Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
8733 Studies in the Decorative Arts 1069-8825 University of Chicago Press
19219 Studies in the Renaissance 0081-8658 University of Chicago Press
8755 Supreme Court Economic Review 0736-9921 University of Chicago Press
8757 Supreme Court Review 0081-9557 University of Chicago Press
17335 Tax Policy and the Economy 0892-8649 University of Chicago Press
2914 The American Naturalist 0003-0147 University of Chicago Press
19776 University Journal of Business 1525-6979 University of Chicago Press
9073 University of Chicago Law Review 0041-9494 University of Chicago Press
9306 Winterthur Portfolio 0084-0416 University of Chicago Press
8185 Res: Anthropology and aesthetics 0277-1322 University of Chicago Press in association with the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
11269 Botanical Bulletin / Botanical Bulletinx 1529-4560 University of Chicago Press, The
13859 Hebraica 0160-2810 University of Chicago Press, The
2429 Theory of Computing 1557-2862 University of Chicago, Department of Computer Science
22056 International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 0394-6320 University of Chieti -- Medical School
21 Acta Bioethica 0717-5906 University of Chile
9077 University of Cincinnati Law Review 0009-6881 University of Cincinnati College of Law
111286 Focus on German Studies 1076-5697 University of Cincinnati Press
86 Afrikanistik Online 1860-7462 University of Cologne
947 German Risk and Insurance Review 1860-5400 University of Cologne
2539 Zeitenblicke 1619-0459 University of Cologne
143954 Living Journal of Computational Molecular Science University of Colorado Boulder
10777 Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 1523-0430 University of Colorado at Boulder, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
539 Colorado Research in Linguistics 0884-2035 University of Colorado, Department of Linguistics
56759 Geombinatorics 1065-7371 University of Colorado, USA
4143 Connecticut Law Review 0010-6151 University of Connecticut School of Law
169176 Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Biologie, Horticultură, Tehnologia Prelucrării Produselor Agricole, Ingineria Mediului 1453-1275 University of Craiova
78286 Annals of the University of Craiova. Mathematics and Computer Science series 1223-6934 University of Craiova
117621 Studies in African Past 1821-7745 University of Dar Es Salaam
153459 Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science 1589-7389 University of Debrecen
624 Delaware Review of Latin American Studies 1536-1837 University of Delaware
4360 Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 0196-2035 University of Denver
1009 Human Rights and Human Welfare 1533-0834 University of Denver
8983 Transportation Law Journal 0049-450X University of Denver
4363 Denver University law review 0883-9409 University of Denver College of Law
9080 University of Detroit journal of urban law 0161-7095 University of Detroit School of Law
9082 University of Detroit law review 0886-9456 University of Detroit School of Law
2314 Science, Technology and Innovation Studies 1861-3675 University of Dortmund
585 Crossings: Electronic Journal of Art and Technology 1649-0460 University of Dublin
565 Constructions 1860-2010 University of Duesseldorf
664 Durham Anthropological Journal 1742-2930 University of Durham
5735 Issues in Architecture Art and Design 0960-8648 University of East London, Schools of Architecture, Art and Design
130959 The South Asianist 2050-487X University of Edinburg
901 Forum 1749-9771 University of Edinburgh
112778 Journal of lithic studies 2055-0472 University of Edinburgh
3521 Bracton Law Journal 0308-4574 University of Exeter
183863 Ex Historia University of Exeter
277757 Pegasus. Journal of the Classics and Ancient History 0308-2431 University of Exeter Classics Department
85 African Studies Quarterly: the Online Journal for African Studies 1093-2658 University of Florida
1036 ImageTexT : Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 1549-6732 University of Florida
124152 Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology 0034-9690 University of Florida