Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
1382 Journal of chemical engineering of Japan 0021-9592 Soc of Chemical Engineering -- Japan
1383 Journal of Chemical Sciences 0370-0089 Indian Academy of Sciences
1384 Journal of Chiropractic Education 1042-5055 Association of Chiropractic Colleges
1385 Journal of Circadian Rhythms 1740-3391 Ubiquity Press
1386 Journal of Clinical Investigation 0021-9738 American Society for Clinical Investigation
1387 Journal of Cognitive Affective Learning 1549-6953 Oxford College of Emory University
1388 Journal of Community Informatics 1712-4441 Journal of Community Informatics
1389 Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics 1586-2070 Miskolci Egyetemi Kiadó
1390 Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan 1347-1767 Society of Computer Chemistry
1595 Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 0914-9198 Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology
1596 The Journal of Toxicological Sciences 0388-1350 Japanese Society of Toxicology
1597 The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 1602-2297 University Roskilde
1599 Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 1544-2896 Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience
1600 Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice 1449-9789 University of Wollongong
1601 Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins 0104-7930 Centro de Estudos de Venenos e Animais Peçonhentos - CEVAP, Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP
1603 Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 0916-7250 Japanese Society of Veterinary Science
1604 Journal of Veterinary Science 1229-845X Korean Society of Veterinary Science
1605 Journal of Virtual Environments d000-0067 Brandeis University
1606 Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting 1860-2037 Digital Peer Publishing NRW
1607 Journal of Vision 1534-7362 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
1608 Journal of Water and Environment Technology 1348-2165 Japan Society on Water Environment
1609 Journal of World-Systems Research 1076-156X American Sociological Association Section on Political Economy of the World System
1610 Journal of Yasar University 1305-970X Yasar University
1611 Journal on African Philosophy 1533-1067 Africa Resource Center
1612 Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe 1617-5247 European Centre for Minority Issues
1613 Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation 1574-0617 IOS Press
1614 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine 0972-3560 Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine
1615 JPMI 1013-5472 Postgraduate Medical Institute, Peshawar
1616 Junctures : The Journal for Thematic Dialogue 1176-5119 Otago Polytechnic
1617 JUNG: the e-Journal of the Jungian Society for Scholarly Study 1715-7978 Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies
1618 Juridica International 1406-1082 University of Tartu Press
1619 Jurisprudence 1512-181X Georgian Internet Academy
1620 Jurnalul de Chirurgie 1584-9341 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi
1621 JurPC 0937-1125 Makrolog Content Management AG
1622 Just Labour : A Canadian Journal of Work and Society 1705-1436 York University
1623 Ka Mate Ka Ora : a New Zealand Journal of Poetry and Poetics 1177-2182 New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre
1624 Kacike: Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology 1562-5028 Caribbean Amerindian Centrelink
1625 Kagaku k¿¿¿¿gaku ronbunsh¿¿¿¿ 0386-216X Society of Chemical Engineers Japan
1626 Kairos 1521-2300 Kairos
1627 Kant e-Prints 1677-1621 Campinas Section of Brasilian Kant Society
1628 Kardiologia -Bratislava 1210-0048 SymeKard s.r.o
1629 Cardiovascular Medicine 1423-5528 EMH Schweizerischer Arzteverlag
1630 Kathmandu University medical journal (KUMJ) 1812-2027 Kathmandu University
1631 Kemija u industriji 0022-9830 Hrvatsko drutvo kemijskih inenjera i tehnologa
1632 Kinetoplastid biology and disease 1475-9292 BioMed Central
1633 Knowledge Management for Development Journal 1871-6342 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
1634 The Knowledge Tree: an e-Journal of Learning Innovation 1448-2673 Australian Flexible Learning Framework
1635 Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences 0023-2513 Kobe University School of Medicine
1636 Kommunikation@gesellschaft 1616-2617 Stegbauer & Schönberger
1637 Korean Journal of Hepatology 1738-222X Korean Association for the Study of the Liver
1638 Korean Journal of Medical History 1225-505X Korean Society for the History of Medicine
1639 Korean Journal of Parasitology 0023-4001 Korean Society for Parasitology
1640 Korean Journal of Radiology 1229-6929 Korean Radiological Society
1641 Kriterion. Revista de filosofia 0100-512X Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
1642 Kritika Kultura 1656-152X Ateneo de Manila University
1643 Kritikos. Journal of postmodern cultural sound, text and image 1552-5112 Intertheory Press
1644 1618-8101 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
1645 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 1225-6951 Kyungpook National University
1646 Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 1340-6116 Kyushu University
1647 Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 1177-083X Royal Society of New Zealand
1648 Laissez-Faire 1683-9145 Universidad Francisco Marroquín
1649 Language and Literacy : A Canadian Educational e-journal 1496-0974 Language and Literacy
1650 Language Design - Journal of Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics 1139-4218 Granada Lingvistica (and Metodo Ediciones)
1651 Language Learning and Technology 1094-3501 University of Hawaii
1652 Language@internet 1860-2029 Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf
1653 Latin American Applied Research 0327-0793 Universidad Nacional del Sur y Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
1654 Latin American Essays 1525-125X Mid Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies
1655 Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 1679-7817 Argentinean Association of Computational Mechanics, Brazilian Association of Computational Mechanics, Mexican Association of Numerical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences
1656 Law and Contemporary Problems : a Quarterly Published by the Duke University, School of Law 0023-9186 Duke University School of Law
1657 Law, Environment and Development Journal 1746-5893 School of Oriental and African Studies
1658 Law, Social Justice and Global Development 1467-0437 University of Warwick
1659 Lámpara de Diógenes : Revista Semestral de Filosofía 1870-4662 Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
1660 Lean Construction Journal 1555-1369 Lean Construction Institute
1661 Lectio Difficilior 1661-3317 Universität Bern
1662 Leeds International Classical Studies 1477-3643 University of Leeds
1663 Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies 1583-1078 AcademicDirect
1664 Leonardo Journal of Sciences 1583-0233 AcademicDirect
1665 Leprosy Review 0305-7518 LEPRA (The British Leprosy Relief Association)
1666 Letras Hispanas 1548-5633 Texas State University
1667 Lexicometrica 1773-0570 André Salem, Serge Fleury
1668 Lianes 1776-3150 Lianes Association
1669 Liber Annuus 0081-8933 Franciscan Printing Press, Jerusalem
1670 Library Philosophy and Practice 1522-0222 University of Nebraska, Lincoln libraries
1671 Libreas : Library Ideas 1860-7950 Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft Berlin
1672 Libres: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal 1058-6768 Curtin University of Technology
1673 Libyan Journal of Medicine 1819-6357 Co-Action Publishing
1674 Lingua Romana : a Journal of French, Italian and Romanian Culture 1551-4730 Brigham Young University
1675 Linguae & 1724-8698 LED Edizioni Universitarie
1676 Linguagem e Ensino 1415-1928 Catholic University of Pelotas
1677 Linguagem em (Dis)curso 1518-7632 Unisul - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
1678 Linguistic Discovery 1537-0852 Dartmouth College Library
1679 Lingüística en la Red 1697-0780 Universidad de Alcala
1680 Linguistica Occitana 1773-0538 Association Linguistica Occitana
1681 Linguistics Journal 1718-2301 Linguistics Journal
1682 Linguistik Online 1615-3014 Bern Open Publishing
1683 Lipids in Health and Disease 1476-511X BioMed Central
1684 Literatura y Lingüística 0716-5811 Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez
1685 Livestock Research for Rural Development 0121-3784 Centro para la Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuaria
1686 Living Reviews in European Governance 1813-856X ECSA Austria
1687 Living Reviews in Relativity 1433-8351 Living Reviews
1688 Living Reviews in Solar Physics 1614-4961 Living Reviews
1689 LLJournal 1930-1693 City University of New York
1690 LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 1461-1570 London Mathematical Society
1691 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics d000-0051 Kazanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet
1692 Logical Methods in Computer Science Logical Methods in Computer Science Association
1693 Logistics Journal : Nicht-referierte Veröffentlichungen 1860-5923 WGTL Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer technische Logistik
1694 Logistics Journal : Referierte Veröffentlichungen 1860-7977 WGTL Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer technische Logistik
1696 Lua Nova : Revista de Cultura e Política 0102-6445 Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea, CEDEC
1391 Journal of Computer Science 1549-3636 Science Publications
1392 Journal of Computer Science and Technology 1666-6046 Iberoamerican Science & Technology Education Consortium
1393 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1083-6101 Wiley
1394 Journal of Computing and Information Technology 1330-1136 University Computing Centre Zagreb
1395 The journal of contemporary dental practice 1526-3711 Procter & Gamble Company
1396 Journal of Cotton Science 1523-6919 Cotton Foundation
1397 Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology 1088-0755 Boise State University, Department of Psychology
1398 Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture 1070-8286 State University of New York at Albany
1399 Journal of Culture Collections 1310-8360 National Bank for Industrial Microorganisms and Cell Cultures Bulgaria
1400 Journal of Dagaare Studies 1608-0130 University of Hong Kong
1401 Journal of Data Science 1680-743X Columbia University, New York
1402 Journal of Dependence 1302-5570 Ozel Bagýmlilik Saglik Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti
1403 Journal of Digital Information 1368-7506 Texas Digital Library
1404 Journal of Distance Education / Revue de l'Éducation à Distance 0830-0445 Canadian Network for Innovation in Education
1405 Journal of Earth System Science 0253-4126 Indian Academy of Sciences
1406 Journal of Echocardiography 1349-0222 Springer Verlag
1407 Journal of Education for International Development 1554-2262 Educational Quality Improvement Program
1408 Journal of Educational Enquiry 1444-5530 University of South Australia
1409 Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences 1013-090X Tamkang University Press
1410 Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 1526-6133 California State University
1411 Journal of Electronic Publishing 1080-2711 Michigan Publishing
1412 Journal of eLiteracy 1745-4360 University of Glasgow
1413 Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science 1326-4443 University of South Australia
1415 Journal of Entomology 1812-5670 Academic Journals, New York
1416 Journal of Environmental Health Research 1476-0932 Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
1417 Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology 1676-2649 Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia
1418 Journal of Equine Science 1340-3516 Japanese Society of Equine Science
1419 Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 1746-4269 BioMed Central
1420 The Journal of Eurasian Research 1538-0378 American Councils for International Education
1421 Journal of Evolution and Technology 1541-0099 Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
1422 Journal of Exercise Physiology - Online 1097-9751 American Society of Exercise Physiologists
1423 Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction 1743-1050 BioMed Central
1424 Journal of Extension 0022-0140 Journal of Extension, Inc
1425 Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences 1301-3718 Ankara University
1426 Journal of Family Welfare 0022-1074 Family Planning Association of India
1427 Journal of FAS International d000-0035 The Motherisk Program of The Hospital for Sick Children
1428 Journal of Gambling Issues 1494-5185 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Toronto)
1429 The journal of genetic genealogy 1557-3796 Journal of Genetic Genealogy
1430 Journal of Genetics 0022-1333 Indian Academy of Sciences
1431 Journal of Global Buddhism 1527-6457 University of Lucerne
1432 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 1526-1719 Brown University
1433 Journal of Health Science -Tokyo 1344-9702 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
1434 Journal of Health Population and Nutrition 1606-0997 Icddr:b
1435 Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 1203-1542 University of Alberta
1436 Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education 1473-8376 Elsevier
1437 Journal of Human Ecology 0970-9274 Kamla-Raj Enterprises
1438 Journal of Iberian Geology 1698-6180 Springer Verlag
1439 Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 1476-8518 BioMed Central
1440 Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health 0973-1342 Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
1441 Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons 0971-9261 Medknow Publications
1442 Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society 0972-4052 Springer Verlag
1443 Journal of Indian Rheumatology Association 0971-5045 Indian Rheumatology Association
1444 Journal of Industrial Teacher Education 0022-1864 National Association of Industrial and Technical
1445 Journal of Industrial Technology 0882-6404 Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE)
1446 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1025-5834 SpringerOpen
1447 Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1443-5756 School of Communications and Informatics
1448 Journal of Inflammation 1476-9255 BioMed Central
1449 Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 1807-1775 Research Laboratory on Information Systems and Technology Management
1450 Journal of Information Technology Education 1547-9714 Informing Science Institute
1451 Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations 1557-1319 Informing Science Institute
1452 Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1361-4169 University of Warwick
1453 Journal of informed pharmacotherapy 1492-2525 Journal of Informed Pharmacotherapy
1454 Journal of Insect Science 1536-2442 Oxford University Press
1455 The Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism 1942-9525 North Carolina State University
1456 Journal of Integer Sequences 1530-7638 University of Waterloo
1457 Journal of Interactive Media in Education 1365-893X Open University, Knowledge Media Institute
1458 The Journal of Interactive Online Learning 1541-4914 National Center for Online Learning Research
1459 Journal of Intercultural Communication 1404-1634 Immigrant Institutet
1460 Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology 1901-8401 International Association of IT Lawyers
1461 Journal of International Women's Studies 1539-8706 Bridgewater State College
1462 Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 1204-5357 ARRAY Development
1463 Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 1018-9068 ESMON Publicidad
1464 Journal of Korean Medical Science 1011-8934 Korean Academy of Medical Sciences
1465 Journal of Language and Learning 1740-4983 Shakespeare Centre Limted Press
1466 Journal of Language and Linguistics 1475-8989 Shakespeare Centre Limted Press
1467 Journal of Language and Literature 1478-9116 Shakespeare Centre Limted Press
1468 Journal of Latin American hermeneutics : Hermeneutics and Bible interpretation 1668-2610 I. U. ISEDET, Buenos Aires
1469 Journal of Learning Design 1832-8342 Queensland University of Technology
1470 Journal of Light and Visual Environment 0387-8805 Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
1471 The Journal of Literacy and Technology 1535-0975 Florida Atlantic University
1472 Journal of Machine Learning Research 1532-4435 Microtome Publishing
1473 Journal of Maltese Education Research 1726-9725 University of Malta, Faculty of Education
1474 Journal of Maps 1744-5647 Taylor & Francis
1475 Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 1812-9471 National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
1476 Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1549-3644 Science Publications
1477 Journal of Medical Internet Research 1438-8871 JMIR Publications
1478 Journal of Medical Investigation 1343-1420 University of Tokushima
1479 Journal of Medical Physics 0971-6203 Medknow Publications
1480 Journal of Medical Sciences 1682-4474 Asian Network for Scientific Information
1481 Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission 1366-4786 Manchester Metropolitan University, Centre for Policy Modelling
1482 Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 1488-559X University of Calgary
1483 Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 0972-9941 Medknow Publications