Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
109612 revue marocaine de contrôle de gestion RMCG
180911 L'Oeil RMN
302330 Journal of Engineering and Science Research 2277-2685 RMP Publications
482786 INSERT 2803-936X RN13BIS
40290 Producer & Engineer Directory RPM Direct Incorporated
151151 Revista Política e Planejamento Regional 2358359238501 RPPR
249966 Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry 2319-9849 RROIJ
249968 Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry 2319-9849 RROIJ
130617 Nanoscale Advances 2516-0230 RSC
177060 Physcial Chemsitry Chemical Physics RSC
166686 Radiology: Artificial Intelligence RSNA
131265 RTIC - Revista de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação 2237-5104 RTIC - Revista de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
151927 Résolang Littérature, linguistique & didactique 1112-8550 RUO
171093 Le Flyer RVH-Synergie
90684 L'Écho du pays rabastinois 1636-6689 Rabastens: Les Veillées rabastinoises
129728 ARKIVJU 2219-9888 Rabat : National Archives of Malta ; Friends of the National Archives of Malta
136902 Archives du Maroc 2509-1271 Rabat: Archives du maroc
110690 Journal Marocain de Chimie Hétérocyclique 1114-7792 Rabat: Université Mohammed V Faculté des Sciences
516437 RABINDRA BHARATI JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY 0973-0087 Rabindra Bharati University
22701 Annals- Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons 0158-1570 Racds; 1998
107284 RELIEF - Revue électronique de littérature française 1873-5045 Radboud Universiteit — UB Nijmegen
875521 RELIEF 1873-5045 Radboud University Press
905673 Technophany: A Journal for Philosophy and Technology 2773-0875 Radboud University Press
40267 Primary Care Mental Health 1476-4717 Radcliffe
38616 Clinician in Management 0965-5751 Radcliffe Medical Press
38843 Education for Primary Care 1473-9879 Radcliffe Medical Press
22076 Informatics in Primary Care 1476-0320 Radcliffe Medical Press
40324 Quality in Primary Care 1479-1072 Radcliffe Medical Press
171777 European Cardiology Review 1758-3756 Radcliffe Medical Press Lmd
39579 Journal of Clinical Excellence 1465-9883 Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd
39580 Journal of Clinical Governance -Leicester 1467-5277 Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd
40886 Work Based Learning in Primary Care 1740-3715 Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd
38796 Diversity in Health and Social Care 1743-1913 Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
357401 Iurium Scriptum 2570-5709 Radek Ruban
663375 Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Radek Skarnitzl and Jan Volín
111362 Research Journal of Mathematics and Technology 2163-0380 Radford University
18486 Radiation Research 0033-7587 Radiation Research Society
62206 Radical Philosophy Radical Philosophy
4563 Electronic Age 0013-4783 Radio Corp. of America
8107 Radio-Electronics 0033-7862 Radio-Electronics Subscription Dept
40438 RSNA News Radiological Society of North America
40337 Radiological Society of North America - Electronic Journal Radiological Society of North America
18495 Radiology 0033-8419 Radiological Society of North America
21399 Radiographics 0271-5333 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
79814 Nanomaterialy i nanostruktury XXI vek 2225-0999 Radiotec
130383 Systemy vysokoj dostupnosti 2072-9472 Radiotekhnika
168866 Cultus: The Journal of intercultural mediation and communication 2035-2948 Radivo Holding s.r.l. - Iconesoft Edizioni
163753 Journal of Physical Health and Sports Medicine Raft Publications
38685 Corporate Writer & Editor (CWE) Ragan Communications Inc