Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
81098 Le Portel Notes et Documents
81100 WOBS '09 : International Workshop on Optical Burst/Packet Switching
81101 World J Stem Cells
81102 Social Problems - Russian Adademy of Social sciences
81108 HPSR '09 : International Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing
81111 CNSR '10 : Communication Networks and Services Research Conference
81113 CCECE '09 : 22nd Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
81115 none
81116 International Journal of Organizational Analysis
81119 Learning inquiry
81122 Game Theory and Applications
81123 Bulletin Electrosuisse
81124 Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports
81132 Ny Forskning i Grammatik
81133 Journal of German and European Competition Law (WuW, Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb)
81134 Journal of Competition Law (ZWeR Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht)
81135 Advances in intellignent and soft computing
81136 CPI Antitrust Chronicle
81143 Series Byzantina. Studies on Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art. Volume IX. Art of the Armenian Diaspora. Proceedings of the Conference
81144 Tribologia
81145 International Journal of Diversity on Organizations, Communities and Nations
81146 FEEM Working Paper
81147 Tarik éditions
81148 TELEM, U. Montaigne Bordeaux 3,
81151 Revue d'éthique économique
81155 CSE '09 : 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
81157 Springer Wireless Personnal Communications
81162 Carnets internationaux de sociolinguistique
81163 Nouvelles de danse
81165 Le Moniteur Hospitalier
81166 Expressions maghrébines
81167 JEPT Letters
81168 Mobility '09 : 6th International Conference on Mobile Technology, Application & Systems
81169 Kona Powder and particles
81174 Akademisk kvarter
81175 International Journal of Engineering and Industries
81183 Adv Biol Regul
81186 Spring
81187 Mémoires consulaires
81190 Ethnopsy
81192 Danske Studier
81200 IC 2012
81209 Nouveaux c@hiers de la recherche en éducation
81215 International Journal of Žižek Studies
81222 JS '09 : Journées scientifiques d'URSI-France "Propagation et Télédétection
81223 XXIIe colloque GRETSI "traitement du signal et des images
81225 Confrontations psychiatriques
81231 D'après Proust
81233 Cognitica
81240 Engng Fracture Mechanics
81241 C. R. Phys
81242 Policy Research Working Paper Series
81244 Imágenes del Eros
81245 La ejemplaridad en la narrativa española contemporánea (1950-2010)
81494 Lusíada
81495 Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli
81500 Proceedings of Digital Landscape Architecture
81501 ACS Comb Sci
81505 Lamy Assurances Actualités
81514 European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management
81516 CAMAREN Cahiers Moyen Âge - Renaissance
81519 Japanese Journal of Palynology
81520 Palaeontological Association Newsletter
81523 APSCC '12 : The 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference
81529 VTC-Fall '12 : IEEE 76th Vehicular Technology Conference
81533 NSS/MIC 2012: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record
81534 Bulletin économique et social du Maroc, nouvelle série
81535 SKG '12 : The 8th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge & Grids
81538 Cent. Eur. J. Math
81539 Math. Research Letters
81543 Multilingual Education 3:2
81544 Carnets comtois
81546 Hydria
81550 Bullettino dell'Istituto italiano per il Medio Evo e Archivio Muratoriano
81553 MIPR '12 : The Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval
81554 Publication mathématiques de Besançon
97408 Marketing ZFP Journal of Research and Management
97409 JCPA
97419 ACM International Conference Proceedings Series
97420 Das Mittelalter
97456 Education (Scientific & Academic Publishing)
97462 Journal of Biorheology
97525 Int. J. Internet Protocol Technology
97552 Proceedings of the 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems IEEE
97656 Quelles recherches qualitatives en SHS. Approches interdisciplinaires de la diversité Paris : L’Harmattan
97719 International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical and Quantum Engineering World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET)
97802 SEPTET, Des mots aux actes Editions Anagrammes
97861 Conservation Biology
97881 Revue canadienne de l’éducation
97954 Les cahiers de l'année gérontologique 1760-5350 Springer
97957 JCSM/Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
97958 Studia-Iurisprudentia
97959 Philos Ethics Humanit Med
97961 Journal of Control Science and Engineering 2328-2231 David Publishing Company
97962 Annales de l’Université de Bucarest 1011-0623 Faculté de Droit de Bucarest
97969 Territorio, Sociedad y Poder : revista de Estudios medievales 1886-1121 Universidad de Oviedo