Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
767089 Journal of Philosophical Research
767035 Adv.Quantum Technol
766943 L'Asie en 1000 mots Centre d’études de l’Asie de l’Est (CÉTASE), Université de Montréal
766983 Démiurges CRHI Centre de Recherche et d'Histoire Inter-média
768222 Traité de droit de la police et de la sécurité
768219 Sudradio
768161 Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja 2083-3296
768285 South African Dental Journal 0375-1562
768268 Boletín de Estética 2408-4417
768199 jpdm
14076 IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 0885-3010 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5402 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 1083-4419 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
109067 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 2168-2216 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5388 IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 0018-9499 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
117788 IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 2469-7311 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
5375 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 1089-778X Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
769017 Asian Journal of Geological Research
161786 IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
4680 Environmental Science and Technology 0013-936X American Chemical Society
766394 Journal of archaeology and archaeometry 2821-1928 Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Varamin-Pishva Branch
98079 Études de stylistique anglaise 2116-1747 Société de stylistique anglaise [2010-....]
154624 Environmental Science and Technology Letters 2328-8930
770210 Filosofija i obshhestvo Revue scientifique de la faculté de philosophie de l’Université d’Etat de Moscou Lomonossov
770147 Relations
766405 Journal of Sistan and Baluchistan Studies 2821-0794 University of Zabol
770516 Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
770604 2023 14th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC),
159672 Caliban : French Journal of English Linguistics Presses Universitaires du Mirail
770579 IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci
167942 Sigma 0223-0100 Centre d'études linguistiques, UER V, Université Paul Valéry ; Université de Provence [1976-1996]
165653 Neurobiology of Language MIT Press Journals
770510 Business, Management and Education
770521 Asian Journal of Research in Nephrology SCIENCEDOMAIN
4983 Genetics 0016-6731 Oxford University Press
79931 A.N.A.E. Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant 0999-792X Sté Artemis [1989] - J. Libbey Eurotext [1990-1993] - PDG Communication [1994-2002] - Pleiomedia [2003-....]
771310 CAAI Transactions On Intelligence Technology 2468-6557 Wiley
771239 International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture 2577-4050
771319 Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde
39757 Journal of Vascular Access 1129-7298 SAGE
771460 Revue Cognitiques
771838 Vida hispánica: journal of the Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
771849 Anglophonia / SIGMA
772033 Infection 1439-0973
771825 Fonseca 2172-9077
771853 MindMedia
771993 Next Materials 2949-8228
771980 Rev’SimS
772615 Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 1978-2993
772706 Lettre de l'institut 2272-0243 CNRS
772576 Rivista di storia del diritto italiano
424274 Habiter Lapcos, MSHS Sud-Est
772628 Pli 2430-6401 Pli Éditions
773004 Corpo-grafías Estudios críticos de y desde los cuerpos 2390-0288 Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
772968 VRIC '19 Proceedings of Virtual Reality International Conference
772941 Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials 2251-2373
772996 Studia Universitatis Moldaviae
772994 La Revue de médecine interne 1768-3122
772993 Radiation and Applications 2466-4294
773006 REVISTA GEARTE 2357-9854 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
773015 Revue de géographie marocaine
772963 Digra 2342-9666
773553 Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2040-7459
773496 Meteoritics & Planetary Science 1945-5100
773526 Problemata Société d’études critiques en design
773604 CREDILA 0850-9247 CREDILA
773574 J Spine Surg 2414-469X
773488 Journal of Vision
773590 RADDAR T&P Publishing
82640 Travaux et Recherches de l'UMLV 1298-1168 Université de Marne-la-Vallée
774208 Journal of the Indian Roads Congress 0258-0500 Indian Roads Congress
774152 Strenna Storica bolognese
774340 Oblio 2039-7917
774774 Memorie dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino - Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche 1120-1622 Accademia delle Scienze, Torino
774761 Voces. Revista de Filología Latina Tardoantigua 1130-3336 Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
774769 Incontri Linguistici 0390-2412 Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa · Roma
774692 Estudos de Jornalismo 2182-7044 Inês Amaral (FLUC, CECS) ; Pedro Jerónimo (UBI, LabCom, CECS)
774680 Antinomie. Scritture e immagini,
774731 PAMJ Clinical Medicine 2707-2797
775111 Que-Dit-la-Recherche Réseau Canopé
775153 Prismi. quaderni del dottorato in scienze documentarie, linguistiche e letterarie Leedizioni
775121 Pratique française du droit international
775120 Chronique de la Pratique française du droit international
775129 International Review of Management And Computer 2550-6161 Pr. Adil EL AMRI
775103 Revue Juridique de l'Environnement
775108 Psycho-Droit
775090 Afkar wa Affak Université Alger 2
775618 Revista de estudios regionales y mercado de trabajo 2796-9851
775539 RMUE
775541 Distorsion de valeur et distorsions du droit d'auteur, Auteurs et Médias
775533 Rev. Aff. Eur
775542 RIDA
775546 Dialogical collection Kontekst Publishing House, scientific Publisher. POZNAN-POLAND
775648 Scandinavica 2754-0804
775510 SDGzine Addictlab Geneva
775543 Revue Aff. Eur
776002 BasteriaTijdschrift van de Nederlandse Malacologische vereni
775704 IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l'architettura 2036-1602 Dipartimento di Architettura – Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
775711 Liens socio/Lectures 2116-5289
126837 Antioxidants 2076-3921 MDPI
775865 Journal of Cytology & Histology 2157-7099