Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
40248 Population Review 1549-0955 Population Review Publications
108377 Revue de la Société haïtienne d'histoire et de géographie 1016-4189 Port-au-Prince : Société haïtienne d'histoire et de géographie
921684 Revista Linguagem em Foco 2674-8266 Portal de Periódicos da Uece
141180 Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado 1696-9669 Portalderecho
161047 Le Patrimoine : histoire, culture et création d'Occitanie - Le Patrimoine (Portet-sur-Garonne) 2550-8423 Portet sur Garonne : Editions Midi-Pyrénéennes
144715 Journal of Alternative Investments 1520-3255 Portfolio Management Research
39484 IP Law360 Portfolio Media Inc
142668 The Journal of Wealth Management 1534-7524 Portfolio management research
7889 Portia Law Journal 0196-5646 Portia Law School
11100 Biochemical Journal 0264-6021 Portland Press
11104 Biochemical Society Symposia 0067-8694 Portland Press
11105 Biochemical Society Transactions 0300-5127 Portland Press
11218 Bioscience Reports 0144-8463 Portland Press
11836 Clinical Science 0143-5221 Portland Press
22285 Essays in Biochemistry 0071-1365 Portland Press
6406 Journal of Reproduction and Fertility Portland Press
140474 Público 0872-1548 Portugais : Ediçao Lisboa
92448 Cadernos Proarq. Revista de arquitetura e urbanismo do Proarq 1679-7604 Post-graduate Program in Architecture at FAU - Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
1979 Postcolonial Text 1705-9100 Postcolonial Text
166621 Interventions : International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 2455-6564 Postcolonial interventions
1615 JPMI 1013-5472 Postgraduate Medical Institute, Peshawar
7895 Poultry Science 0032-5791 Poultry Science Association
176640 Brèves Mésopotamiennes 2551-9859 Pour la Science
79285 Les génies de la sience Pour la Science
62849 Pour la science 0153-4092 Pour la Science
159607 Cerveau & Psycho 2115-7197 Pour la science
112803 Cerveau & psycho. L'essentiel 2115-7197 Pour la science
131006 Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering 2588-2872 Pouyan Press
7897 Power (New York, N.Y.) 0032-5929 Power
507486 Power System Protection and Control 1674-3415 Power System Protection and Control
140266 The Powys Journal Powys Soc
166529 Log forum- Scientific journal of logistics 1734-459X Poznan School of Logistics
110204 Studia Oeconomica Posnaniensia 2300-5254 Poznan University of Economics
35286 Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici 0208-6573 Poznań : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
104264 Economics and business review 2392-1641 Poznań University of Economics Press
170469 INTERCATHEDRA 1640-3622 Poznań University of Life Sciences
55243 International Journal of Sport Psychology 0047-0767 Pozzi
70409 Revue d'histoire nordique = Nordic historical review 1778-9605 Pôle Européen Jean Monnet (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail)
795395 IBAR Pr Alan Rice
791144 Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizon 2800-1273 Pr Hafsi Abbas
775129 International Review of Management And Computer 2550-6161 Pr. Adil EL AMRI
849129 International Journal of Computer Engineering and Data Science (IJCEDS) 2737-8543 Pr. Mohamed LACHGAR, National School of Applied Sciences, El Jadida, Morocco
149181 SCEE 2664-9543 Pr. Mohamed N. HARMAS
725869 Tunisian Journal of Medecinal Plants and Natural Products 1737-8907 Pr. Zine Mighri
14612 International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior 1093-4537 Pracademic Press
39711 Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting and Financial Management 1096-3367 Pracademic Press
117035 Comparative Legilinguistics International Journal for Legal Communication 2080-5926 Pracownia Legilingwistyki
110837 Enterprise Development and Microfinance 1755-1978 Practical Action Publishing in association with GSE Research
1982 Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation 1531-7714 Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation
5534 Institute on Securities Regulation (Practising Law Institute) 0195-5756 Practising Law Institute