-9625 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
38759 Devices & Diagnostics Letter 0098-7573 Washington Business Information Inc
165308 Devires - Cinema e Humanidades 1679-8503 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação Social, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
4390 Df Revy 0106-0503 Danmarks Tekniske Videncenter & Bibliotek
22341 Di yi jun yi da xue xue bao = Academic journal of the First Medical College of PLA 1000-2588
12569 Diabetes 0012-1797 American Diabetes Association
132886 Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 1871-4021 Elsevier
22339 Diabetes & Metabolism 1262-3636 Elsevier Masson
12571 Diabetes Care 0149-5992 American Diabetes Association
19452 Diabetes Educator 0145-7217 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
176628 Diabetes Epidemiology and Management Elsevier
22340 Diabetes Forecast 0095-8301 American Diabetes Association
38763 Diabetes Journal 0341-8812 Verlag Kirchheim & Co GmBH
12570 Diabetes Metabolism Reviews 0742-4221 John Wiley & Sons
12573 Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 0168-8227 Elsevier
22337 Diabetes Self Management 0741-6253 R a Rapaport Publishing Inc
12574 Diabetes Spectrum 1040-9165 American Diabetes Association
12575 Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics 1520-9156 Mary Ann Liebert
130340 Diabetes Therapy 1869-6953 Springer
38762 Diabetes aktuell 1861-6089 Thieme Medical Publishers Inc
159739 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome. Clinical Research and Reviews 1871-4021
70726 Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 1479-1641 SAGE Publications
12572 Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 1462-8902 Wiley
22338 Diabetes, nutrition & metabolism 0394-3402
12576 Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews 1520-7552 Wiley
12577 Diabetic Medicine 0742-3071 Wiley
38764 Diabetic Microvascular Complications Today Bryn Mawr Communications II LLC
12506 Diabetologe 1860-9716 Springer Verlag
12578 Diabetologia 0012-186X Springer Verlag
12579 Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 1861-9002 Georg Thieme Verlag
167402 Diabetology 2673-4540 MDPI
69017 Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome 1758-5996 BioMed Central
156684 Diabète et Métabolisme 0338-1684
117671 Diabète et Obésité 1957-5238 Expressions Santé
77547 Diabétologie Pratique
26655 Diachronica 0176-4225 Netherlands: John Benjamins
78941 Diachroniques. Revue de Linguistique française diachronique 2118-2698 Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne (PUPS)
4391 Diacritics 0300-7162 Johns Hopkins University Press
124516 Diacritik 2490-7324 Diacritik
123253 Diacronia 2393-1140 Iaşi : Universitatea "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Facultatea de Litere
88894 Diacronie - Studi di Storia contemporanea 2038-0925 Association culturelle Diacronie
66824 Diacrítica 0870-8967 Centro de Estudos Humanísticos da Universidade do Minho
165414 Diadorim - Revista cientifica do programa de pos-graduaçào em letras vernàculas 1980-2552 Université fédérale de Rio de Janeiro
12580 Diagnostic Cytopathology 8755-1039 Wiley
38766 Diagnostic Imaging Scan CMP Media LLC
12581 Diagnostic Innovation 1537-1336 Wolters-Kluwer - Adis
12582 Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 0732-8893 Elsevier
12583 Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 1052-9551 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
634 Diagnostic Pathology 1746-1596 BioMed Central
105316 Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2211-5684 Elsevier
38765 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy 1070-3608 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
12584 Diagnostica 0012-1924 Hogrefe
132951 Diagnostics 2075-4418 MDPI
38767 Diagnostiek-wijzer 1373-4326 Uitgeverij Boom BV
38768 Diagnostiekwijzer: Tijdschrift Voor de Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg 0921-1934 Uitgeverij Boom BV
131274 Diagnostyka 1641-6414 Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics (PSTD)
65611 Diagonal : revue des équipes d'urbanisme 0338-0610 DGALN
140296 Diagoras: International Academic Journal on Olympic Studies 2565-196X Olympic Studies Centre at the German Sport University Cologne
12585 Dialectica 0012-2017 Wiley
12586 Dialectical Anthropology 0304-4092 Springer Verlag
71600 Dialectologia 2013-2247 Publicacions i Edicions UB
61858 Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 0942-4040 De Gruyter
167613 Dialegesthai 1128-5478 Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
106211 Dialektik. Enzyklopädische Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Wissenschaften 0939-5512 Meiner
12587 Dialog 0012-2033 Wiley
541483 Dialog : miesięcznik poświęcony dramaturgii współczesnej 0012-2041 Instytut Książki
45938 Dialog. Jurnal Internasional Kajian Budaya 1411-5085 Université Udayana
38769 Dialoghi di Diritto Tributario CIC Edizioni Internazionali
165254 Dialoghi: Rivista di studi italici 1415-0638 Programa de Estudos Itálicos (PROITA) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
106527 Dialogos 2734-5424 Academia de Studii Economice, Bucharest
121669 Dialogue 0223-3592 GFEN - Groupe français d'éducation nouvelle
131718 Dialogue 1254-7182 Equipe DIAL (Développement, Institutions et Mondialisation), Laboratoire d’Economie de Dauphine (LEDa) UMR CNRS 8007, UMR IRD 260
115600 Dialogue & Discourse 2152-9620 Bielefeld : Dialogue and Discourse Board of Editors
38770 Dialogue - A Journal of Mormon Thought 0012-2157 Dialogue Foundation
176280 Dialogue Studies 1875-1792 John Benjamins
642955 Dialogue and Universalism 1234-5792 International Society for Universal Dialogue
113561 Dialogue. Familles & couples 0242-8962 Érès
114379 Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review / Revue canadienne de philosophie 0012-2173 Cambridge University Press
171728 Dialogue: politics, law, economics 2500-042X Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS)