Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
3885 Chicago Journal of International Law 1529-0816 The University of Chicago Law School
165843 History of Humanities 2379-3163 The University of Chicago Press
128248 Journal of Human Capital 1932-8575 The University of Chicago Press
125917 Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 2378-1815 The University of Chicago Press
20761 Marine Resource Economics 0738-1360 The University of Chicago Press Journals
562 The Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal d000-0043 The University of Connecticut School of Law
9079 University of Dayton Law Review 0162-9174 The University of Dayton
4362 Denver University Law Review 0011-8834 The University of Denver College of Law
150093 Journal of Law, Technology & Policy 1532-3242 The University of Illinois
166900 Journal of Historical Syntax 2163-6001 The University of Konstanz
7404 New Mexico Law Review 0028-6214 The University of New Mexico
151642 Romance Notes 0035-7995 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Romance Studies
7501 North Dakota Law Review 0029-2745 The University of North Dakota School of Law
4753 Expedition -Philadelphia 0014-4738 The University of Pennsylvania Museum
39077 French Forum 0098-9355 The University of Pennsylvania Press
3311 Australian Literary Studies 0004-9697 The University of Queensland Press
9109 University of San Francisco Law Review 0042-0018 The University of San Francisco
8602 South Dakota Law Review 0038-3325 The University of South Dakota School of Law
132961 Gulf and Caribbean Research 1528-0470 The University of Southern Mississippi
8866 Texas Law Review 0040-4411 The University of Texas
8865 Texas International Law Journal 0163-7479 The University of Texas School of Law
9111 University of Toledo Law Review 0042-0190 The University of Toledo
9020 Tulsa Journal of Comparative and International Law 1073-192X The University of Tulsa College of Law
6240 Journal of Law and Politics- University of Virginia 0749-2227 The University of Virginia
9190 Virginia quarterly review 0042-675X The University of Virginia
103142 Essays in French Literature and Culture (EFLaC) 1835-7040 The University of Western Australia
9116 University of Western Australia Law Review 0042-0328 The University of Western Australia
9180 Virginia Environmental Law Journal 1045-5183 The Virginia Environmental Law Journal Association
9189 Virginia magazine of history and biography 0042-6636 The Virginia Historical Society
27991 Journal of the Virtual Explorer 1441-8142 The Virtual Explorer Pty Ltd
155312 Nabokov Online Journal 1911-8422 The Vladimir Nabokov Literary Foundation
9214 The Walrus 1708-4032 The Walrus Foundation
6592 Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 0075-4390 The Warburg Institute
102001 Global Environment 1973-3739 The White Horse Press
226716 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering 2278-3091 The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering
160393 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research 2347-3983 The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering
149918 JBMR Plus 2473-4039 The american society for bone and mineral research
109556 Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge 2499-930X The international centre for studies and research Mediterranean Knowledge
148697 The arab journal of performance studies 2489-088X The international centre of performance studies
2953 American Theatre 8750-3255 Theatre Communications Group
38359 ArtSEARCH 0730-9023 Theatre Communications Group (TCG)
154948 Bulletin Données et Services pour les Surfaces Continentales Theia
279397 Theologische Zeitschrift Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Basel
181234 TheoretiCS TheoretiCS Foundation e.V
1347 Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics 1537-064X Therapeutic Solutions, LLC
131646 Méthodal 2585-2892 Thessaloniki : Méthodal OpenLab
23559 Journal of Operator Theory 0379-4024 Theta Foundation
168833 États provisoires du poème 2551-3699 Théâtre national populaire / Cheyne
113160 Actu Philosophia 2269-5141 Thibaut Gress
136085 AORTA 2325-4637 Thieme