Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
150841 Journal of Bhutan Research and Development 1321-4585 Royal university of Bhutan
262647 Journal of Phase Change Materials Royallite Global , UK
82591 Cell Journal (Yakhteh) 2228-5806 Royan Institute
96669 International Journal of Fertility & Sterility 2008-076X Royan institute
126994 Johnson Matthey Technology Review 2056-5135 Royston: Johnson Matthey
134793 Campi Immaginabili 1724-966X Rubbettino
101312 Cinema e Storia 2281-1729 Rubbettino
76393 Le forme e la Storia 1121-2276 Rubbettino
146305 Rassegna storica del Risorgimento Rubbettino Editore
260760 Rivista di Politica Rubbettino Editore
924461 L'ACROPOLI Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli (CZ) - Italie
882372 Quark : Ciencia, medicina, comunicación y cultura 1135-8521 Rubes Editorial (Barcelone, Espagne) [1995-2007]
132847 Cassiodorus, Rivista di studi sulla tarda Antichità 1123-8968 Rubettino Editore
107243 RMS : revue de la filière mathématiques [2004-....] 1766-8328 Rue des écoles
81581 Revue de Mathématiques Spéciales (RMS) [1890-2004] 0035-1504 Rue des écoles
72717 Le Lamy - Droit de la Santé 1766-3423 Rueil-Malmaison : Wolters Kluwer France
124244 Moving the Social. Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements 2197-0386 Ruhr Universitat Bochum
112177 IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2519-173X Ruhr Universität Bochum
104516 Phytoma la Défense des Végétaux 1164-6993 Ruralia/Le Carrousel
38241 American Pharmaceutical Review 1099-8012 Russell Publishing
38240 American Pharmaceutical Outsourcing 1529-6318 Russell Publishing LLC
40154 PAT: The Journal of Process Analytical Technology 1549-4446 Russell Publishing LLC
141880 Globe of Science Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
160379 Language in Africa 2686-8946 Russian Academy of Science
88072 Ishraq Russian Academy of Science - Institut of Philosophy
140027 Advanced Materials & Technologies 2414-4606 Russian Academy of Sciences
137428 Brief Communications of the Institute of Archaeology 0130-2620 Russian Academy of Sciences
114238 Diasporas Russian Academy of Sciences
147464 Ice and Snow 2076-6734 Russian Academy of Sciences
166679 Izvestiya Rossiiskaya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geograficheskaya 0373-2444 Russian Academy of Sciences
2329 Sibirskie Elektronnye Matematičeskie Izvestiâ 1813-3304 Russian Academy of Sciences
2494 Uspechi Fizič 0042-1294 Russian Academy of Sciences
164340 Север и Рынок: формирование экономического порядка Russian Academy of Sciences
64736 Voprosy Jazykoznanija 0373-658X Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Historical and Philological Sciences
526961 Журнал экономической теории = Russian Journal of Economic Theory 2073-6517 Russian Federation
149620 Философские науки = Russian Journal of Philosophical sciences 0235-1188 Russian Federation “Humanist” Publishing House
123545 Articult, Art&Cult 2227-6165 Russian State University for the Humanities
115740 Journal of Language Relationship 2219-4029 Russian State University for the Humanitirs - Russian Academy of Sciences
176681 Studia Humanistica Russko-baltijskij informacionnyj centr BLIC
2291 Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion d000-0989 Rutgers Law
8329 Rutgers Journal of Computers and the Law 0048-8844 Rutgers Law School
8330 Rutgers journal--computers, technology, and the law 0278-5633 Rutgers Law School
8327 Rutgers Camden law journal 0036-0449 Rutgers School of Law
743 Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements (EJBE) 1542-3891 Rutgers University
6470 Journal of Studies on Alcohol 0096-882X Rutgers University
8113 Raritan 0275-1607 Rutgers University
6584 The journal of the Rutgers University Library 0036-0473 Rutgers University
1983 Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy 1553-0124 Rutgers University Libraries
190 Arachne@Rutgers: journal of Iberian and Latin American literary and cultural studies 1098-6936 Rutgers University Libraries, Scholarly Communication Center
8328 Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal 0735-8938 Rutgers University School of Law