Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
142526 Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation 2601-6699 Technical Sciences Academy of Romania
169188 Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
43 Acta Montanistica Slovaca 1335-1788 Technical University of Kosice
118534 Sciences Psy 2417-5412 Techniques Pro MédiA
153817 La Lettre Techniques de l'Ingénieur. Risques Industriels et Environnement 1957-2891 Techniques de l'ingénieur
115774 Revue Techniques de l'ingénieur. Informatique industrielle 1632-3831 Techniques de l'ingénieur
20424 Techniques de l'Ingénieur 1776-0860 Techniques de l'ingénieur
195628 Techniques de l'ingénieur : Génie du Nucléaire 1762-875X Techniques de l'ingénieur
117837 Earthquakes and Structures 2092-7622 Techno Press
19898 Wind and Structures 1226-6116 Techno Press
105332 Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science 2287-528X Techno-Press
131984 Coupled systems mechanics 2234-2184 Techno-Press
108147 Membrane Water Treatment 2005-8624 Techno-Press, Korean Science
12055 Computers and Concrete, an International Journal 1598-8198 Techno-press
19151 Steel and Composite Structures 1229-9367 Techno-press
19186 Structural Engineering and Mechanics 1225-4568 Techno-press Ltd
163884 International Journal of Islands Research 2737-7776 Technological University Dublin
794 Engineering Economics 1392-2785 Technologija
8829 Technology & Conservation 0146-1214 Technology & Conservation
3703 Call Center CRM Solutions 1529-1782 Technology Marketing Corp
3706 Call Center Solutions 1521-0774 Technology Marketing Corp
8843 Telemarketing 0730-6156 Technology Marketing Corp
8844 Telemarketing and Call Center Solutions 1521-0766 Technology Marketing Corp
8834 Technology review 1099-274X Technology Review
131740 Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 2249-4669 Technology Society Of Basic And Applied Sciences
1148 International Journal of Computer Science and Applications 0972-9038 Technomathematics Research Foundation
8200 Research management 0034-5334 Technomic Publishing Co., Inc
87762 J'innove en Nord-Pas de Calais, le magazine 2102-4170 Technopole Lille métropole
117014 Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 0972-6268 Technoscience Publications
2404 Técnica Administrativa 1666-1680 Tecnica administrativa
40708 Tecnica Ospedaliera 0392-4831 Tecniche Nuove Spa
396 Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 1516-8913 Tecpar
89893 Advances in Computer Science : an International Journal Tehran : Hossein Erfani, 2013
123403 Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings 2008-2134 Tehran Institute for Color Science and Technology
40 Acta Medica Iranica 0044-6025 Tehran University of Medical Sciences
620 DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1560-8115 Tehran University of Medical Sciences
1274 Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 1735-1979 Tehran University of Medical Sciences
78150 Iranian Journal of Microbiology 2008-3289 Tehran University of Medical Sciences
78139 Iranian Journal of Parasitology 1735-7020 Tehran University of Medical Sciences
1275 Iranian Journal of Public Health 0304-4556 Tehran University of Medical Sciences
588490 Journal of Air Pollution and Health 2476-3071 Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) Journals Publishing House
182711 Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports 2322-1186 Tehran: Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences
1562 Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 1302-7050 Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty
8923 Tidskrift for Dokumentation 0040-6872 Tekniska Litteratursallskapet
374083 Household and Personal Care Today 2035-4614 Teknoscienze
38208 Agro-food-Industry Hi Tech 1120-6012 Teknoscienze Srl
38584 Chimica Oggi 0392-839X Teknoscienze Srl
687 E.I.A.L. : Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe 0792-7061 Tel Aviv University
70008 Israel Oriental Studies (IOS) 0334-4401 Tel Aviv University. Faculty of Humanities
65863 ParisTech Review 2111-5133 Telecom Paris Tech