Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
82656 Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift
82658 News International
82659 Relationes laborales
82662 Beebook
82667 IVS 2012 General Meeting Proceedings
82672 International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems
82675 ICPPW '12 : The 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing Pittsburg, PA 10-13 september 2012
82676 Revue Forum
82685 Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology
82686 Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE)
82707 Fundamental Issues and Canonical Flows
82714 Prologue
82715 Revue MARS
82716 Théories de la phrase et de la proposition de Platon à Averroès
82718 Analyse et théologie, croyances religieuses et rationalité
82720 Democraty and social justice in Asia and Arab world
82722 Histoire des musulmans et de l'islam du Moyen âge à nos jours
82724 Al Fârâbî, Averroès : conversation et démonstration
82743 The Amazigh Voice
82745 Knjizevni List (Magazine littéraire)
82757 Biologia Marina Mediterranea
82758 ISB-Magazine ISB
82763 smarts structures and systems
82766 IEEE International Reliability Physics
82774 Annali di Botanica
82777 The National Palace Museum monthly of Chinese Art
82780 Revue des Sciences de l'Education
82781 Adv Healthc Mater
82801 Berceo. Revista riojana de ciencias sociales y humanidades
82802 Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII
82804 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
82807 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
82809 IEEE Information Theory Workshop
82811 Topics in Functional and Harmonic Analysis, Theta Series in Advanced Mathematics
82813 Nota di Lavoro
82815 Population-F
82817 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
82820 Journal of Trading
82822 Applied economic perspectives and policy
82827 L'Information littéraire n° 2
82836 Case Rep Infect Dis
82837 International Journal of Navigation and Observation
82839 4th International Workshop on TRaffic Analysis and Classification TRAC 2013
82842 Bulletin de liaison des membres de la Société de Géographie
82843 Eurocrypt 2013
82845 Chaotic Modeling and Simulation Journal
82846 Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
82847 Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
82849 Doklady Physics
82850 Mechanics of Solids