Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
3505 Boston College industrial and commercial law review 0006-7954 Boston College Law School
3510 Boston Review 0734-2306 Boston Critic, Inc
39940 Methods and Applications of Analysis 1073-2772 Boston International Press
8165 Religious & Theological Resources 0034-4052 Boston Theological Institute, Office of the Librarian
3127 Arion -Austin then Boston 0095-5809 Boston Univeristy
7700 Partisan Review -New York 0031-2525 Boston University
3511 Boston University International Law Journal 0737-8947 Boston University International Law Journal
259288 Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law 1548-520X Boston University School of Law
3512 Boston University Journal of Tax Law 0741-8477 Boston University School of Law
7939 Probate law journal / National College of Probate Judges and Boston University School of Law 0737-3112 Boston University School of Law
3514 The Boston University public interest law journal 1077-0615 Boston University School of Law
6037 Journal of Education- Boston University School of Education 0022-0574 Boston University-school of Education
7994 Progressive Christian 1934-7316 Boston Wesleyan Association
9446 Zion's Herald 0098-9282 Boston Wesleyan Association
3509 The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 0096-6762 Boston, Cupples, Upham & Co
6805 The Library Binder 0024-2209 Boston, Library Binding Institute
5110 Harvard Business School Bulletin 0017-8020 Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Association
3617 Bulletin of the General Theological Library 0361-0837 Boston: General Theological Library
129975 Plant Ecology and Evolution 2032-3913 Botanic Garden Meise and Royal Botanical Society of Belgium
105449 Willdenowia 0511-9618 Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin
142425 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1934-5259 Botanical Research Institute of Texas
2845 American Journal of Botany 0002-9122 Botanical Society of America
40229 Plant Science Bulletin 0032-0919 Botanical Society of America
947450 Nelumbo 0976-5069 Botanical Survey of India
8792 Taxon 0040-0262 Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum
164780 Botswana notes and records 0525-5090 Botswana society
105034 Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies 1545-2905 Boulder, CO : Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Colorado at Boulder
4010 Colorado Academic Library 0010-1486 Boulder, College and University Division, Colorado Library Association
95011 Le Rugby magazine 2102-0477 Boulogne-Billancourt: Lafont presse (Groupe Entreprendre)
74242 Les Cahiers du Littoral 1636-9181 Boulogne-sur-Mer: "Les Cahiers du littoral
486914 The Journal of nature 0985-0856 Bourbon sciences
151993 RELAIS - Revue du Laboratoire d’Études et de Recherches sur l’Interculturel 978992093720 7 Bouregreg : Rabat
7 Academic Open Internet Journal 1311-4360 Bourgas University, Technical College
3545 British journal of photography 0007-1196 Bouverie Publishing Ltd
2939 American Secondary Education 0003-1003 Bowling Green State University
5826 Journal of American Culture 0191-1813 Bowling Green State University Popular Press
5463 Industrial Engineer -Norcross 1542-894X Boyd & Goldratt
64903 North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy 1077-1409 Boydell & Brewer
118233 Fourteenth Century England Boydell and Brewer/Cambridge University Press
3100 Architecture -New York and Washington- American Institute of Architects 0746-0554 Bpi Communications
21618 Neuroendocrinology Letters 0172-780X Brain Research Promotion
1605 Journal of Virtual Environments d000-0067 Brandeis University
693 Ecclectica 1708-721X Brandon University
6909 magazine antiques 0161-9284 Brant Publications
144093 Brasilien Nachrichten 0173-6582 Brasilien-Initiative Freiburg e. V
39631 Journal of general management 0306-3070 Braybrook Press Ltd
39199 Henley Manager Update 0957-4212 Braybrooke Press Ltd
152394 Soils and Rocks 1980-9743 Brazilian Association for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
793 Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental 1413-4152 Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
177939 Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology 1983-0246 Brazilian Association of Veterinary Pathology
148 Animal Reproduction 1806-9614 Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction
71093 Journal of Information and Data Management Brazilian Computer Society
101099 Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development Brazilian Computer Society
69990 SBC Journal on Interactive Systems 2236-3297 Brazilian Computing Society
408 Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 1677-0420 Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology
354137 Brazilian Journal of Business Economics 2596-1934 Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos e Editora Ltda
37535 Ensaios Matemáticos 2175-0432 Brazilian Mathematical Society
51350 Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems 1807-1953 Brazilian Microelectronics Society
151025 Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications 2179-1074 Brazilian Microwave and Optoelectronics Society
166257 JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE REPRODUCAO ASSISTIDA 1517-5693 Brazilian Society of Assisted Reproduction
401 Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 0104-6632 Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering
1571 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences 0100-7386 Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences
137116 Journal of Communication and Information Systems 1980-6604 Brazilian Telecommunications Society (SBrT)
38415 BCA Source Breast Cancer Action
497469 Keltische Forschungen Brennos - Verein für Keltologie
62813 Acoustics Abstracts 0001-4974 Brentwood (Essex) : Multi-Science Publ
20835 Antiquité tardive Brepols
26415 Apocrypha 1155-3316 Brepols
169830 Apocrypha 1155-3316 Brepols
26436 Apocrypha. Revue internationale des littératures apocryphes Brepols
180557 Archives Internationales d’histoire des sciences, vol. 61, n° 166-167, p. 27-55 0003-9810 Brepols
76415 Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale 0068-4023 Brepols
284368 Bulletin de l'AELAC Brepols
48060 Bulletin de l'association pour l'Antiquité tardive 1250-7334 Brepols
120528 Cahiers de Biblia Patristica 0982-3668 Brepols
180248 Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages 1378-8779 Brepols
102148 Food and History 1780-3187 Brepols
148368 Giornale Italiano di Filologia 0017-0461 Brepols
47541 Hortus artium medievalium: Journal of the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages 1330-7274 Brepols
90097 In Monte Artium. Journal of the Royal Library of Belgium 2031-3098 Brepols
136940 Journal for the History of Environment and Society 2506-6749 Brepols
135300 Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 2034-3515 Brepols
106095 Judaïsme ancien/Ancient Judaism 2294-9321 Brepols
25976 Le Moyen Français 0226-0174 Brepols
113862 Pecia : ressources en médiévistique 1761-4961 Brepols
167541 Pecia. Le livre et l’écrit Brepols
117566 Quaestio : annuaire d'histoire de la métaphysique = The Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics = annuario di storia della metafisica = Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Metaphysik 1379-2547 Brepols
25920 Revue Bénédictine 0035-0893 Brepols
81496 Revue Mabillon, revue internationale d'histoire et de littérature religieuses 0035-3620 Brepols
25986 Revue d'histoire des textes 0373-6075 Brepols
164955 Sacris Erudiri 0771-7776 Brepols
129137 The Journal of Medieval Latin 0778-9750 Brepols
128160 Troianalexandrina 1577-5003 Brepols
40826 Viator 0083-5897 Brepols
78561 Viator (English and multilingual edition) 2033-6993 Brepols
132340 Viking and Medieval Scandinavia 1782-7183 Brepols
66074 Almagest Brepols Publishers
105510 Annali di Scienze Religiose 2294-8775 Brepols Publishers
38308 Antiquité Tardive 0778-9777 Brepols Publishers
764754 Bibliologia : elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia 1375-9566 Brepols Publishers