Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
560848 ASp
24811 ASp (Anglais de Spécialité)
142216 ASp, la revue du GERAS
170800 ATALA Presses de Sciences Po (France)
100397 ATB Métallurgie
27992 ATEC, ITS FRANCE. Congrès de l'ATEC, Mobilité durable : aménagements, infrastructures, équipements et services, 26 et 27 janvier 2005 , Palais des Arts et Congrès d'Issy-les-Moulineaux
35003 ATEC, ITS France. Nouveaux enjeux : le transport doit s'adapter : congrès international francophone, 23 et 24 janvier 2002, à Cap 15, Paris
57731 ATHAR" Revue scientifique d'archéologie et du patrimoine publiée par l'Institut d'archéologie d'Alger
106200 ATINER’S Conference Paper Series 2241-2891 Athens Institute for Education and Research
91205 ATLA - Alternatives to Laboratory Animals
307944 ATNF proposal id.C1821
307943 ATNF proposal id.C1954
307942 ATNF proposal id.C2032
84313 ATP Journal plus HMH s.r.o
96233 ATSIP 2014 : 1st International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal & Image Processing
96786 ATTAC association
58863 ATTI dell'Istituto Italiano di Navigazione
161741 ATW - Internationale Zeitschrift fur Kernenergie
80046 ATZ extra
160741 ATZextra
452214 AUC GEOGRAPHICA 0300-5402
165694 AUC IURIDICA 0323-0619
111881 AUF
35038 AUTOUR DES CONCEPTS DE PROTOAURIGNACIEN, D'AURIGNACIEN INITIAL ET ANCIEN, TOULOUSE, 27/02 – 1/03 2003.Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie I, Prehistoria y Archeologia, t. 15, 2002, pp.215-236, 6 fig
610216 AVANCA | CINEMA 2184-0520
176033 AVANT. The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard 2082-6710
886632 AVS Quantum Sci
510305 AXA Staff Publication
174421 AXES Robotique-Automatique
75687 Aaps Journal -Electronic Edition
100330 Aaps Pharmscitech -Electronic Edition
173620 Aardkundige Mededelingen
797449 Ab-Original, Journal of Indigenous Studies and First Nations and First Peoples' Cultures 2471-0938 THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS
80147 Abaco
912413 Abacus (Mathematics Education Series) Mathematics Association of Nigeria
390099 Abakós 2316-9451
306515 Abbia
403646 Abdominal Radiology 2366-0058
403654 Abdominal Radiology
170689 Abdominal imaging
173814 Abeilles en liberté – sauver l’abeille locale
131537 Abenteuer Archäologie
70664 Abenteuer Archäologie : Kulturen-Menschen-Monumente
328393 Abgadiyat 1687-8280 Bibliotheca Alexandrina
77354 Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg
169777 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 0025-5858 Springer
55512 Abhandlungen des historisches Kollege
801036 Abitare la Terra-Dwelling on Earth 1592-8608 Gangemi Editore
93896 Abords
63187 About performance, University of Sidney (Australia)
113357 Abraxas Journal Fulgur
166831 Abriu
31229 Abrupt climatic changes during the past 150 ky, Colloque NATO, Biviers, octobre 1985, résumés
75157 Abst PAP Am Chem Soc
56174 Abstr. Appl. Anal
78506 Abstract Pyschiatrie
864216 Abstract en psychiatrie
46492 Abstract of papers, 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, March 25-29, 2007
28126 Abstracts of Papers - American Chemical Society
46794 Abstracts of papers, 233rd ACS National Meeting
34460 Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting Society for American Archaeology, Montréal, Canada, 31 mars 4 avril 2004. Symposuim 94 "Understanding Small Prey in Archaeological Sites: Theorical approaches and explanations
177695 Abstracts of the ICA 2570-2106
167037 Abzian, the Journal of Aquatic Living Organisme
125971 Abécédaire citoyen des sciences Le Pommier
31543 Abécédaire des sciences humaines en médecine
111126 Abḥâṯ lisâniyya
169101 Ac-Tice
61868 Acad. J. Manufact. Eng
132805 Academia
126347 Academia Arena Academ Arena
616929 Academia Engineering
374662 Academia Journal of Educational Research 2315-7704 Academia publishing
351491 Academia Latinitati fouendae, Narrationes
106730 Academic Foresights
134770 Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social Sciences 2410-3918
87604 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
174809 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2281-4612
93233 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy
151770 Academic Journal of Law and Governance (AJLG)
72915 Academic Leadership Journal
37880 Academic Publishers, Invited Paper
796338 Academic Research in East Asia 2519-3392 HSUAN CHUANG UNIVERSITY
656083 Academic Research in Educational Sciences
95108 Academic and Applied Research in Military Science
94139 Academisk Prosa
454686 Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 1096-3685 Allied Business Academies
98065 Academy of Environmental Law eJournal IUCN
142451 Academy of Management Annals (the) 1941-6520
127276 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2151-6561
99263 Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
125913 Academy of Management Discoveries
142453 Academy of Management Executive 1079-5545
115780 Academy of Management Journal
142454 Academy of Management Journal 0001-4273
658212 Academy of Management Journal
59063 Academy of Management Learning & Education
142456 Academy of Management Learning & Education 1537-260X
704573 Academy of Management Learning and Education
142455 Academy of Management Learning and Education (AMLE) 1537-260X
142457 Academy of Management Perspectives 1558-9080
142458 Academy of Management Proceedings 0065-0668
176527 Academy of Management Review
142459 Academy of Management Review (The) 0363-7425
176265 Academy of Marketing Science Review (AMS Review)
81256 Academy of management annals
110752 Académie Royale de Belgique. Mémoires de la Classe des Sciences
50814 Académie d'Agriculture de France
154212 Académie d'Agriculture de France : extrait du procès-verbal de la séance du 26 octobre 1983
154211 Académie d'Agriculture de France : extrait du procès-verbal de la séance du 9 novembre 1983
172907 Académie de Besançon, Mémoires
103695 Académie de Chirurgie Magazine 2271-4588
54063 Académie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de Toulouse
171585 Académie des arts de Hangzhou
44628 Académie des inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
51827 Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres
25935 Académie royale de Belgique. Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres, 6e série
889264 Académos Académie Catholique du Val de Seine
919961 Acanthe. Annales de lettres françaises
99817 Acc Chem Res
51357 Acc. Chem. Res
178686 Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere
129063 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
92730 Accademia dei Rozzi
162498 Accattone
79255 Accedit
34220 Acceptability of Transport Pricing Strategies
46156 Access International
799445 Access to Justice in Eastern Europe 2663-0575
109453 AccessScience : McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science & technology online
142615 Accident analysis and prevention
47213 Acción
919517 Accompagnement d’une démarche diocésaine sur le dimanche, Châlons-en-Champagne, mai 2009 et mai 2010
158455 Accompagner
110520 Accord an international review of peace initiatives 1365-0742 Conciliation Resources
130569 Accord de libre-échange Maroc-USA, Critique économique, Rabat-Maroc
79059 Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal
142460 Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal 1368-0668
121232 Accounting Forum
63023 Accounting Historians Journal,
71742 Accounting History Review (ex Accounting Business and Financial History)
78814 Accounting Organizations and Society
159757 Accounting and finance research
142461 Accounting organizations and society 0361-3682
122632 Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
69825 Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal,
123734 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
41587 Accounting, Business & Financial History
64078 Accounting, Business and Financial History
510282 Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium
53940 Accounting, Organizations & Society
814980 Accounting, Organizations and Society
51495 Accounts in Chemical Research
108851 Accounts of Chemical Research
884352 Accounts of Chemical Research 1520-4898
176704 Accreditation and Quality Assurance 1432-0517
174796 Accueil
76472 Accueil Rencontres
64797 Accueil, Enfances et familles d'adoption
884611 Accueil-Rencontre
182298 Accueillir l’Autre dans sa langue. La traduction comme dispositif de médiation 2306-2908
35240 Accusé de réception - Le téléspectateur construit par les sciences sociales
29464 Accès publics à Internet et nouvelles sociabilités
125380 Accès à la psychanalyse ACF-VLB (Association de la Cause Freudienne Val de Loire Bretagne)
47051 Accélération monétaire et croissance endogène
620822 Acer 1828-4434 Il verde editoriale
150306 Achab, Rivista di Antropologia
30444 Acid-Base Interactions Ed. K.L. Mittal
110069 Acier, revue d'architecture Cedam
294489 Acontecimiento. Revista de teoría y crítica literaria Paradiso
181142 Acotaciones. Revista de investigación y creación teatral
94843 Acoustic Research Letters Online
98001 Acoustical Imaging 0270-5117 Springer
29096 Acoustical Kluwer academic publishers W. Arnold, S. Hirsekorn
73995 Acoustical Physics
95742 Acoustical Research Letters Online
180845 Acoustical Society of America Journal
29023 Acoustical imaging Kluwer academic publishers W. Arnold, S. Hirsekorn
75258 Acoustics 2012
101400 Acoustics in Practice - International e-Journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA)
78034 Acoustics letters
86794 Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013 IEEE International Conference on
65411 Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE Conference on (ICASSP'11)
160362 Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater 1828-454X
154525 Acquis Science
510192 Acquisition des donnes de mobilités : problématique de convergence entre enquêtes, capteurs, enregistrement des trajectoires brutes, et problématique de protection de la vie privée », Atelier Modélisation et analyse de la mobilité individuelle
111758 Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Entrangère ... LIA 1 Encrages
30488 Acros Organics Acta
175096 Acs Applied Electronic Materials
607376 Acs Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 2168-0485
257591 Act II
156530 Act'M
145560 Act. Méd. Int.-Angiologie
702750 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
142438 Acta Alimentaria