Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
43148 Revue Internationale de Philosophie Presses Universitaires de France
43154 Non destructive testing international
43155 Journal of French Linguistic Studies
43159 Adv Cogn Psychol
43163 African Journal of Urology
43166 Revur Française de gestion industrielle
43168 Résonances
43170 Espace créole
43186 Professional Investor, European CFA Institute Magazine
43187 Advance in modelling and Simulation
43189 Advance on Modelling and Simulation
43195 Eur. Phys. J
43198 Nuc. Med. Biol.,
43203 La revue des notaires
43211 Sociedade e território
43212 Cadernos do Noroeste
43213 Les Cahiers de sociologie de la famille
43214 Les Cahiers du CFPC (Centre de formation des personnels communaux)
43215 Architecture intérieure-CREE
43217 Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences
43221 Advances in survival analysis, Handbook of Statistics, Elsevier, Amsterdam
43223 Parametric and Semiparametric Models with Applications to Reliability, Survival Analysis, and Quality of life
43228 Student
43230 Deterministic and Stochastic Models for AIDS Epidemics and HIV Infection with Interventions
43232 International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and engineering
43235 Special Issue on Nonrigid Registration
43242 IEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication
43245 Comptes rendus de lÁcadémie des sciences Paris
43247 Gravitational and Space Biology
43253 Journal de la Recherche Médicale
43256 Cubo Matematica Educacional
43258 Numéro spécial Informatique et terminologies
43260 Phil Mag Lett
43261 Janus. Hommage à Elli Fischer-Joergensen
43266 RIdIM Newsletter
43274 J. Matter Sci
43276 Lamy protection sociale
43279 Dòng Sử Việt
43280 Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard
43282 International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture
43284 WCTRS (World Conference on Transport Research Society)
43291 Cahiers du Centre Alfred Binet. Les cas difficiles
43295 Cyclo
41410 Ann. Henri Poincarré
41411 Phil. Mag
41412 Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng
41416 European Physics JAP
41420 Foundations of computing and decision science