Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
1462 Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce 1204-5357 ARRAY Development
83099 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2166-2525 ASA, American Statistical Association
112430 Pages Romandes 1024-0616 ASA-Suisse - Association d’aide aux personnes avec un handicap mental
7352 Negro history bulletin 0028-2529 ASALH
802452 Politique, revue belge d'analyse et de débat 1372-908X ASBL Politique
39394 International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 1555-5062 ASCD
140435 Journal of legal affairs and dispute resolution in engineering and construction 1943-4162 ASCE Library
158228 JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 2473-4276 ASCO
124136 Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal 2247-9228 ASCR Publishing House
64700 Journal of Formalized Reasoning 1972-5787 ASDD-AlmaDL
1807 Neurology Asia 1823-6138 ASEAN Neurological Association
2050 Rect@ 1575-605X ASEPUMA. Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Matematicas aplicadas a la Economia y la Empresa
174687 Cahiers de l'ASER 0761-4446 ASER
97265 Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics ASERS Publshing
23498 Asian Journal of Chemistry 0970-7077 ASIAN PUBLICATION CORPORATION
101853 Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2330-1635 ASIS&T/Wiley
44197 Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo 0582-6152 ASJU-Universidad del Pais Vasco
3525 Brandweek -New York 1064-4318 ASM Communications Inc
2631 Advanced materials and processes 0882-7958 ASM International
14786 International Materials Reviews 0950-6608 ASM International
18156 Practical Failure Analysis 1529-8159 ASM International
16412 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 1059-9630 ASM International/Springer
112977 Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage 2381-6872 ASME
93525 Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing 2166-0468 ASME
115088 Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 2332-8983 ASME
16471 Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Transactions of the ASME 0739-3717 ASME International
41189 Le Magazine d'Asprom 1166-8326 ASPROM
120992 Revue Technique Luxembourgeoise, Cahier Scientifique 2418-4578 ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS I ARCHITECTS I SCIENTISTS I INDUSTRIALS
161760 Ciência Geografica 1413-7461 ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS GEÓGRAFOS BRASILEIROS
3254 ASTM standardization news 0090-1210 ASTM
112934 Advances in Civil Engineering Materials 2165-3984 ASTM
11577 Cement, Concrete and Aggregates 0149-6123 ASTM International
39128 Geotechnical Testing Journal 0149-6115 ASTM International
39590 Journal of Composites Technology and Research 0884-6804 ASTM International
6485 Journal of Testing and Evaluation 0090-3973 ASTM International
111013 Materials Performance and Characterization 2379-1365 ASTM International
164337 Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems 2520-6478 ASTM International
3258 AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal 0748-612X AT&T Bell Laboratories
3259 AT&T Technical Journal 8756-2324 AT&T Bell Laboratories
8143 Record (Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.) 0749-8152 AT&T Bell Laboratories Record
3260 AT&T Technology 0889-8979 AT&T Technology
167305 L’Écran traduit. Revue sur la traduction et l’adaptation audiovisuelles 2270-6348 ATAA
177274 The Journal of Air Traffic Control 0021-8650 ATCA
146705 TEC Mobilité intelligente [Revue TEC : Transport Environnement Circulation] 0397-6513 ATEC ITS France [Association pour le développement des Transports, de l’Environnement, et de la Circulation] [1973-....]
914 Gaceta medica de Caracas 0367-4762 ATEPROCA
2370 STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation) 1764-7223 ATIEF
149986 Athens Journal of Business & Economics ATINER
104811 Les Possibles ATTAC
118050 Annales scientifiques du Limousin 0765-0477 AULEPE - Association universitaire limousine pour l'étude et la protection de l'environnement