Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
273314 Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia Universidad de León
273437 IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
273467 Communications Physics
273468 Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
273474 Plasma Processes and Polymers
273475 Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing
273496 International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 2156-1834 IGI Global
273521 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
273587 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
273925 Optics Continuum
274294 Frontiers in Network Physiology 2674-0109
274317 Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies 2065-3506
275138 IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science 2637-6407 IEEE
275205 Antennae. The Journal of Art and Nature
275276 Electrochem
275292 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
275443 Language Development Research 2771-7976 Carnegie Mellon University Library Publishing Service
275459 Studia Bruxellae 2030-5974 Musées et Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles
275491 Comunicarte
275496 Revista Pensamento Comunicational Latino-americano
275500 Annual Report of UNESCO/UMESP Chair
275617 Sapiens Wenner Gren fondation
275652 DNA - Di Nulla Accademia. Rivista di studi camporesiani 2724-5179 AlmaDL Journals
275666 Poetica. Zeitschrift für Sprach und Literaturwissenschaft 0303-4178 Brill-Fink
276071 Australian Journal of Maritime Archaeology The Australian Institue for Maritime Archaeology
276230 Texte, revue de critique et de théorie littéraire
276464 Вестник гражданского процесса / Vestnik grazhdanskogo protsessa / Herald of Civil Procedure
276514 Le Karst Comtois 2603-7281 GIPEK
276518 СИНЕЗА 2712-1259
276585 Arhimede Mathematical Journal 2462-537X Arhimede Association
276612 Entreprises Magazine 1625-2322 Chambre de commerce et d'industrie (Montpellier)
276617 Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas 2145-8472 Universidad Industrial de Santander
276628 Gunjishi-gaku 0386-8877 Gunjishi-gakkai
276639 Research Journal of Parasitology 1816-4943
276644 비교문학 1225-0910 한국비교문학회
276682 Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística
276716 Festa d'Elx
277317 Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology 2813-0359 Frontiers Media
277364 Bulletin de liaison des musées d'histoire naturelle 0755-2440 Inspection générale des musées d'histoire naturelle de province
277500 Revue de philosophie économique
277691 Chemical physics
277695 Forensic Science International: Mind and Law Elsevier
277757 Pegasus. Journal of the Classics and Ancient History 0308-2431 University of Exeter Classics Department
277818 Info R3S
277915 Soochow Academic Review: Dongwu Xueshu东吴学术 1674-9790 Changshu Institute of Technology
277966 Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle
277975 International journal of banking, finance and insurance technologies 2816-8070 Research Lake International
278084 Cahiers Bataille 2119-6583 Les Cahiers
278086 ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830 2157-7129
278255 Analele Universitatii Bucuresti: Geografie/Annals of the University of Bucharest – Geography Series 1013-4115
278276 In Vivo Arts 2825-9599 In Vivo
278284 Biophysical Journal 1542-0086
278325 Journal of Taiwan Archaeology The Archaeological Society of Taiwan
278326 Ex NOVO Journal of Archaeology 2531-8810 Maja Gori
278429 Thin Solid Films
278436 Materials and Technology
278439 Cell Genomics 2666-979X Elsevier
278540 Advances in the History of Rhetoric
278545 BN
278547 ETR
278548 Bib
278550 Foi et Vie
278571 Applied Thermal Engineering
278587 Galoitica: Journal of Mathematical Structures and Applications
278598 Journal of Communication and Religion
278613 Problems of atomic science and technology
278637 Revista espoñola de filosofia Medieval UCO Press
278647 Espaço Jurídico 2179-7943 Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina
278676 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Sciences
278679 International communications in heat and mass transfer
278698 The European Physical Journal D
278712 Novos Estudos Jurídicos 2175-0491 Centro de Ciências Sociais e Jurídicas
278749 Interaction Studies - Special Issue on Vocal Interactivity in‐and‐between Humans, Animals and Robots 1572-0373 John Benjamins Publishing Company
278758 Giant 2666-5425 Elsevier
278773 The Promise of Reason: Studies in the New Rhetoric Southern Illinois University Press
179012 Journal Ouest Africain de Biochimie
179014 Frontiers in Robotics and AI
179015 Micromachines
179018 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
179020 IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
179022 Journal of Polymer Research
179023 International Urogynecology Journal
179029 Metals and Materials International
179033 Journal of Economics and Society / Iktisat ve Toplum Dergisi 1309-9418 Eflatun Basim Yayin
179034 Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials
179038 Environ.Sci.Pollut.Res
179039 The Energy Journal
179040 Sur_Mesure
179043 Journal ETICA&CINE
179044 Dalton Transactions 1477-9234
179045 Le Temps de Le Dire, Radio RCF
179047 France Culture, "Une vie, Une Oeuvre
179050 Autex Research Journal 2300-0929
179051 Smart Materials Research 2090-3561
179052 Revue de l'infirmiere
179055 Journal of medical case reports
179056 Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials