Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
75564 ESSA 2011 : 7th European Social Simulation Association Conference
64527 ESSACHESS (Journal of Social and Cultural Studies)
68469 ESSACHESS - Editions de l'Institut européen
84374 ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies 2066-5083 ESSACHESS editors
168998 ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies 1775-352X
180771 ESSCIRC
176129 ESSDERC 2021
923254 ESSDERC 2023 - IEEE 53rd European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC)
967357 ESSE: Философские и теологические исследования
151120 ESTUDIOS DE DERECHO 0120-1867
25018 ESWC 2006 Workshop on Mastering the Gap: From Information Extraction to Semantic Representation
415144 ESamizdat. Rivista Di Culture Dei Paesi Slavi / Journal of Slavic Cultures / Журнал славянских культур 1723-4042 Registrazione presso la Sezione per la Stampa e l'Informazione del Tribunale civile di Roma
155630 ESci Journal of Plant Pathology 2305-106X
105452 ESpèces - Revue d’Histoire naturelle 2256-6384 Kyrnos publications
58065 EStudios de lengua y literatura francesas
144445 ET & P, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1042-2587
872813 ET Studies
409966 ET-Studies 2032-5215 Peeters Online Journals
884385 ET-Studies, Journal de l'Association Européenne de Théologie Catholique 2032-5215
120080 ETC 0835-7641
592173 ETC MEDIA 2368-0318 Revue d'art contemporain ETC inc
839 ETD - Educação Temática Digital 1517-2539 Universidade Estadual de Campinas
80503 ETDS
106855 ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering 0354-8653 University of Montenegro
534472 ETH Learning and Teaching Journal
578404 ETH Zurich Research Collection
26849 ETHINGTON, Philip J. & SCHWARTZ, Vanessa R (eds.), Atlas of Urban Icons: Studies in Urban Visual History. Multimedia Companion to Special Issue of Urban History, May 2006, vol. 33, N°1 Cambridge University Press
809562 ETHOS 0850-1254 Presses universitaires de Dakar
279629 ETL - Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
278547 ETR
845 ETRI Journal 1225-6463 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
867725 ETRI Journal 2233-7326 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
143328 ETSI White Paper
377303 ETTDER 2017-9354 DEER Prodüksiyon
124805 ETUI Policy Brief 2031-8782 European Trade Union Institute (ETUI)
175748 EU Bulletin
172674 EU Law Live 2695-9585 EU Law Live Sociedad Limitada
181574 EU Policy Brief Centre for European Studies
140827 EU Political Economy Bulletin
38954 EU Politics Today IPD Group
155870 EU Rural Review 1831-5267
38955 EU Transport Report 1745-9850 EUI Media Ltd
102149 EU law analysis
128232 EU-ASEAN COMPASS Expertise France Consortium
150047 EU-topías x
58904 EUA / Raabe Bologna Handbook
75025 EUCAP '12 : 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
87656 EUCASS Proceedings Series - Advances in AeroSpace Sciences