Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
26148 Revue de Jurisprudence Sociale 0997-7422 Editions Francis Lefebvre
26149 Cahiers du CRA - Centre de Recherches Africaines CRA-Aix
26153 Politica Hermetica 1143-4562 L'Age d'Homme
26156 Revue de la Manche 1161-7721 Société d'archéologie et d'histoire de la Manche
26169 Economie et institutions 1775-2329 Amiens : Economie et institutions CRIISEA
26172 Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles 0008-0195 Université libre. Département d'économie appliquée
26173 Revue archéologique de Picardie 0752-5656 Direction régionale des antiquités historiques de Picardie / Centre de recherches archéologiques de la vallée de l'Oise
26176 Quaderni di sociologia 0033-4952 Rosenberg et Sellier
26177 Peuples méditerranéens
26180 Psychotropes 1245-2092 De Boeck Supérieur
26187 Archives de philosophie du droit 0066-6564 Dalloz [1952-....]
26189 Labyrinthe. Atelier interdisciplinaire 1288-6289 Hermann
26192 Orpheus. Revue internationale de poésie 1294-5919 Editions Anagramme (Perros-Guirec)
26193 Connaissance des Pères de l'Eglise 0752-5346 Desclée de Brouwer
26197 Revue du droit de l'Union européenne 1624-365X Éditions Clément Juglar (Paris, France) [2000-2020] - Bruylant (Bruxelles, Belgique) [2021-....]
26205 Bulletin de la Société d'Etude des Sciences Naturelles de Nîmes et du Gard Société d'Etudes des Sciences naturelles de Nîmes et du Gard
26206 Electrum 1897-3426 Department of Ancient History at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow
26216 Revue Archéologique de l'Ouest 0767-709X Presses universitaires de Rennes
26217 Le Français Moderne - Revue de linguistique Française 0015-9409 CILF (conseil international de la langue française)
26229 Sociologie de l'art 0779-1674 L'Harmattan
26233 Ligeia, dossiers sur l'art 0989-6023 Ligeia - Giovanni Lista
26237 Questions de communication 1633-5961 Presses Universitaires de Nancy - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine
26259 Nikephoros : Zeitschrift für Sport und Kultur in Altertum 0934-8913 Weidmann
26260 Ostraka - Rivista di antichità 1122-259X Edizioni ETS
26270 Ugarit-Forschungen 0342-2356 Ugarit Verlag
26272 Revue Banque 1772-6638 Revue Banque édition
26278 Sites et monuments 0489-0280 SPPEF - Société pour la protection des paysage et de l'Esthétique de la France
26287 A contrario. Revue interdisciplinaire de sciences sociales 1660-7880 BSN Press
27294 Social Analysis 0155-977X Berghahn Books
27323 Multitudes 0292-0107 Association Multitudes
27324 International journal of ventilation 1473-3315 VEETECH
27328 Arqueología : segunda época INAH - México
27335 Hérodote - Revue de géographie et de géopolitique 0338-487X Elsevier Masson/La Découverte
27341 Gestions hospitalières : la revue du management hospitalier 0016-9218 Gestions hospitalières
27363 Microgravity Science and Technology 0938-0108 Springer
27411 Encyclopedia of Life Sciences
27443 Bird Study 0006-3657 Taylor & Francis (en ligne) / British Trust for Ornithology (imprimé)
27460 Ensaios FEE
27469 Acta Neuropsychologica 1730-7503 Warszawa: "Medsportpress
27488 Le français en Afrique 1764-1209 BCL, ILF
27497 Revue archéologique de l'Est 1266-7706 Société archéologique de l’Est / Université de Bourgogne
27524 Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses 0035-2403 Association des Publications de la Faculté de Théologie Protestante de Strasbourg
27525 Eikasmòs : Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica 1121-8819 Bologna : Alma Mater Studiorum, 1990
27528 Medioevo Greco. Rivista di storia e filologia 1593-456X Edizioni dell'Orso
27541 Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics 1313-1311 Hikari Ltd
27543 Cliniques méditerranéennes 0762-7491 ERES
27544 Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 0068-516X Droz
27566 Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 0915-3942 Fuji Technology Press Ltd
27575 Pyramides : Revue du Centre d'études et de recherches en administration publique 1376-098X Centre d'études et de recherches en administration publique (CERAP), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) [2000-....]
27592 Mots: les langages du politique 0243-6450 ENS Éditions (Lyon)
27593 Cahiers de sociolinguistique 1273-6449 PUR - Presse Universitaire de Rennes
27609 Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 0031-6768 Springer Verlag
27611 Journal of Automata Languages and Combinatorics 1430-189X Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
27648 Science du sol
27650 Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Etrangère 1243-969X Association Encrages
27651 Le Français dans Le Monde 0015-9395 CLE International
27657 Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 1547-7355 [Berkeley, CA] : Bepress, 2004
27675 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Springer
21944 Journal of Environmental Biology 0254-8704 Triveni Enterprises
21945 Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 0391-4097 Springer
21946 Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology 0253-5890
21947 The Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association 0013-2446
21948 Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute 1110-0362 Elsevier
21949 Journal of Drugs in Dermatology 1545-9616 Strategic Communication in Dermatology
21950 Journal of dental technology : the peer-reviewed publication of the National Association of Dental Laboratories 1088-3118
21951 Journal of Dental Education 0022-0337 American Dental Education Association
21952 Journal of dental hygiene : JDH / American Dental Hygienists' Association 1043-254X
21953 Journal of Dentistry for Children 1551-8949 American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
21954 Journal of Cultural Diversity 1071-5568 Tucker Publications, Inc
21955 Journal of Cosmetic Science 1525-7886 Society of Cosmetic Chemists; 1999
21956 The journal of contemporary dental practice [electronic resource]
21957 Journal of Communicable Diseases 0019-5138 Indian Soc for Malaria & Other Communicable
21958 Journal- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan 1022-386X College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan
21959 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 0160-6689 the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology
21960 Journal of Clinical Orthodontics 0022-3875 Jco, Inc
21961 Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 1053-4628 Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine
21962 Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Immunology 0141-2760 Tevoit -- Kimpton Publications
21963 Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 0887-8013 Wiley-Blackwell
21964 Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology : official journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 0168-8634
21965 Journal of Clinical Ethics 1046-7890 The Journal of Clinical Ethics Inc
21966 Journal of Clinical Dentistry 0895-8831 Stephen M Siegel Publisher
21969 Journal of Christian Nursing 0743-2550 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
21970 Journal de Chirurgie 0021-7697 Elsevier
21971 Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 1726-4901 Chinese Medical Association
21973 Journal of Chemotherapy 1120-009X Maney Publishing
21974 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 1549-9596 American Chemical Society
21975 Journal of cellular biochemistry. Supplement 0733-1959
21976 Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 0021-9509 Edizione Minerva Medica
21977 Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 0889-4655 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
21978 The Journal of cardiovascular management : the official journal of the American College of Cardiovascular Administrators 1053-5330
21979 Journal of Cardiology 0914-5087 Elsevier
21980 Journal of capillary electrophoresis 1079-5383
21981 Journal of cancer epidemiology and prevention 1476-6647
21982 Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 0709-8936 Canadian Dental Association
21983 Journal of the California Dental Association 1043-2256 California Dental Association
21984 Journal of Biomolecular Techniques 1524-0215 Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities
21986 Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents 0393-974X Wichtig Editore
21987 The Journal of biocommunication 0094-2499
21988 Journal of Basic Microbiology 0233-111X Wiley-VCH Verlag
21989 Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology 0792-6855 Walter de Gruyter
21990 Journal of Ayub Medical College 1025-9589 Ayub Medical College Abbottabad Pakistan
21991 Journal of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians : the official publication of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians 1048-9886
21992 Journal- Arkansas Medical Society 0004-1858 Arkansas Medical Society
21993 Journal of Applied Measurement 1529-7713 Not Known
21994 Journal of applied clinical medical physics [electronic resource] / American College of Medical Physics
21995 Journal of Antibiotics 0021-8820 Nature Publishing Group: Open Access Hybrid Model Option B
21996 Journal of Analytical Toxicology 0146-4760 Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy F
21997 Journal of Ambulatory Care Management 0148-9917 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
21998 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 0003-0651 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
21999 Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 8750-7315 American Podiatric Medical Association
22000 Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA 1544-3191
22001 Journal- American Osteopathic Association 0098-6151 American Osteopathic Association
22002 Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. Supplement 1046-3607
22003 Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (1972) 0098-8421
22004 Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 Taylor & Francis (Routledge): STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles
22005 Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry 1546-0371 Guilford Press
22006 The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 1093-6793
22007 Journal- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 1067-151X American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
22008 Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 1050-0545 American Academy of Audiology
22009 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 1387-2877 IOS Press
22010 Journal of Allied Health 0090-7421 Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions
22011 Journal- Ahima 1060-5487 Health Information Management Association
22012 Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 1074-7583 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
22013 Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 1461-5185 Quintessence Publishing
22014 Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia / Rossijskaâ akademiia nauk 1026-3470
22015 Items & issues 1549-4942
22016 Italian Journal of Biochemistry 0021-2938 Biomedia; 1999
22017 Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology 1122-6714 Archivio Italiano di Anatomia Ed Embriologia
22018 Italian heart journal. Supplement : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology 1129-4728
22019 Italian heart journal : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology 1129-471X
22020 Issues in emerging health technologies 1488-6324
22021 Issues in brief (Alan Guttmacher Institute)
22022 Issue brief (Health Policy Tracking Service)
22023 Issues (National Council of State Boards of Nursing (U.S.)) 0885-0046
22024 Issue brief (George Washington University. Center for Health Services Research and Policy)
22025 Issue brief (Center for Studying Health System Change)
22026 Issue Brief (Public Policy Institute (American Association of Retired Persons)) 1063-3189
22027 Issue brief (Massachusetts Health Policy Forum)
22028 Issue brief (Institute on Health Care Costs and Solutions)
22029 Issue brief (Grantmakers in Health)
22030 Issue brief (George Washington University. Medical Center. Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems)
22031 Issue brief (Commonwealth Fund)
22032 The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ 1565-1088
22033 Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences 0333-7308 Gefen Publishing; 1999
22034 Irish Journal of Medical Science 0021-1265 Springer Verlag (Germany)
22035 Iowa Medicine 0746-8709 Ims Services
22036 Internet healthcare strategies 1528-7386
22037 Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science 1053-881X Springer Verlag (Germany)
22038 International Tinnitus Journal 0946-5448 Unknown
22039 International Surgery 0020-8868 Edizione Minerva Medica
22040 International Ms Journal 1352-8963 Cambridge Medical Publications
22041 International maritime health 1641-9251
22042 International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1027-3719 International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
22043 International Journal of Tissue Reactions 0250-0868 Bioscience Ediprint Inc
22044 International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research 0968-0624 Psychiatric Nursing Research Unit
19976 Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung 0044-3026 Springer-Verlag
19977 Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie 1617-6383 Hogrefe
19978 Zoomorphology 0720-213X Springer Verlag
19979 Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 0044-3220 Georg Thieme Verlag
19980 Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 0340-1758 Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
19981 Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie 1617-6391 Hogrefe
19982 Zeitschrift für Physik A 0340-2193 Springer-Verlag
19983 Zeitschrift fur Physik. A, Atomic nuclei 0930-1151 Springer-Verlag
19984 Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei 0939-7922 Springer Verlag
19985 Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 0722-3277 Springer Verlag
19987 Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 0170-9739 Springer Verlag
19988 Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 0178-7683 Springer Verlag
19989 Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 0722-348X Medizinverlage Stuttgart
19990 Zeitschrift für Planung and Unternehmenssteuerung 1613-8392 Springer Verlag
19991 Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie 1661-4747 Hogrefe
19992 Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie 1619-5507 Springer Verlag
19993 Journal of Psychology / Zeitschrift für Psychologie 0044-3409 Hogrefe
19994 Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 0044-3441 Brill Academic Publishers
19995 Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 0340-1855 Springer Verlag
19996 Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 0932-8114 Georg Thieme Verlag
19997 Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie 0044-3514 Hogrefe
19998 Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie 1612-5010 Hogrefe
19999 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 0044-3719 Springer-Verlag
20000 Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 0044-409X Georg Thieme Verlag
20001 Zentralblatt für Gynäkologie 0044-4197 Georg Thieme Verlag
20002 Zentralblatt für Kinderchirurgie 0940-9599 Thieme Publishing Group
20003 Zentralblatt fur Neurochirurgie 0044-4251 Thieme Publishing Group
20004 Zeolites 0144-2449 Elsevier
20005 Zeitschrift fur Allgemeinmedizin 1433-6251 Thieme Publishing Group
20006 Zoo Biology 0733-3188 Wiley
20007 Zoologica Scripta 0300-3256 Wiley
20008 Zoological Bulletin 0898-1051 JSTOR
20009 Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 0024-4082 Linnean Society of London
20010 Zoological science 0289-0003 BioOne(Zoological Society of Japan)
20011 Zoologischer Anzeiger 0044-5231 Elsevier
20012 Zoology 0944-2006 Elsevier
20013 Zoomorphologie 0340-6725 Springer-Verlag
20014 Zoonoses and Public Health 1863-1959 Wiley
20015 Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt 0044-166X Georg Thieme Verlag
20016 Acta Cientifica Acta Cientifica
20017 Acta Electronica 0001-558X Paris : Laboratoires d'Electronique et de Physique Appliquée
20020 Acta Physica Polonica A 0587-4246 Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Physics
20021 Acta Physica Slovaca 0323-0465 Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
20024 Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology 0065-2989 Springer
20026 Alimentation & La Vie