Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
7086 Michigan State Journal of International Law 1556-6374 Michigan State University
470318 H-Net Reviews 1538-0661 Michigan State University Department of History
362486 CR: The New Centennial Review 1532-687x Michigan State University Press
778382 Contagion, Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 1075-7201 Michigan State University Press
38691 Cr -East Lansing 1532-687X Michigan State University Press
39071 Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction 1544-1733 Michigan State University Press
39076 French Colonial History 1539-3402 Michigan State University Press
169817 Journal for the Study of Radicalism 1930-1189 Michigan State University Press
40070 Northeast African Studies 0740-9133 Michigan State University Press
23899 Real Analysis Exchange 0147-1937 Michigan State University Press
40352 Red Cedar Review 0034-1967 Michigan State University Press
40413 Rhetoric & Public Affairs 1094-8392 Michigan State University Press
40766 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 1726-1368 Michigan State University Press
817 Esoterica: the journal of esoteric studies 1534-1224 Michigan State University, College of Arts & Letters
169479 Tropos 1044-8209 Michigan State University, Department of Romance and Classical Languages
1754 Micología Aplicada Internacional 1534-2581 Micología Aplicada Internacional
7088 Micro 0271-9002 Micro
163787 Access Microbiology Microbiology Society
14732 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 1466-5026 Microbiology Society
15521 Journal of General Virology 0022-1317 Microbiology Society
7091 Microbiology 1350-0872 Microbiology Society
7093 Microcard Bulletin 0026-2641 Microcard Foundation
39946 Microprocessor report 0899-9341 Microdesign Resources
7097 Microdoc 0026-2684 Microfilm Association of Great Britain
17089 Micropaleontology 0026-2803 Micropaleontology Press
70147 Stratigraphy 1547-139X Micropaleontology Press
60593 Micscape - Exploring the miniature world 1365-070X Microscopy-UK
38315 Application Development Trends 1073-9564 Microsoft Corporation
1472 Journal of Machine Learning Research 1532-4435 Microtome Publishing
1654 Latin American Essays 1525-125X Mid Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies
1180 International Journal of Public Information Systems 1653-4360 Mid Sweden University
2950 American studies 0026-3079 Mid-america American Studies Association
8893 Theatre History Studies 0733-2033 Mid-america Theatre Conference
58240 Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference
39949 Middle East International 0047-7249 Middle East International (Publishers) Ltd
1759 Middle East Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 0258-5316 Middle East Technical University
7386 New England Review 1053-1297 Middlebury College Publications
38998 Evangelical Review of Society and Politics 1750-2217 Midlands Bible College
3105 Archival Issues 1067-4993 Midwest Archives Conference
7112 The Midwestern Archivist 0363-888X Midwest Archives Conference
865664 Popular Culture Studies Journal 2691-8617 Midwest Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association (MPCA/ACA)
1760 Migration Letters 1741-8984 Migration Letters
133425 Migration Policy Institute Online Journal Migration Policy Institute
167770 Revista de Estudos Saramaguianos 2359-3679 Miguel Alberto Koleff e Pedro Fernandes de O. Neto
132809 Cahier de l'ERIAC - Sinapia, dossiers hispaniques 2492-5411 Miguel Olmos
955675 Technium Electro 3008-6795 Mikhail Pustovetov
452050 Acta Etnographica et Linguistica Tomus XL 0209-9543 Mikola Tibor
164974 Méditerranée Magazine 1251-3148 Milan presse
151083 Generative Art Conference (GA2013), Milan, Italie
62860 Spectrum : rivista di analisi e pedagogia musicale 1720-0903 Milano : Ed. Curci