Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
974134 Lecture Notes in Bioengineering (Computational Biomechanics for Medicine) 2195-271X
974426 International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy Inderscience Enterprise Ltd
974443 Research Synthesis Methods 1759-2879
974484 Revue plateformes numériques
974476 The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Dispute
974381 GEMF Working Papers Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra
974498 Univers Maoré, la revue des Naturalistes, Historiens et Géographes de Mayotte, Océan Indien Association des Naturalistes, Historiens et Géographes de Mayotte, Mamoudzou
974487 International Journal of Cardiology Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention 2772-4875
974491 Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 2468-7847
974505 Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering 2096-1529
974508 Chin.Phys.Lett
974761 Rebeca - Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual 2316-9230
974804 Advances in Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2574-7258
974888 Annuaire de justice transitionnelle 2023
974895 Phys.Rev.Lett
974690 Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies 2521-7038
980772 Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 2661-7986 Université d'El Oued
980733 Relations internationales 2105-2654 Presses universitaires de France
980681 Ergonomics 1366-5847
980729 Environ Sci Technol 1520-5851
980842 Revue de droit fiscal 1963-0301
981059 Journal of Economics and Human Development 2253-0827 l’Université de Blida 2
980985 Distribution of rare biodiversity in Ukraine
981048 Revista de Historia y Patrimonio 2810-6245 Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad de Chile
981099 revue Idhafet Revue arabe de sociologie 2306-7128 Centre d'Études de l'Unité Arabe, Beyrouth
981067 Academic review of social and human studies 2437-0320 Université de Chlef
981118 Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc
981136 Journal of Allergy and Hypersensitivity Diseases 2950-3124
981115 Idhafet" Revue arabe de sociologie 2306-7128 Centre d'Études de l'Unité Arabe, Beyrouth
981377 Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences (PJLSS) 1727-4915
981105 Responsible Herpetology Journal
981387 From Animals to Animats 17 0302-9743 Springer Cham
981355 New J.Phys
981364 Radio Accent 4