Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
156018 Journal du Concours Agricole National des Prairies Fleuries dans les Parcs Naturels Régionaux et les Parcs Nationaux 2111-3815
156822 Journal du Conseil - Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer 0020-6466
156379 Journal of AGSI 0965-4380
154953 Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies 2373-423X
139881 Journal of Advances in Sports and Physical Education 2616-8642
161687 Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering
104298 Journal of Aging and Gerontology 2309-6128
155004 Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development 2167-0477
156547 Journal of Agricultural Entomology 0735-939X
153866 Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science 1306-0007
85895 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B
155125 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. A 2161-6256
157192 Journal of Agricultural Science in Finland 0782-4386
103707 Journal of Agricultural Studies 2166-0379
155858 Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 1074-0708
155629 Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 1990-6145
114209 Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development 1590-7198
155864 Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 0041-994X
155348 Journal of Algal Biomass Utilization 2229-6905
123024 Journal of Analysis and Testing 2096-241X
137126 Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2090-8865
129230 Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation 2164-2745
160007 Journal of Andrology 0196-3635
159737 Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 0931-2668
159747 Journal of Animal Science 0021-8812
155857 Journal of Animal Science and Technology 1225-2727
155056 Journal of Apicultural Science 1643-4439
20711 Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences
120768 Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 1613-9216
157458 Journal of Applied Cardiology 0883-2935
160017 Journal of Applied Ichthyology 0175-8659
156550 Journal of Applied Physiology Respiratory Environmental and Exercise Physiology 0161-7567
156821 Journal of Applied Rabbit Research 0738-9760
156803 Journal of Applied Seed Production 8755-8750
155110 Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development 2155-9546
156870 Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics 0970-0846
144965 Journal of Arid Land 1674-6767
20712 Journal of Art, Management, Law and Society
23524 Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education
156558 Journal of Balkan Ecology 1311-0527
154996 Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 2458-8938
115868 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
22888 Journal of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy
155618 Journal of Berry Research 1878-5093
119940 Journal of Biodiversity and Endangered Species 2332-2543
86360 Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences
82028 Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences
155167 Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion 2321-6328
5887 Journal of Black Poetry 0021-9339
156952 Journal of Brain Research 0944-8160