Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
155157 Sustainable Agricultural Research 1927-050X
155158 Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna 0368-0827
155159 Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods 1757-8361
155160 Revista Eletrônica Científica da UERGS 2448-0479
155161 Citrus Research and Technology 2177-5419
155162 Techniques de l'Ingénieur. Eco-Conception et Innovation Responsable 2552-3465
155163 Food Structure (Etats Unis) 1046-705X
155164 Journal of Food Chemistry and Nanotechnology 2471-4291
155165 Tribune du CAGI
155167 Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion 2321-6328
155168 Tong magazine
155169 Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 2332-2268
155170 Littérature Histoire Théorie
155171 Equinoxe
155172 Mésogeios / Méditerranée
155173 Le Rocambole
155174 Eidolon, Frontières et seuils
155175 The International Journal of the Humanities
155177 Eidôlon, Les Origines
155179 Mélusine ( Cahiers du Centre de Recherche sur le Surréalisme)
155180 Eidôlon, La Fin des temps
155181 Eidôlon, Littérature et médecine n°2
155182 Eidôlon, Littérature et médecine n°1
155183 L'Ecole des Lettres
155185 Semainon
155186 Communication and Society 0214-7876
155187 HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society
155188 Banque-Notes Express [en ligne]
155189 Textuel
155194 Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: SITES
155196 Hànxué yánjiū (Chinese Studies) 0254-4466 Hànxué yánjiū zīliào jí fúwù zhōngxīn (Taipei, Taïwan)
155202 Journal of European Popular Culture
155203 Studies in European Cinema
155204 Poiitiki
155205 α\λήth\epsilon\ι\α
155212 Vaucluse Agricole 0335-7856
155213 Optimiste magazine 2425-0562
155215 Educ. Soc
155216 Revue maghrébine de documentation et d'information 0330-9274 Institut supérieur de Documentation de Tunis (ISD)
155217 Journal of Veterinary Anatomy 1687-9988
155221 Revue littéraire de l'université de Niigata
155224 Le Monde libertaire. Quinzomadaire de la Fédération anarchiste 2266-9353 Les Publications libertaires
155229 Avanguardia 1128-2452 Casa editrice Pagine
155234 BDEI. Bulletin du droit de l'environnement industriel 1262-0955 EFE [1995-1999] - Éditions Lamy [2000-2022] - Lamy Liaisons [2023-....]
155235 Journal of New Sciences 2286-5314 Jnsciences
153825 Montagne Leaders 1174-4547
153846 Warmer Bulletin 1362-654X
153847 Med.2008 Annuaire de la Méditerranée 2013-200X
153848 Entomologist's Gazette 0013-8894
153851 Die Bodenkultur-Austrian Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment 0006-5471
153852 Mountain Forum Bulletin 1023-3760
153853 China Environmental Science 1000-6923
153854 Pig News and Information 0143-9014
153858 Geotechnik 0172-6145
153859 Journal of Farm Management 0014-8059
153860 Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas 1732-5587
153861 Re-introduction News 1560-3709
153863 Systematic & Applied Acarology 1362-1971
153865 Revue de l'INAT 0330-8865
153866 Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science 1306-0007
153867 Cap Agro 1957-4177
153868 Bulgarian Journal of Ecological Science-Ecology and Future 1312-076?
153869 Wasser, Energie, Luft 0377-905x
153871 AIDIC Conference Series 2036-5969
153873 Alexanor 0002-5208
153875 CFP - Chaud Froid Performance 2104-0524
153877 International Journal of Hydropower and Dams 1352-2523
153879 IngenieurBiologie 1422-0008
153880 Plume ! ISSN 1951-9168
153881 CNESMag 1283-9817
153882 Isère Nature 1003-G110
153883 Space News International 1937-1462
153884 International Journal of Technology Diffusion 1947-9301
153885 Regional and Business Studies 2061-2311
153886 Sherwood : Foreste ed Alberi Oggi 1590-7805
153887 Aqua & Gas 2235-5197
153891 Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile 0716-2340
153894 Indian Geotechnical Journal 0971-9555
153895 Avis de recherche forestière (Québec) 1715-0795
153896 Hydrolink 1388-3445
153897 Sylvinfo Champagne-Ardenne 1293-6502
153900 L'Acqua 1125-1255
153901 Mémoires de la SEF 1285-5545
153902 Bulletin of the European Grassland Group 1868-2456
153919 AMA. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia Africa and Latin America 0084-5841 Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corporation [1971-....]
153920 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (IJSIP) 2005-4254
153921 TAIS, Bulletin des Mammologistes de Midi-Pyrénées 2417-7334
153922 Analyse and Kritik 0171-5860
153927 International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention 2455-6289
153928 Revue Africaine et Malgache de Recherche Scientifique, Sciences juridiques et politiques
153929 FlashX
153930 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics paper
153932 Space Propulsion
153933 International Electric Propulsion Conference
153935 WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 1746-448X
153936 Digestive Diseases and Sciences 0163-2116
153938 Stem Cells and Development 1547-3287
153942 Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 0022-3131
153943 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0022-3549
153949 Ithaque