Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
267442 Annual Review of Developmental Psychology 2640-7922 Annual Reviews
241535 Infectious Diseases Now 2666-9927 Elsevier
241561 European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook 2047-8844 European Consortium for Political Research - ECPR
241668 DNArchi. Design Numérique Architecture 2647-8447 DNArchi
241673 Journal of Neurological Disorders Hilaris Publisher
242026 Aeon Aeon media
242069 Chemical Synthesis 2769-5247 OAE Publishing Inc
242117 Espaces Africains (Revue des Sciences Sociales) Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Populations, Sociétés & Territoires (PoSTer)
242217 Micro and Nanostructures 2773-0123 Elsevier
243167 Temporalités et Sociétés 2957-9775 Centre haïtien de recherche en sciences sociales (CHARESSO)
243235 Revue des réflexions constitutionnelles 2756-7478 Société burkinabé de droit constitutionnel (SBDC) (Burkina Faso) [2019-....]
243236 Herpetozoa 1013-4425 Austrian Herpetological Society (ÖGH)
243586 Dalloz Actu Étudiant Dalloz [sept. 2009-....]
244677 Discover Food 2731-4286 Springer
249557 Advanced Technologies & Materials 2620-0325 University of Novi Sad
249573 Chimie verte 2265-0083 Paris : Éd. Techniques de l'ingénieur
249575 NVO : La Nouvelle Vie Ouvrière [La Vie Ouvrière : la revue du travail et des luttes sociales] 1628-674X Nouvelle Société anonyme La Vie Ouvrière [2001-....]
249786 Ekonomia Międzynarodowa 2082-4440 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
250601 Research Square - Preprint 2693-5015 springer
250692 Ius comparatum Académie internationale de droit comparé / International Academy of Comparative Law (AIDC-IACL) (La Haye, Pays-Bas] [2020-....]
259941 Aging Brain 2589-9589 Elsevier
260643 Journal of Trace Elements and Minerals 2773-0506 Elsevier
261395 Food Hydrocolloids for Health 2667-0259 Elsevier
275459 Studia Bruxellae 2030-5974 Musées et Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles
276612 Entreprises Magazine 1625-2322 Chambre de commerce et d'industrie (Montpellier)
276617 Revista Integración, temas de matemáticas 2145-8472 Universidad Industrial de Santander
277317 Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology 2813-0359 Frontiers Media
277695 Forensic Science International: Mind and Law Elsevier
277757 Pegasus. Journal of the Classics and Ancient History 0308-2431 University of Exeter Classics Department
278276 In Vivo Arts 2825-9599 In Vivo
177806 Blood Cancer Discovery 2643-3230 American Association for Cancer Research
177812 Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 2666-0164 Elsevier
177814 The application of clinical genetics 1178-704X Dovepress
177828 Graphies Francophones 2789-1674 Département des lettres - Université Peleforo Gon Coulibaly
177829 Journal of clinical trials Longdom publishing
177830 Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science 2168-4790 Springer
177831 Annals of Biostatistics & Biometric Applications 2641-6336 Iris Publishers, LLC
177832 Arabia - Revue pluridisciplinaire d'études arabes et moyen-orientales 2552-7770 Arabia
177834 Le Cahier philosophique d'Afrique 0796-5842 Université de Ouagadougou
177836 International journal of African Higher Education 2313-5069 International Network for Higher Education in Africa
177837 Journal of the Language Association of Eastern Africa 0251-0421 Language Association of Eastern Africa
177841 The Ecphora - The Newsletter of the Calvert Marine Museum Fossil Club Calvert Marine Museum Fossil Club
177865 Filosofia dei diritti umani / Philosophy of Human Rights 1129-972x Aracne
177866 Infection Prevention in Practice 2590-0889 Elsevier
177867 Journal of Translational Internal Medicine 2450-131X De Gruyter
177868 Pharmaceutical Medicine 1178-2595 Springer Nature
177869 LawArt. Rivista di Diritto, Arte, Storia / LawArt. Journal of Law, Art and History G. Giappichelli Editore
177906 Sumer - Journal of Archaeology of Mesopotamia = سومر : مجلة بحث في آثار العراق القديم 0081-9271 Iraqi State Board of Antiquities
177920 Open Philosophy 2543-8875 De Gruyter
177934 International Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 2575-226X Science Publishing Group