Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
140516 Mathematical Programming Computation
20973 Mathematical Programming, Series A Springer
63734 Mathematical Reports 1582-3067 Romanian Academy of Sciences
205175 Mathematical Reports 2285-3898
23934 Mathematical Research Letters 1073-2780 International Press
77928 Mathematical Review Letters
111924 Mathematical Reviews 0025-5629 American Mathematical Society
144726 Mathematical Reviews 0025-5629
869039 Mathematical Sciences (Suurikagaku) 0386-2240 Science Co. (Japan)
16930 Mathematical Social Sciences 0165-4896 Elsevier
114574 Mathematical Social Sciences
144832 Mathematical Social Sciences 0165-4896
47193 Mathematical Social Siences
132195 Mathematical Statistics and Learning 2520-2316 EMS Publishing House
16931 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 0960-1295 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
47100 Mathematical System Theory
16932 Mathematical Systems Theory 0025-5661 Springer-Verlag
16933 Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation 0891-6837 JSTOR
171795 Mathematical Theory and Modeling 2225-0522
7000 Mathematical Thinking and Learning 1098-6065 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
174247 Mathematical and Computational Applications
16912 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 0895-7177 Elsevier
16913 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 1387-3954 Taylor & Francis
62905 Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation WAVES
98405 Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability Statistics for Industry and Technology
126144 Mathematical and computational applications 1300-686X MDPI
51158 Mathematical and computer Modeling
53609 Mathematical and physical theory of turbulence
53104 Mathematical annalen
139089 Mathematical modeling of natural phenomena
64120 Mathematical modelling in Civil Engineering
64121 Mathematical modelling in Civil Engineering
46021 Mathematical modelling, 5ème Vienna Symposium
807144 Mathematical social science, 0165-4896 1879-3118 Elsevier
104263 Mathematics 2227-7390 MDPI
832375 Mathematics MDPI
685769 Mathematics 2227-7390 MDPI
1725 Mathematics Educator 1062-9017 University of Georgia
120994 Mathematics Letters Science Publishing Group
182435 Mathematics Newsletter 0971-1694 Ramanujan Mathematical Society
614768 Mathematics Open 2811-0072 Worldscientific
30826 Mathematics Research Letters
603922 Mathematics Research Reports 2772-9559
117843 Mathematics Subject Classification
135275 Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC)
131227 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J62
7005 Mathematics Teaching -Derby 0025-5785 Association of Teachers of Mathematics
161620 Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal 2573-4377 New York City NY: Bronislaw Czarnocha
87499 Mathematics and Computation in Music. Third International Conference MCM 2011
99565 Mathematics and Computer Science III
16934 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 0378-4754 Elsevier
39908 Mathematics and Financial Economics 1862-9679 Springer Verlag
117091 Mathematics and Financial Economics
79069 Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 2326-7186 International Research Center for Mathematics & Mechanics of Complex Systems (M&MoCS),University of L’Aquila in Italy
16935 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 1081-2865 SAGE Publications
69792 Mathematics and Social Sciences
71889 Mathematics and Statistics
7001 Mathematics and computer education 0730-8639 Mathematics and Computer Education
69078 Mathematics and its Applications: Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists 2066-5997 Academy of Romanian Scientists Publishing House
805284 Mathematics for Computation World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd
41346 Mathematics in Computer Science 1661-8270 Springer
132967 Mathematics in Engineering 2640-3501 AIMS
139316 Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA) 2041-3165 Cambridge Scientific Publishers
82620 Mathematics in Industry 1612-3956 Springer
7002 Mathematics in School 0305-7259 Pitman Publishing
159598 Mathematics in the Visual Arts ISTE-WILEY Ltd
7003 Mathematics magazine 0025-570X Mathematical Association of America
16936 Mathematics of Computation 0025-5718 American Mathematical Society
146100 Mathematics of Computations
16937 Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 0932-4194 Springer Verlag
16938 Mathematics of Operations Research 0364-765X INFORMS
135137 Mathematics of Quantum Technologies Walter de Gruyter GmbH
16939 Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya 0025-5726 Turpion
16940 Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 0025-5734 Turpion
7004 Mathematics teacher 0025-5769 Nctm (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
7006 Mathematics teaching in the middle school / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1072-0839 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
860405 Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies 1913-4967
30825 Mathematika 0025-5793 University College London
162861 Mathematika
115338 Mathematique Informatique et Sciences Humaines
28910 Mathematisch Zeitschrift
16941 Mathematische Annalen 0025-5831 Springer Verlag
16943 Mathematische Semesterberichte 0720-728X Springer Verlag
851125 Mathematische Semesterberichte 1432-1815
23844 Mathematische Zeitschrift 0025-5874 Springer
53050 Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
45847 Mathematisches Forschungsintitut - Oberwolfach Reports
29841 Mathematitcheskyie Zametki
32338 Mathesis e Memoria. Studi in memoria di Marcello Gigante
58725 Mathl. Comput. Modelling
111743 Maths Express au carrefour des cultures Comité International des Jeux Mathématiques
87817 Maths de la planète Terre Express Comité International des Jeux MAthématiques
134283 Mathware & Soft Computing Magazine 1989-533X
105677 Mathware & soft computing 1134-5632 RACO
52331 MathémaTICE sesamath
93127 MathémaTICE Les nouvelles technologies pour l'enseignement des mathématiques
26023 Mathémathiques et Sciences humaines Centre d'analyse et de mathématique sociales (EHESS)
56381 Mathématique Informatique et Sciences Humaines
118584 Mathématique et pédagogie Société belge des professeurs de mathématiques d'expression française
32974 Mathématiques & Applications