Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
184380 Storica : rivista quadrimestrale : 60, 2014, p. 127-137 1973-2236 Viella
133268 il mestiere di storico. Rivista della Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea 1594-3836 Viellla Libreria
173476 Journal of Vietnam Agricultural Science and Technology 0866-8116 Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences
117359 Journal of Science and Technology 0866-708X Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
794526 Journal of Aviation Science & Technology Vietnam Aviation Academy
337505 Tập san Nghiên cứu Âm nhạc – Thông báo khoa học 1859-1360 Vietnam Institute of Musicology
178729 Science and Technology Development Journal - Social Sciences & Humanities 2588-1043 Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
165852 Revue d'histoire des Amis de la vallée de la Gresse et des environs 2262-225X Vif (Isère) Les amis de la vallée de la Gresse et des ses environs
108869 Journal International de la Vigne et du Vin 1151-0285 Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales
131663 Le Poumon et le coeur 0032-5821 Vigot
167309 Jñānābha 2455-7463 Vijñāna Parishad of India
867415 International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends 2395-566X Vikas Patankar
427666 Villa Albertine Maga Villa Albertine
160300 Journal de l'Académie de France à Rome Villa Médicis, Rome
149751 Le courrier d'Aix (Aix-en-Provence) 1146-6073 Ville d'Aix-en-Provence
119536 Le Petit Corpatu Ville de Corps (Isère)
418868 Bulletin municipal officiel de la ville de Lyon 1161-1782 Ville de Lyon
29514 Marseille, revue municipale Ville de Marseille
159370 Ateliers : cahiers de la Maison de la Recherche 1265-2903 Villeneuve d'Ascq : Université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille 3, Maison de la Recherche
217666 Recherches en didactiques Villeneuve d’Ascq, Presses Universitaire du Septentrion
166271 Revista Judicial 2215-2377 Vilma Alpízar Matamoros
151363 Teise Vilnius
133251 TRANSPORT 1648-4142 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
169503 Kalbotyra Vilnius University Press
771808 Taikomoji kalbotyra 2029-8935 Vilnius University Press
894504 Teisė 2424-6050 Vilnius University Press
113246 Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University 2307-5376 Vinnytsia National Technical University
102379 Proceedings of the V.V.Vinogradov Russian Language Institute 2311-150X Vinogradov Russian Language Institute
138065 The Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations 2642-1925 Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition
140529 Arte lombarda 0004-3443 Vita e Pensiero
131725 Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica 0035-6247 Vita e pensiero
894583 Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 0890-5118 Viterbo University (La Crosse, WI)
352890 Arquitextos 1809-6298 Vitruvius
178552 Romanischen Forschungen Vittorio Klostermann
961033 Zeitsprünge. Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit Studies in Early Modern History, Culture and Science 1431-7451 Vittorio Klostermann
126928 Claroscuro, n° 2, Cuadernos de Psicoanálisis VivEros Ediciones, San José, Costa Rica
126929 Claroscuro, n° 3, Cuadernos de Psicoanálisis VivEros Ediciones, San José, Costa Rica
109648 Language and bilingual cognition 978-1848729247 Vivian Cook and Benedetta Bassetti
146947 Nghiên cuu Châu Âu [Etudes européennes] Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học xã hội Việt Nam [Académie des Sciences sociales du Vietnam]
146946 Nghiên cuu Dông Nam A [Etudes sud-est asiatiques] Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học xã hội Việt Nam [Académie des Sciences sociales du Vietnam]
420919 Tạp chí Khoa học xã hội (Revue des Sciences sociales) Viện KHXH vùng Nam bộ (Académie des Sciences Sociales du Viêtnam, ASSV)
135941 Tạp chí Khoa học Xã hội TP. HCM 1859-0136 Viện Khoa học xã hội vùng Nam Bộ - Viện hàn lâm Khoa học xã hội Việt Nam
715900 Những vấn đề Kinh tế và Chính trị Thế giới 0868-2984 Viện Kinh tế và Chính trị Thế giới
421096 Nghiên cứu văn học (Recherches littéraires) Viện Văn Học (Institut de Littérature, ASSV)
420937 Thông tin Xã hội học (Bulletin de Sociologie) Viện Xã hội học (Institut de Sociologie, ASSV)
420930 Nguồn sáng dân gian (Lumières de la culture populaire) Viện nghiên cứu văn hóa (Institut des Etudes de la Culture, ASSV)
297204 Nartamongae. The journal of Alano-Ossetic studies--epic, mythology & language 1810-8172 Vladikavkazskij naucnyj centr RAN
150361 Voces de la Educación 2448-6248 Voces de la Educación
111123 Phoenix 0031-8329 Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux
165818 Proceedings of the Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies 2226-910X Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
160424 Geoarchaeological and bioarchaeological studies 1571-0750 Vrije Universiteit
130898 Tijdschrift voor de Studie van de Verlichting en van der Vrije Denken Vrije Universiteit Brussel
35950 Actes du XXIXème Congrès de l'ASPLF Vrin
159115 Les Cahiers Philosophiques 2264-2641 Vrin
180477 Pistes. Revue de philosophie contemporaine 0754-331X Vrin
205235 Recherches sur la philosophie et le langage 0754-331X Vrin (
45575 Handb Exp Pharmacol Vsevolod Gurevich
895534 Venegre - La Revue Africaine des sciences Administrative, Juridique et Politique Vénégré
301628 Trends in Classics 1866-7473 W. de Gruyter
163951 International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering WASET
129775 International Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences WASET
79546 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology WASET
579883 Journal für Schreibwissenschaft 2191-4613 WBV Media
917730 WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation 1743-355X WIT Press
635915 Grassland science in Europe Wageningen Academic Publishers
424862 Papernia - Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal for Innovative Research Wajoku Digital Library
983061 Journal of Social, Behavioral, & Health Sciences 1948-3260 Walden University
163821 L'Observatoire. Créateur d'échanges et de transversalités dans le Social 0779-3677 Wallonie, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Provinces de Hainaut, Liège et Luxembourg
503014 Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts Wallstein
160856 Goethe-Jahrbuch Wallstein
29415 Bulletin d'information de la Mission Historique Française en Allemagne Wallstein Verlag
339785 Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für Deutsche Geschichte 0932-8408 Wallstein Verlag
101305 Zeiträume 1868-2138 Wallstein Verlag
423219 Public History Weekly 2197-6376 Walter De Gruyter
503600 Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception 2193-2840 Walter de Gruyter
110358 The linguistic review 0167-6318 Walter de Gruyter & Co, De Gruyter
113965 International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications 2300-1933 Warsaw Science Publishers of PAS
369237 Ethnologia Polona 2719-6976 Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
544507 Humanitas 0441-4225 Waseda University Law Association
101558 International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems and Control Engineering Waset
116943 ESQ: a journal of the American Renaissance 0093-8297 Washington State University Press
162132 Revista de Estudios Hispánicos Washington University
71155 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, series B: Applications & algorithms Watam
152692 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis Watam Press
144008 Storytelling, Self, Society 1550-5340 Wayne State University Press
356349 Weber - The Contemporary West 0891-8899 Weber State University
519400 Non Fiktion. Arsenal der anderen Gattungen 0340-8140 Wehrhahn Verlag
123004 Archiv für Völkerkunde 0066-6513 Weltmuseum Wien Friends
98251 Chinese review of anthropology Wen jin chu ban she, Beijing
167208 TENSO: Bulletin of the Société Guilhem IX 0890-3352 Wendy Pfeffer
177273 Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2021 0302-9743 Wenjie Zhang, Lei Zou, Zakaria Maamar, Lu Chen
275617 Sapiens Wenner Gren fondation
700297 Die Gartenkunst 0935-0519 Wernersche Verlag
110872 Journal of West African Languages 0022-5401 West African Linguistic Society
108750 Analele Universitatii de Vest din Timisoara Seria Matematica-Informatica 1841-3293 West University of Timisoara
145456 Sosiologia 0038-1640 Westermarck-seura
597366 Journal of Emergency Management 1543-5865 Weston Medical Publishing
581365 La revue de l'ostéopathie 2800-4647 Why not concept
123920 gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift für Geoinformatik 1869-9391 Wichmann
182253 View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 2300-200X Widok. Fundacja Kultury Wizualnej
344784 View: Theories and Practices of Visual Culture 2300-200X Widok. The Foundation for Visual Culture
160268 S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. DocumentatiON 2408-9192 Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien (VWI)
894431 Wildfolw journal 0954-6324 Wildfolw Press
122663 Wildfowl 0954-6324 Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
420184 Wildfowl Journal 2052-6458 Wildfowl Press
599668 Nigerian Journal of Wildlife Management Wildlife Society of Nigeria
322553 Chemical Engineering and Technology 1521-4125 Wiley
410390 Children & Society 1099-0860 Wiley
174845 Clinical & Translational Immunology 2050-0068 Wiley
151876 Comprehensive Physiology 2040-4603 Wiley
232091 Computational and Systems Oncology 2689-9655 Wiley
178629 Evolution 1558-5646 Wiley
868824 HIV Medicine 1468-1293 Wiley
170752 Heat Transfer 2688-4542 Wiley
175071 Journal of Arrhythmia 1883-2148 Wiley
158821 Journal of Biomedical Materials Reserach Part B Applied Biomaterials 1552-4981 Wiley
838936 Journal of International Economics 0022-1996 Wiley
147154 Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking Wiley
168576 Journal of Polymer Science 2642-4169 Wiley
23507 Journal of Wildlife Management Wiley
170891 Medical Physics : The international journal of medical physics research and practice 2473-4209 Wiley
23155 Microbiology Letters Wiley
165859 Pigment Cell & Melanoma research 1755-148X Wiley
140914 Political Insight Wiley
371422 The Muslim World 0027-4909 Wiley
110827 eLS 9780470015902 Wiley
106104 eMagRes Wiley
151001 Business Ethics: A European Review 0962-8770 Wiley online library
163599 developmental medecine and child neurology 1469-8749 Wiley online library
152524 International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy Wiley, Chichester, UK
987025 Physik Journal 1617-9439 Wiley-VCH Verlag
123020 Waikato Journal of Education 2382-0373 Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research, The University of Waikato, New Zealand
168636 Transversale. Erkundungen in Kunst und Wissenschaft. Ein europäisches Jahrbuch 2510-7542 Wilhelm Fink
177760 Willamette University Faculty Research Website Willamette University
415727 Politics & Policy 1747-1346 Willey
410528 L’Amateur d’autographes déconfiné, gazette bi-hebdomadaire William Théry
165917 Zeitschrift für Recht und Islam Willkommen auf der Seite der Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht (GAIR)
133528 Journal of Clinical Epigenetics / J Clin Epigenet 2472-1158 Wilmington, DE : iMedPub
109375 Continental J. Pharmaceutical Sciences 2141-4149 Wilolud Journals
109416 Continental Journal of Agricultural Economics 2141-4130 Wilolud Journals
113400 Continental Journal of Engineering Sciences 2141-4068 Wilolud Journals
109376 Continental J. Agricultural Economics 8 (1): 1 - 8, 2014 2141-4130 Wilolud journals
566695 Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts 1015-406X Winkler
387932 Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts 1015-406X Winkler Verlag
209786 Romanistische Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte / Cahiers d’Histoire des Littératures Romanes 0343-379X Winter
170804 Comparatio 1867-7762 Winter-Verlag
546509 International Journal of Recent advances in Physics 2201-1056 Wireilla Scientific Publications
617428 International Journal of Soft Computing Mathematics and Control 2201-4160 Wireilla Scientific Publications
134448 Fastitocalon 1869-960X Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
245276 IPHIS. Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
160832 LAPASEC 9783868217896 Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
674359 MarkenR 2366-1984 Wolters Kluver
147915 Actualités du Lamy Droit Immobilier Wolters Kluwer
159404 Advanced Biomedical Research Wolters Kluwer
140895 Diario La Ley 1989-6913 Wolters Kluwer
357456 Jugendhilfe 0022-5940 Wolters Kluwer
540725 Les Cahiers Lamy du DRH 1297-0824 Wolters Kluwer
113644 Les cahiers du DRH 1297-0824 Wolters Kluwer
101963 Logistiques Magazine Wolters Kluwer
158554 Relaciones laborales : Revista crítica de teoría y práctica 0213-0556 Wolters Kluwer
158555 Relaciones laborales : Revista crítica de teoría y práctica 0213-0556 Wolters Kluwer
112845 Revue Luxembourgeoise de bancassurfinance Wolters Kluwer
136744 Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 0035-6174 Wolters Kluwer
139791 Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation 1319-2442 Wolters Kluwer
883776 Tijdschrift voor Bestuuurswetenschappen en Publiekrecht 0040-7437 Wolters Kluwer
667334 Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht 1379-4930 Wolters Kluwer
112518 Trabajo y Derecho 2386-8090 Wolters Kluwer
116942 Weiterbildung Wolters Kluwer
119747 Clinical Trials in Orthopedic Disorders Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
118835 Surgical Neurology International 2229-5097 Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
108511 Biomedical journal [electronic resource] 2320-2890 Wolters Kluwer Health/ Medknow
173142 De Talen 0922-1166 Wolters-Noordhoff
707190 Bulletin de l’Association Thaïlandaise des Professeurs de Français sous le haut patronage royal de Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Maha Chakri Sirindhorn 2697-3847 Wongchan PHINAINITISATRA
165705 Revue Operis Word Press
133378 Electrical and Electronics Engineering: An International Journal (ELELIJ) 2200-5846 Wordpress
121708 International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology
653693 International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering 1750-9831 World Academic Press
130037 International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering 2010-376X World Academic of Science
105719 Working Papers in Local Governance and Democracy 1302-4337 World Academy for Local Government and Democracy
72297 International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology
124613 International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
646563 International Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
104149 International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Statistical, Natural and Physical Engineering 1307-6892 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
133111 International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
113491 International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
128307 International Journal of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
134788 International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
97719 International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical and Quantum Engineering World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET)
483661 Letters on Demographic Issues World Demographic Association
168038 World Economic Forum World Economic Forum
179726 Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020+1 World Geothermal Congress
98162 Global Heart 2211-8160 World Heart Federation
218326 International Journal of Economic Studies and Management (IJESM) 2789-049X World Organization of Applied Sciences (WOAS)
174669 World Resources Institute's publications World Resources Institute
108770 Journal of Science 2324-9854 World Science Publisher
147171 Concepts in neuroscience World Scientific
121017 Functional Materials Letters 1793-6047 World Scientific
104159 Global Credit Review 2010-4936 World Scientific
164330 Internationa Journal Foundations Computer. Science World Scientific