Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
599734 IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance 2321-5933 IOSR
599748 Sapere 0036-4681 Dedalo
600202 RAID
600309 La Vie 0151-2323 Groupe Le Monde
600340 Bollettino Società Tarquiniense d'Arte e Storia
600341 International Research Journal of Oncology Science Domain
600348 Jurisclasseur Communication 1957-1984
600386 EPS : Revue education physique et sport
600427 Journal of Institutes for Dietetics in Nigeria Institutes for Dietetics in Nigeria
600464 Genome Biology 1474-760X
600472 Politix 1953-8286
600474 Cine y. Journal of interdisciplinary studies on Film in Spanish Richard K. Curry, Texas A & M University, United States
600483 In Mathematical Aspects of Deep Learning. Cambridge University Press
600560 9DashLine
601093 Le Pays-Haut Association des amis du Vieux Longwy et des sociétés savantes du Pays-Haut
601106 Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal 2960-0006
601109 Forêts privées du Grand Est Centre National de la Propriété Forestière du Grand Est
601145 PRX Quantum
601148 De retour des Pâtures 2822-8820
601187 CONVIVIUM Supplementum 2336-3452 BREPOLS
601206 Bulletin de la Société Française d'Optique Physiologique François Vital-Durand
601219 D.H. Lawrence Review
601236 Photographica 2740-5826
601251 Asian Journal of Medicine and Health 2456-8414
601267 Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science 2772-4158
601334 European Signal Processing Conference 2076-1465 IEEE
601355 Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters 1592-9558
601799 Grassfields. Revue des sciences historiques 2709-9989 Premières Lignes
601806 Lodz Studies in Language 1437-5281 Peter Lang
601982 Asian Journal of Research in Zoology 2582-466X
602009 Violence and Gender
602013 Psychology of Violence
602113 The Journal of Sex Research
602152 Trickster - Rivista del Master in Studi Interculturali, n° 9 : Il malessere dell identita
602512 Journal of the Short Story in English 0294-0442 PUR
602664 Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018) 2194-5357 Springer
602720 IEEE Inertial
602795 International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Research 2545-5303 IIARD – International Institute of Academic Research and Development
602862 Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 1527-3350
602969 Frontiers in Biomaterials Science 2813-3749
603022 Letters in Biomathematics 2373-7867
603038 Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research 2379-6359 MEDCRAVE
603070 Revue Management et avenir 1768-5958 Cairn
603071 Q.W.E.R.T.Y
603077 Earth and Planetary Science Letters
603078 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
603168 Annals of Blood 2521-361X
603232 Geophysical Journal International
603440 Actes du colloque L’établissement scolaire in situ Université de Lille
603537 Uluslararasi Dorlion Akademik Sosyal Araştirmalar Dergisi 2980-2806 Eskisehir Osmangazi University
603645 European Journal of Law and Political Science 2796-1176
603753 Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2752-8081
603765 Cahiers de recherche du Larequoi, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 2006/1
603766 समयांतर [Samayantar] 2249-0469 स्वीट होम [Sweet Home]
603786 International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
603848 AMNIS Revue d’études des sociétés et cultures contemporaines Europe/Amérique 1764-7193 TELEMME - UMR 6570
603922 Mathematics Research Reports 2772-9559
603925 Roczniki Filozoficzne 2450-002X
604012 Journal of Food, Nutrition and Diet Science Luminescence
604017 Journal of Jewish Identities 1946-2522
604114 Computational Brain & Behavior 2522-0861
604118 Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience 1569-7339 Elsevier
548479 Les cahiers du creslef 0338-0483 CRESLEF - Université de Franche-Comté
548549 Questions Politiques et Sociales. Les cahiers
548600 Réseau Philau
548733 interspeech 2023
548836 Language and Semiotic Studies 2096-031X
548882 cultura & psyché 2730-5732
548989 Inclinaisons et autres pentes
549005 From the Outer Heliosphere to the Local Bubble, Space Sciences Series of ISSI
549006 Comparative Aeronomy, Space Sciences Series of ISSI
549007 Advances in Turbulence XII, Springer Proceedings in Physics
549071 Journal of Radiation Protection and Research 2508-1888
549253 SDRP Journal of Food Science & Technology 2472-6419
549295 Linguaculture 2067-9696
549340 Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems and Control
549394 Revue S.O.S Amitié
549412 J. Biomechanics
549414 Comptes-Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, t. 288 − Série A
549473 Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology
549676 Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978) 1413-0939
549779 Cahiers d'Anatomie
549863 Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2445-0669 SEKLE
550034 Géobios
550035 Indian Ocean Biogeochemical Processes and Ecological Variability. (2009), Geophys. Monogr. Ser
550116 Climate Services
550257 Scientific journal «Bulletin of NAS RK» 2518-1467 National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
550378 Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht (ZUM)
550513 Npj Computational Materials
550516 On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe 2247-0514
550610 Illuminazioni 2037-609X
550643 Cuadernos de Arte e Iconografía 0214-0284 Fundación Universitaria Española, Madrid
550656 Slovenský národopis Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava
550661 Matraga - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da UERJ 1414-7165
550929 The Defence Horizon Journal 2710-3722
550930 AE-EPS
551118 Journal of Magnetics Society of Japan 1882-2932 Magnetics Society of Japan
551148 Entertainment, droit médias art et culture 2566-1671
551233 Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things