Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
18164 Precambrian Research 0301-9268 Elsevier
799442 Precedente Revista Jurídica 1657-6535
157291 Precepta Medica 0983-5075
18165 Precision Agriculture 1385-2256 Springer Verlag
18166 Precision Engineering 0141-6359 Elsevier
7912 Precision Marketing 0955-0836 Centaur Publishing
145440 Precision Nanomedicine 2639-9431 Andover House
76071 Predella 1827-8655 Associazione PREDELLA
135086 Pregnancy Hypertension 2210-7789 Elsevier
18167 Prehospital Emergency Care 1090-3127 Taylor & Francis
40259 Prehospital Immediate Care 1364-4882 BMJ Publishing Group
21448 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 1049-023X Cambridge University Press (CUP)
156718 Prehrambeno Tehnologije Biotehnologije 0352-9193
47873 Preistoria Alpina 0393-0157 Museo delle Scienze di Trento
40261 Preliminary Accident Reports Helicopter Association International
121432 Premier plan (Paris-La-Défense) 0183-0937 PUCA (Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture)
7913 Premiere -New York 0894-9263 Hachette Filipacchi Magazines Inc
18168 Prenatal Diagnosis 0197-3851 Wiley
40262 Prenatal and Neonatal Medicine 1359-8635 Taylor & Francis
18169 Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology 1082-6068 Taylor & Francis
7914 Prepared foods 0747-2536 Delta Communications Inc
40263 Prescriber John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
21446 Prescrire International 1167-7422 La Revue Prescrire
89127 Presence africaine (Paris, France : 1967) 0032-7638 Editions Présence Africaine
18170 Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 1054-7460 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
166604 Presences : revue transdisciplinaire d’étude des pratiques psychosociales UQAR, Université du Québec à Rimouski
40264 Presencia 1885-0219 Fundacion Index
103073 Present Environment and Sustainable Development 1843-5971 de Gruyter open
7915 Preservation 1090-9931 National Trust for Historic Preservation
7916 President's Newsletter 0002-7472 American Library Association
7917 Presidential Studies Quarterly 0360-4918 Wiley
49886 Preslia
102499 Presse Info INRA 1165-6492
73502 Presse thermale et climatique 0032-7875 Librairie des Facultés de médecine et de pharmacie
161122 Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural 2161-2196
18171 Pretexts Literary and Cultural Studies 1015-549X Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
106467 Preussenland. Jahrbuch der Historischen Kommission für ost- und westpreussische Landesforschung 0032-7072 Historische Kommission für ost- und westpreussiche Landesforschung
1986 Preventing Chronic Disease 1545-1151 National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
7919 Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 1045-988X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
18172 Prevention & Treatment 1522-3736 American Psychological Association (APA)
7920 Prevention (Emmaus, Pa.) 0032-8006 Rodale Inc
18174 Prevention Science 1389-4986 Springer Verlag
18173 Prevention and Control 1573-2088 Elsevier
82750 Prevention and Research 2240-2594 Prevention and Research, Universita di Roma
21445 Preventive Cardiology 1520-037X Wiley-Blackwell: No OnlineOpen
18175 Preventive Medicine 0091-7435 Elsevier
104388 Preventive Medicine Reports 2211-3355 Elsevier
18176 Preventive Veterinary Medicine 0167-5877 Elsevier
159940 Preventive Veterinary Medicine 0167-5877
40265 Previdenza Web Wolters Kluwer Italia SRL