Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
160501 Gaceta Numismatica, Asociacio Numismatica Española, Barcelona
160502 Zephyrus
160503 Physica Medica
160506 Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2437-1114 Université de Boumerdes
160507 Solution notaires Editions Francis Lefebvre
160509 Pedagogika Społeczna = Social Pedagogy 1642-672X PEDAGOGIUM Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych w Warszawie
160510 Results in Applied Mathematics 2590-0374 Elsevier B.V
160512 IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2637-6431 IEEE
160514 Leitura em Revista 2179-2801 Rio de Janeiro : Pontifícia Universidade Católica
160515 Boletim da Sociedade Numismática Brasileira
160516 Cahiers d'archéologie du CELAT J.-F. Moreau, R. Auger, J. Chabot, A. Herzog
160517 Revista Brasileira de Arqueometria, Restauração e Conservação 1982-1174
160520 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM 2589-9333 Elsevier BV
160521 Ricerche Storico Bibliche 0394-980X Centro Editoriale Dehoniano
160523 Estudios Biblicos 0014-1437 Universidad San Damaso
160524 Biblische Zeitschrift 2589-0468 Brill
160526 Annals of West University of Timisoara - Mathematics and Computer Science
160527 SEB experimental biology series 1946-4959 Taylor & Francis
160529 Cell Proliferation
160535 Progress in Nuclear Energy
160536 Computers and Fluids
160543 Revue Éthique et Économique
160544 Ethics and Social Welfare
160546 Raison publique Sorbonne Université Presses
160551 Recherches sur la philosophie et le langage
160554 History & Philosophy of Psychology
160555 Poléthis
160556 EEA: Hors-série | Espace Éthique Azuréen Espace Éthique Azuréen
160557 Revue Interculturelle, Internationale de Cognition, des Humanités et des Sémiotiques Applicables (RIICHSA) 1840-8834 CEREID et Labo-CCOSS, UAC, Bénin
160558 Revue Ivoirienne de Sociologie et de Sciences Sociales (RISS) 2707-8604 Université Alassane Ouattara (Bouaké - Côte d’Ivoire)
160560 Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Críticos Animales 2346-920X Alexandra Navarro, Anahí Gabriela González, Buenos Aires, Argentina
160561 ECCV 2020 RLQ Workshop
160565 Cuadernos de antropología social 0327-3776
160569 Connaissance des arts Hors - Série N° 177
160570 GESTA - the International Center of Medieval Art 0016-920X the Chicago University Press
160571 The International Journal of Arabic Linguistics Institut Marocain de l'Information Scientifique et Technique
160572 Phone: +55
160573 Strindbergiana 0282-8006 Strindbergssällskapet
160575 Geologia tecnica & Ambientale 1722-0025 ISTITUTO GEOLOGICO DELLA REGIA UNIVERSITÀ DI PADOVA
160576 Archives ariégeoises, revue de l'Association des amis des Archives de l'Ariège 2265-8335
160577 Администратор суда 2072-3636
160581 Man and Environment 0254-0446 The Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS), Pune, 1971
160582 Idafat : Revue Arabe de Sociologie 2306-7128
160584 Blog de l'OFCE
160585 Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 0976-3147
160586 Social Europe
160588 Bulletin de la société archéologique d'Eure-et-Loir Société Archéologique d'Eure-et-Loir (SAEL)
160589 Cevipof
160591 fondation jean jaures
160592 FASEB BioAdvances 2573-9832 [Hoboken, NJ] : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., [2019]
160595 Not. Nero on Theory Nero
160596 Wi: Journal of Mobile Media 1918-2104
160597 Necsus - European Journal of Media Studies Amsterdam University Press
160598 Wi: Journal of Mobile Media
160599 Congrès Français de thermique, SFT - 9-12 juin 2020
160605 Lurian Journal University of Moscou
160607 Renaissance traditionnelle
160608 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Social, Education, Economy, Business and Industrial Engineering,
160610 Ethnologia Europaea
160612 International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power 2504-186X MDPI
160615 The primary care companion for CNS disorders 2155-7780 Physicians Postgraduate Press
160619 Clinical Otolaryngology 1749-4478 Wiley
160621 Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology 1538-7755
160622 Gresea Echos Groupe de Recherche pour une Stratégie Economique Alternative
160624 Paediatric Respiratory Reviews
160627 Biomacromolecules 1526-4602
160628 Strategy Science 2333-2050 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
160632 Soft Computing and Electrical Engineering 2664-9543
160634 Mat.Today Proc
160637 Entrepreneurship Research Journal 2157-5665
160638 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 0165-6147
160639 Living Reviews in Relativity 2367-3613
160640 Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 1878-0180
160643 Pediatria I Medycyna Rodzinna-Paediatrics and Family Medicine 1734-1531
160644 Range Magazine 1093-3670
160645 Proceeding of the 23rd SICAP International Symposium Bologne (Italie): Medimond
160647 Actes du 9ème colloque Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Enseignement “Nouvelles pédagogies, Sciences et technologies du numérique” Berlin - Heidelberg : Springer Computer Science Proceedings
160648 Matices en lenguas extranjeras Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
160650 Mitochondrion
160655 Polymer Chemistry
160658 Cancer and Metabolism
160659 Optika Atmosfery i Okeana Institute of Atmospheric Optics
160661 International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1178-2005
160668 Ariège News du 26/11/2010
160669 Journal du CNRS
160671 Journal of science of Ho Chi Minh City University of Education / TAPCHI KHOAHOC 1859-3100 Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
160673 ISSAC'17-Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
160676 Hokuga 0385-7255
160677 International Journal of Sport Communication 1936-3907 Human Kinetics Publishers Inc
160682 Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 2666-2817 Elsevier
160683 ISSUE Journal of art & design HEAD – Geneva HEAD – Genève - HEAD – Genève (Haute école d’art et de design)
160687 International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 1460-7352
160688 Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 1554-9658
160690 Diyâr 2625-9842
160692 Conspiracy Watch
160693 Economica 1468-0335
160695 carte archéologique de la gaule 93 Académie des Inscriptions et des belles lettres, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
160698 Le Vercors Parc naturel régional du Vercors
160699 Structural engineering international