Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
113224 La Revista de la Academia
113225 Némesis
113226 Archivos de Ciencias de la Educacion
113229 Seicento & Settecento 1828-2148 Fabrizio Serra editore
113234 IpoTesi di Preistoria 1974-7985
113235 Journal of Biomolecular Research & Therapeutics 2167-7956 OMICS
113237 Comptabilité et fiscalité pratiques
113238 Journal of Paper Conservation 1868-0860 IADA
113240 Reconstruction (cultural studies journal), special edition: Archives on Fire
113241 Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning (TICL) journal
113242 Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning
113243 Journal of Natural Language Engineering
113244 Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal, Special Issue on Technology for Higher Education, Adult Learning, and Professional Development
113246 Scientific Works of Vinnytsia National Technical University 2307-5376 Vinnytsia National Technical University
113250 From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies
113255 Psychiatria Danubina 0353-5053 Medicinska naklada
113256 Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics (PBML)
113262 International Journal for e-Learning Security (IJeLS)
113264 Psychologie et Culture
113265 Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Integrados em Discurso e Argumentação
113273 Applied General Topology 1989-4147 Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
113276 Optical Engineering
113278 Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems 2376-0419 Omics Publishing Group
113280 Open Journal of Civil Engineering 2164-3172 Scientific Research
113281 Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA
113285 Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, Special Issue on Open Source Tools for Machine Translation
112358 Cambridge Law Journal
112364 JurisClasseur Collectivités locales LexisNexis
112368 Nature Conservation-Bulgaria 1314-6947
112369 HSM - High Speed Machining
112371 Iranistik. Deutschsprachige Zeitschrift für iranistische Studien 1735-3920
112375 E-Learning 2.0 Technologies and Web Applications in Higher Education 9781466648760 IGI Global
112376 Journal of helminthology 1475-2697
112381 Journal of Lasers, Optics & Photonics 2469-410X Omics Publishing Group
112383 Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (PLEFA) 0952-3278
112385 Phaeton 2430-5421 Phaéton Editions
112389 Les journaux de Guerre 1914-1918, Centenaire de la Grande Guerre
112392 Ebok
112399 Extremophiles life under extreme conditions
112400 Journal of Innovation Impact
112404 International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Science Publishing Group
112422 Sciences Humaines, Les Grands Dossiers
112425 Libres Savoirs
112426 Entreprise et compétences
112435 Cuadernos de Pedagogia
112438 Archaica 2466-3840 University of Belgrade
112446 L'Unebévue 1168-148X L'Unebévue-éditeur
112451 International Journal of Women's Health dove press
112456 Revista Topía 1666-2083 Enrique Carpintero, César Hazaki y Alejandro Vainer
112457 Advances in Automobile Engineering 2167-7670 Omics Publishing Group
112458 Applied Mechanical Engineering 2168-9873 Omics Publishing Group
112460 Education Inquiry 2000-4508 Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
112461 Paris de Lutèce à nos jours : histoire, patrimoine, découvertes 2271-9083
112463 Cross-Cultural Communication 1712-8358
112471 Information Sciences 1872-6291
112480 International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering and Technology
112482 Italia contemporanea Franco Angeli Edizioni
112485 Le point références
112488 The Modern Heritage Observer (MoHo)
112497 International Tax and Public Finance
112498 Health Policy and Planning
112501 Journal of Macroeconomics
112502 Oxford Development Studies
112508 Nunya. Philosophie, patrimoine scientifique et technique 2311-3375 Laboratoire d'histoire, philosophie et sociologie des sciences et technologies, Université de Lomé
112509 Journal of workplace rights 1938-4998 Sage Open
112511 observer pour agir
112514 Infonomics Society International Journal of Industrial Control Systems Security 9781-9083 Infonomics Society
112518 Trabajo y Derecho 2386-8090 Wolters Kluwer
112520 Journal of Biophysical Chemistry 2153-036X
112522 Biomedical Engineering-applications Basis Communications
112523 Applied Food Biotechnology
112530 Journal of Magnetic Resonance (San Diego, Calif.: 1997)
112539 Revista Abril 1984-2090
112545 La fabrique du spectacle Université Ouverte des Humanités (UOH)
112548 International Journal of Nephrology
112550 Kafka-Atlas
112554 Papers in Historical Phonology
112556 Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
112563 POUR
113286 ALSIC à paraitre
113287 TSI, Technique et Science Informatiques, n° spécial L'informatique à l'interface de l'activité humaine et sociale
113288 Journal of International and Intercultural Communication
113290 Distance & Savoir
113291 Synergie Nord Est Européen
113292 Journal of e-learning and Knowledge Society
113295 Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR), Special Issue Usage Analysis in Learning Systems: Existing Approaches and Scientific Issues
113296 e-TI : Revue électronique des technologies de l'information
113297 Minds & Machines. Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Cognitive Science
113298 Synergie Monde
113300 Memorias 0124-4361
113302 KinoKultura 1478-6567 Birgit Beumers
113303 Северные грани
113307 Minds and Machines. Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Cognitive Science
113312 Res Academica
113314 The integration of phonetic knowledge in speech technology
113319 Verba, revue de linguistique et de sémiotique
113321 International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (Endorsed by IEEE Learning Technology Task Force)
113322 Didaskalia
113323 Synergies Russie