Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
135317 Japon pluriel Philippe Picquier
137408 Théâtre du Blog Philippe du Vignal
22951 Philippine Geographical Journal 0031-7551 Philippine Geographical Society
39942 Michael Murphy's New World Investor Phillips Investment Resources
147454 Philosophie magazine 1951-1787 Philo Éditions
330147 Philosophie magazine - Hors série 2104-9246 Philo Éditions
377899 Philonomist Philo éditions
151427 Postscript : The Journal of the Philological Association of the Carolinas Philological Association of the Carolinas
106077 The Philosophers' Magazine 1354-814X Philosophers' Magazine (UK) / Philosophy Documentation Center (USA)
114353 Magyar Filozófiai Szemle = Hungarian Philosophical Review 0025-0090 Philosophical Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
159433 Interdisciplinaria archaeologica Natural Sciences in Archaeology 1804-848X Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové/Archaeological Centre Olomouc
88350 Philosophical Readings 2036-4989 Philosophical Readings
833628 Isonomia 2037-4348 Philosophical journal of the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo", Italy
106207 Annales Philosophici 2344-4886 Philosophy Dept., University of Oradea
2789 American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 1051-3558 Philosophy Documentation Center
2977 Ancient Philosophy 0740-2007 Philosophy Documentation Center
3641 Business and Professional Ethics Journal 0277-2027 Philosophy Documentation Center
4666 Environmental Ethics 0163-4275 Philosophy Documentation Center
22069 International Journal of Applied Philosophy 0739-098X Philosophy Documentation Center
5675 International Philosophical Quarterly 0019-0365 Philosophy Documentation Center
39869 Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 1091-6687 Philosophy Documentation Center
17011 Medieval Philosophy and Theology 1057-0608 Philosophy Documentation Center
80229 New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 1533-7472 Philosophy Documentation Center
7788 Philosophy Today 0031-8256 Philosophy Documentation Center
8234 Review of Metaphysics 0034-6632 Philosophy Documentation Center
2409 Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 1091-8264 Philosophy Documentation Center
8918 Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 0040-6457 Philosophy Documentation Center
7784 Philosophy of Education Yearbook 8756-6575 Philosophy of Education Society
52976 Estudios de Fonética Experimental 1575-5533 Phonetics Laboratory of the University of Barcelona
116535 Source The Photographic Review 1369-2224 Photo Works North & Gallery of Photography
124114 Photonics letters of Poland 2080-2242 Photonics Society of Poland
16382 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 0031-9015 Physical Society of Japan 日本物理学会
495 Chinese Journal of Physics 0577-9073 Physical Society of the Republic of China
1987 Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders 1523-5998 Physicians Postgraduate Press
160615 The primary care companion for CNS disorders 2155-7780 Physicians Postgraduate Press
176674 International Comet Quaterly Physics Dept., Appalachian State University
153443 Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika ‘Al-BiRuNi’ 2503-023X Physics Education, UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
21485 Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical Nmr 0748-6642 Physiological Chemistry and Physics
106311 Phytoneuron 2153-733X Phytoneuron
4529 Educational Horizons 0013-175X Pi Lambda Theta
39982 Monaldi Archives for Chest Diseases: Cardiac Series Pi-Me Tipografia Editrice
39983 Monaldi Archives for Chest Diseases: Pulmonary Series Pi-Me Tipografia Editrice
26071 Recherches sur la musique française classique Picard
589035 Avocette 0181-0782 Picardie Nature
7804 Picturescope 0031-9694 Picture Division, Special Libraries Association
170648 Mathematical Methods and Physico-Mechanical Fields 0130-9420 Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics
39679 Journal of Mental Health Workforce Development 1750-0699 Pier Professional
106327 VRBI Pierre Mardaga
18027 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium : [proceedings]. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 1931-7360 Piers Enterprises
701624 La revue française 1562-0859 Pietermaritzburg : Université du Natal