Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
614254 Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosaCurrent problems in remote sensing of the Earth from space 2411-0280
164131 Soyons Logiques. Let's be Logical
632997 Sozial Aktuell
152653 Sozial- und Präventivmedizin¶Social and Preventive Medicine¶Médecine social et préventive 0303-8408
63513 Soziale Geschichte Online
63073 Soziale Probleme
125210 Soziale Sicherheit
55467 Soziale Stadt
177417 Soziale Systeme. Zeitschrift für soziologische Theorie 2366-0473 De Gruyter
41829 Soziale Welt
64531 Sozialer Fortschritt
41433 Soziologie der Gesundheit, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie
504972 Soziologisches Jahrbuch Trento
861517 Space International
483942 Space International Groupe Areion
153932 Space Propulsion
66323 Space Sci. Rev
119834 Space Sci.Rev
179933 Space Science Reviews
56193 Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical
142293 Space Weather
151646 Space and Culture ACCB Publishing
31729 Spaces and Places. Annual Conference of Society for the Study of French History, Southampton, 4-5 juillet 2005., France (2005)
484417 Spaces of Utopia : An Electronic Journal groupe de recherche « Mapping Dreams : British and North American Utopianism »
123543 Spagna Contemporanea
106946 Spanderel
120244 Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 2171-9292
613361 Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC 2444-9695
162402 Sparkling International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Studies 2581-7574 JOHN FOUNDATION
606850 Sparsae 0763-0190 Association culturelle Aigueperse et ses environs
33582 Spartan society
113084 Spatial Cognition and Computation: An interdisciplinary Journal
121509 Spatial Computation and Cognition
143664 Spatial Demography 2364-2289
564851 Spatial Economic Analysis
336953 Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology
36650 Spatial econometrics and statistics
107392 Spatium - The Journal of Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia 2217-8066 De Gruyter
71534 Speak Out!
817670 SpeakOut! IATEFL Pronunciation Special Interest Group Journal 2313-7703 IATEFL, Kent, England
70239 Spec. Publ. International Association Sedimentologists
70240 Spec. Publ. International Association of Sedimentologists
143122 Special Issue IMS 2014 IEEE MTT
864559 Special Issue in Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence: Mathematical Foundations of Analogical Reasoning and Applications Springer
77504 Special Issue in IEEE Computer Dynamic Software Product Lines
99521 Special Issue on 'Management of IP Networks and Services'-International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology
43235 Special Issue on Nonrigid Registration
172510 Special Issue on Uncertainty, Conditionals and Nonmonotonicity
54235 Special Magazine National Safety and Security and Crisis Management
114220 Special Paper of the Geological Society of America
141444 Special Publication (NIST SP) - 500-325 NIST
66747 Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists
35741 Special Section on MOEMS and J. Microlith. Microfab. Microsyst
64744 Special Topics & Reviews in Porous
85870 Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media
94646 Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal Begellhouse
177276 Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal 2151-4798
85869 Special Topics and Reviews in Porous Media
493827 Special bulletin of the Japanese Society of Coleopterology 1341-1128 Japanese Society of Coleopterology
65503 Special issue Advances in the Theory of Control, Signals and Systems with Physical Modeling
67659 Special issue Revista Brasileira de Geociencias
121550 Special issue of Sistemi intelligenti on Ontology
68203 Special issue on Engineering of Configurable Systems of the Journal of Supercomputing
33596 Special paper - Geological Society of America
91779 Speciality chemicals magazine
119655 Species 2319-5746 Discovery Journals
101634 Specimen 2258-7314 Zone
930454 Specimina Nova University of Pécs (Hungary)
174704 Specom
56013 Spect. Acta B
30389 Spectacula 1. Gladiateurs et amphithéâtres: actes du colloque tenu à Toulouse et à Lattes les 26, 27, 28 et 29 mai 1987
30390 Spectacula 2. Le théâtre antique et ses spectacles. Actes du colloque tenu au Musée archéologique Henri Prades de Lattes les 27, 28, 29 et 30 avril 1989
36144 Spectacula. Le théâtre antique et ses spectacles Musée archéologique de Lattes
921761 Spectator. The University of South California Journal of Film and Television Criticism 1051-0230
99524 Spectr. Int. J
50349 Spectra 2000
118893 Spectra Anal
135755 Spectra Analyse
116541 Spectra Analyse La Revue Scientifique Dactualite Sur Les Techniques Et Linst
83208 Spectral and Evolution Problems
55341 Spectral line shapes, Vol 15
149439 Spectre AESTQ
181531 Spectre
181534 Spectre, 40, 1, 34-37
598648 Spectres du cinéma LettMotif
75556 Spectro-imaging properties of annular diffractive axicons
30518 Spectrochimica Acta
941299 Spectrochimica Acta Part A
99603 Spectros. Int. J
755354 Spectroscopy 0887-6703 MultiMedia Healthcare, LLC
49586 Spectroscopy, Int. J
179119 Specula. Revista de Humanidades y Espiritualidad 2697-2484
111110 Speculations: Journal of Speculative Realism 2327-803X Fabio Gironi, Michael Austin and Robert Jackson
164120 Speculum
172153 Speculum Medii Aevi
172298 Speculum Medii Ævi
134057 Speculum Musicae
89170 Spee Jahrbuch
71640 Speech
69135 Speech - Architectural Journal