Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
780963 Make It New
6921 Make, the magazine of women's art 1365-8190 Women's Art Library
302256 Makerere Journal of Higher Education 1816-6822
171613 Makerere University Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 1563-3721
125472 Makery
55855 Making Global and Local Connections: Historical Research in Maritime History
345502 Makings. A Journal Researching the Creative Industries Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research
75834 Makivik Magazine
99513 Makromol. Chem
99685 Makromol. Chem. Symp
99679 Makromol. Chem. Theory Simul
131925 Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular Symposia
150862 Mal.J.Fund.Appl.Sci
780441 MalaCo : Le journal de malacologie continentale 1778-3941 Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
65688 Malacologia
116169 Malagasy Nature 1998-7919 Association Vahatra
642160 Malagasy Nature
125132 Malaise dans les civilisations 2561-5815
1704 Malaria Journal 1475-2875 BioMed Central
947685 Malaria Journal
78745 Malaria Research and Treatment 2090-8075 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
177484 Malawi Journal of Science and Technology 1019-7079 Faculty of Science, Chancellor College, University of Malawi
817512 Malay 0115-6195 De La Salle University Publishing House
134803 Malaya Journal of Matematik 2319-3786 University Press
153413 Malayalavimarsam : a Journal of the Department of Malayalam, University of Calicut Department of Malayalam, University of Calicut
6922 Malayan Library Journal 0542-3422 Kuala Lumpur, Persatuan Perpustakaan Tanah Malayu
129171 Malayan Nature Journal, Special Edition
178912 Malaysian Accounting Review,
74244 Malaysian Journal of Computer Science
147852 Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies 1511-4554 University of Malaya
6923 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 1394-6234 Masters of Library of Inf. Sci. Program Uni. of Malaya
164622 Malaysian Journal of Microbiology Malaysian Society for Microbiology
113515 Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 1394-035X
78608 Malaysian Journal of Nutrition
21745 Malaysian Journal of Pathology 0126-8635 [Malaysian Society of Pathologists]; 1998
62590 Malaysian Journal of Science and Technology Studies
147676 Malaysian Journal of Soil Science 1394-7990
169446 Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management 2289-4489 Department of Educational Management, Planning & Policy, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya
625284 Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 1985-2533
177770 Maldekstra. Globale Perspektiven von links: das Auslandsjournal 0323-3375 Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung
137970 Mali Médical 0464-7874 Faculté de médecine, de pharmacie et d'odonto-stomatologie de Bamako
203803 Malice de l’Université d’Aix-en-Provence
108692 Malice, le Magazine des Littératures et des Cultures à l'ère numérique 2263-7664 Centre interdisciplinaire d'étude des littératures d'Aix Marseille (Cielam)
123522 Malimbus 0331-3689 West African Ornithological Society
143081 Malliavin Calculus and Stochastic Analysis Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Volume 34, 2013, pp 25-76
58920 Malmédy. Art et histoire. 20e anniversaire
1705 Malta Medical Journal 1813-3339 University of Malta
133823 Maltrattamento e abuso all'infanzia 1972-5140 Franco Angeli
77630 Mambo ! 1609-1884 Institut français de recherche en Afrique
54834 Mamluk Studies Review MEDOC, University of Chicago
173043 Mamlûk Studies Review
139606 Mammal Research 2199-2401
16835 Mammal Review 0305-1838 Wiley
135484 Mammal Review
16836 Mammal Study 1343-4152 BioOne(Mammalogical Society of Japan)
39885 Mammalia 0025-1461 De Gruyter
16837 Mammalian Biology: Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 1616-5047 Springer
16838 Mammalian Genome 0938-8990 Springer Verlag
182524 Mammalian Genome 1432-1777
478811 Mammalian Genome
478798 Mammalian Genome: Official Journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society
16839 Mammalian Species 0076-3519 BioOne (American Society of Mammalogists)
167051 Mammi'Breizh 1765-3398 Groupe Mammalogique Breton
663020 Mammifères sauvages
6924 Man 0025-1496 JSTOR
6925 Man Society Technology 0022-1813 American Industrial Arts Association, Inc
53582 Man and Environment
160581 Man and Environment 0254-0446 The Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS), Pune, 1971
16840 Man and World 0025-1534 Springer Verlag
740039 Man and the Economy 2196-9639
1706 Mana 0104-9313 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
119366 Mana Hammattan
135861 Mana 0104-9313
108330 Mana : revue de sociologie et d'anthropologie 1271-0377 Laboratoire d'analyse socio-anthropologique du risque (Caen) / L'Harmattan
356753 Mana : revue de sociologie et d’anthropologie 1271-0377 l'Harmattan
21744 Managed Care 1062-3388 Warner-lambert Company
39886 Managed Care Contracting and Reimbursement Advisor 1533-5453 HCPro
21742 Managed Care Quarterly 1064-5454 Kluwer Law International
39887 Managed Dental Care 1083-3641 HCPro
6926 Managed Healthcare Executive 1533-9300 Advanstar Communications
21743 Managed care interface 1096-5645
32686 Managemen des ressources humaines. Méthodes de recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales
145204 Management Prisma Media
160220 Management 2617-4596
50942 Management
105518 Management 1820-0222 Faculty of Organizational Sciences
106960 Management 1820-0222 Faculty of Organizational Sciences
562440 Management & Avenir 1969-6574
91843 Management & Avenir Santé 2426-5551 Management Prospective Ed
174229 Management & Avenir-Santé
127052 Management & Data Science 2555-7017 Management & Data Science
127072 Management & Gouvernance : Entreprises. Territoires. Sociétés 2104-2438 Réseau GREG-PGV
166192 Management & Organisations du Sport Episciences
848680 Management & Organizationnal History Routledge
902995 Management & Prospective 2265-3937
39888 Management & Qualitaet Rheintaler Druckerei Verlag
930745 Management & Sciences Sociales ISTEC
65370 Management & conjoncture sociale
111334 Management & sciences sociales 1952-3262 L'Harmattan
6927 Management Accounting -New York 0025-1690 National Association of Accountants