Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
104845 Revue Politique et Parlementaire 0035-385X Colin
130589 Materials and Devices 2495-3911 Collaborating Academics – International Press
138781 Fig. Revue indépendante de critique architecturale Collectif Fig
182356 Don et réciprocité Collectif Marcel Mauss
165013 Echos du Cota 0773-5510 Collectif d'echanges pour la technologie appropriée
129011 Labrys: études féministes/estudos feministas 1676-9651 Collectif d'universitaires d'universités brésiliennes et de France et du Canada
3162 Art Bulletin 0004-3079 College Art Association
3174 Art Journal 0004-3249 College Art Association
38502 CAA Review College Art Association of America
3957 Cla Journal -Baltimore- College Language Association 0007-8549 College Language Association
2354 South Central Music Bulletin 1545-2271 College Music Society - South Central Chapter
5937 Journal of College Placement 0021-9770 College Placement Council Inc
106938 IfColog Journal of Logics and their Applications (FLAP) 2055-3706 College Publications
123483 Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and their Applications College Publications
39619 Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Development: Energy, Environment, and Health 1553-4677 College Publishing
39634 Journal of green building 1552-6100 College Publishing
8125 Reading Research and Instruction 0886-0246 College Reading Assoc -- Dr e Sutton Flynt
8128 Reading World 0149-0117 College Reading Association
5938 Journal of College Reading and Learning 1079-0195 College Reading and Learning Association
4296 Cupa Journal 1046-9508 College and University Personnel Association
6531 Journal of the College and University Personnel Association 0010-0935 College and University Personnel Association
22667 Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 0003-9985 College of American Pathologists
22503 CapToday 0891-1525 College of American Pathologists
135727 Journal of The Dhi Qar Arts مجلة اداب ذي قار College of Arts, University of Dhi Qar
39566 Journal of Business and Public Affairs 1522-8398 College of Business and Public Affairs
135360 Journal of Selling 2329-7751 College of Business, Northern Illinois University
173820 Hispanic Studies Review 2380-2065 College of Charleston
6411 Journal of Research in Rural Education 8756-0534 College of Education & Human Development, University of Maine
1484 Journal of modern applied statistical methods : JMASM 1538-9472 College of Education, Wayne State University
446 Canadian Family Physician 0008-350X College of Family Physicians of Canada
553101 Trends in Science College of Graduate Studies of Walailak University
180050 Critical care and resuscitation 1441-2772 College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand
7591 Oklahoma Law Review 0030-1752 College of Law of the University of Oklahoma
9081 University of Detroit Law Journal 8755-2183 College of Law, University of Detroit
9088 The University of Illinois law forum 0041-963X College of Law, University of Illinois
7344 Nebraska Law Bulletin 0196-4089 College of Law, University of Nebraska
7772 Philippine law journal 0031-7721 College of Law, University of the Philippines
35 Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis 0866-0182 College of Nyíregyháza
21958 Journal- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan 1022-386X College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan
165217 Philippine Journal of Social Development 2094-523X College of Social Work and Community Development, UP Diliman
9293 William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 1065-8254 College of William and Mary
9294 William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 1091-9724 College of William and Mary
9296 William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law 1081-549X College of William and Mary
9297 William and Mary Law Review 0043-5589 College of William and Mary
9295 William and Mary Journal of Environmental Law 1062-4988 College of William and Mary, Marshall-Wythe School of Law
24581 The international Arab journal of information technology 1683-3198 Colleges of Computing and Information Society (CCIS)
4009 Collegiate Microcomputer 0731-4213 Collegiate Microcomputer
164897 Augustinianum : periodicum quadrimestre Collegii internationalis Augustiniani 0004-8011 Collegium internationale Augustinianum
176676 Journal of Double Star Observations Collins Foundation Press
89244 Etudes Interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines 1987-8753 Collège Doctoral Francophone Régional d’Europe Centrale et Orientale en Sciences Humaines (CODFREURCOR)
94370 Books and Ideas 2105-3030 Collège de France
129534 L'Annuaire du Collège de France. Résumés des cours et travaux 0069-5580 Collège de France
32281 La lettre du Collège de France 1628-2329 Collège de France
123400 Viridis Candela. Le Publicateur du Collège de Pataphysique 2425-5629 Collège de Pataphysique
177537 Cahiers de Gestalt-thérapie 1277-6874 Collège européen de Gestalt-thérapie
49558 Études vauclusiennes 0153-9221 Collège littéraire universitaire d'Avignon
31943 L'Information diététique 0020-0034 Colombes : Editions de médecine pratique
153005 Afrique éducation 1247-5289 Colombes : Imafrano TB Conseils
4012 Colorado Lawyer 0363-7867 Colorado Bar Association
126995 Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies Colorado College
4013 Colorado Libraries 0147-9733 Colorado Library Association
4030 The Columbine 0572-8576 Colorado Springs, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Special Libraries Association
823 Essays in Education 1527-9359 Columbia College
4018 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 0098-4582 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law, Inc
4022 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 0010-1923 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, Inc
4023 Columbia journal of transnational law 0010-1931 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
4026 Columbia law review 0010-1958 Columbia Law Review Association, Inc
4017 Columbia Journal of Asian Law 1094-8449 Columbia Law School
4029 Columbia Vla Journal of Law and the Arts 0888-4226 Columbia Law School
5922 Journal of Chinese Law 1041-7567 Columbia Law School
4025 Columbia journalism review 0010-194X Columbia University
8303 Romanic Review 0035-8118 Columbia University
324078 Synapsis: A Health Humanities Journal Columbia University
114173 Al-ʿUsur al-Wusta: The Journal of Middle East Medievalists 1068-1051 Columbia University Libraries
540 Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal 1932-765X Columbia University Libraries
38625 Columbia International Affairs Online Columbia University Press
4014 Columbia Business Law Review 0898-0721 Columbia University School of Law
4016 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 0090-7944 Columbia University School of Law
4021 Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts 1544-4848 Columbia University School of Law
4028 Columbia Survey of Human Rights Law 0010-2008 Columbia University School of Law
4020 Columbia journal of gender and law 1062-6220 Columbia University School of Law
4306 Current Musicology 0011-3735 Columbia University, Dept. of Music
1401 Journal of Data Science 1680-743X Columbia University, New York
605 Current Issues in Comparative Education 1523-1615 Columbia University, Teachers College
3833 Catholic University Law Review 0008-8390 Columbus School of Law
1559 Journal of Technology in Counseling 1527-6228 Columbus State University
7464 News Bulletin (Ohio Library Association) 0737-2574 Columbus, Ohio : The Association
8004 The Protean 0033-1740 Columbus, Publications Committee of the Ohio State University Libraries
150343 Àmbits de política i societat 1578-9918 Col·legi de Doctors i Llicenciats en Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia de Catalunya
148883 Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva 0102-6720 Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgia Digestiva
2203 Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões 0100-6991 Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões
109588 Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte 0101-3289 Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte
1927 Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 0100-736X Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal - CBPA
2041 Radiologia Brasileira 0100-3984 Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia
118325 Olhares & Trilhas 1518-2851 Colégio de Aplicação da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
68105 Computer Science and Information Systems 1820-0214 ComSIS Consortium
21364 Revista Rol de Enfermeria 0210-5020 Comandante Zorita, Marco Aurelio
38626 Combat Law Combat Law
45030 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 1034-4942 Combinatorial Mathematics Society of Australasia (Inc.)
21837 Journal- Royal Naval Medical Service London 0035-9033 Combined Service Publications