Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
57 Acta Veterinaria Brno 0001-7213 University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno
128168 International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies University of Victoria
9182 Virginia Journal of International Law 0042-6571 University of Virginia
9186 Virginia Law Weekly Dicta Compilation 0041-661X University of Virginia Printing Office
9183 Virginia Journal of Natural Resources Law 0748-8122 University of Virginia School of Law
9184 Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law 1068-7955 University of Virginia School of Law
103012 Albanian Journal of Mathematics 1930-1235 University of Vlora
795 English Teaching : Practice and Critique 1175-8708 University of Waikato
563 Consciousness, Literature and the Arts 1470-5648 University of Wales
127672 Participations : journal of audience and reception studies 1749-8716 University of Wales
39428 International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 1474-8185 University of Wales Institute
40857 Cylchgrawn Hanes Cymru / Welsh History Review 0043-2431 University of Wales Press
40660 Studia Celtica 0081-6353 University of Wales Press
158985 Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies 0860-5734 University of Warsaw
101711 Studies of the Department of African Languages and Cultures 0850-4649 University of Warsaw
77373 European Journal of Law and Technology 2042-115X University of Warwick
1452 Journal of Information, Law and Technology 1361-4169 University of Warwick
1658 Law, Social Justice and Global Development 1467-0437 University of Warwick
7663 Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal 1066-8632 University of Washington School of Law
1456 Journal of Integer Sequences 1530-7638 University of Waterloo
68478 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
52535 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems - Series A : Mathematical Analysis 1201-3390 University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
69901 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications & Algorithms 1492-8760 University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
60529 Applied and Computational Mechanics 1802-680X University of West Bohemia
99285 Journal of WSCG 1213-6972 University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
178617 Acta Silvatica et Lignaria Hungarica 1786-691X University of West Hungary
9011 Tropical Agriculture -London then Trinidad 0041-3216 University of West Indies Press
9115 University of West Los Angeles law review 0083-4068 University of West Los Angeles Law School
1889 Outskirts: Feminisms along the Edge 1445-0445 University of Western Australia
1782 Mots Pluriels 1327-6220 University of Western Australia, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
1798 NeoAmericanist 1718-2328 University of Western Ontario
9117 University of Western Ontario law review 0703-900X University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Law
3672 Business Quarterly 0007-6996 University of Western Ontario, School of Business Administration
6901 Macarthur Law Review 1327-1644 University of Western Sydney Macarthur
2521 Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 1744-6708 University of Westminster
173634 Journal of Deliberative Democracy 2634-0488 University of Westminster Press
9305 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 0710-0841 University of Windsor, Faculty of Law
168 Annual of Urdu Studies 0734-5348 University of Wisconsin
9314 Wisconsin Environmental Law Journal 1077-9299 University of Wisconsin Law School
9315 Wisconsin International Law Journal 0743-7951 University of Wisconsin Law School
9316 Wisconsin law review 0043-650X University of Wisconsin Law School
9321 Wisconsin women's law journal 1052-3421 University of Wisconsin Madison Law School
38238 American Orthoptic Journal 0065-955X University of Wisconsin Press
121408 Arctic Anthropology 0066-6939 University of Wisconsin Press
4169 Contemporary Literature 0010-7484 University of Wisconsin Press
38820 Ecological Restoration North America 1522-4740 University of Wisconsin Press
6179 Journal of Human Resources 0022-166X University of Wisconsin Press
6713 Land Economics 0023-7639 University of Wisconsin Press
6717 Landscape Journal 0277-2426 University of Wisconsin Press
39875 Luso-Brazilian Review 0024-7413 University of Wisconsin Press