Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
477095 Journal of ophthalmology
137151 Journal of opioid management 1551-7489
103855 Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials - Symposia 2066-0596
98349 Journal of pattern recognition research 1558-884X
132312 Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism
100104 Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM
480546 Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 1536-4801
159520 Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology
477171 Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus
179107 Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B
21848 Journal of periodontal research - Supplement 0075-4331
607908 Journal of periodontology 1943-3670
135378 Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
171456 Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology 2042-7158
82113 Journal of photovoltaïcs
6359 Journal of physical education (Dayton, Ohio) 0022-3662
605424 Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal 1361-648X
44959 Journal of physicx IV
23015 Journal of physiological Endocrinology of Metabolism
154824 Journal of physiological sciences 1880-6562
111915 Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society 1899-1505
173860 Journal of plant nutrition
698758 Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery 1878-0539
142896 Journal of plasticity engineering
37703 Journal of policy Modelling
55079 Journal of policy science (Ritsumeikan University)
167088 Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene
139611 Journal of primatology 2167-6801
6384 Journal of psychedelic drugs 0022-393X
151813 Journal of radiological protection official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection 1361-6498
31909 Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection
166283 Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection
68603 Journal of real Estate Practice and Education
138699 Journal of receptor research 0197-5110
37697 Journal of rehabilitation medecine
504777 Journal of remote sensing 2097-0064
149524 Journal of renal nutrition : the official journal of the Council on Renal Nutrition of the National Kidney Foundation
145549 Journal of research in marketing and entrepreneurship 1471-5201
143522 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards
66339 Journal of risk management in financial institutions
456295 Journal of rural studies
45156 Journal of science and technology
46586 Journal of sea
78227 Journal of sea Reseach
144420 Journal of small business and entrepreneurship 0827-6331
149196 Journal of social and policy Sciences
6435 Journal of social casework 8755-4879
149931 Journal of social sciences 2568-6739
167722 Journal of sociology (Hanoi)
119589 Journal of sport of behavior 0162-7341
898511 Journal of strenght and conditioning research
180168 Journal of structural engineering 1943-541X
105366 Journal of structural engineering
21823 Journal of studies on alcohol. Supplement 0363-468X
21820 Journal of surgical oncology. Supplement 1046-7416
62215 Journal of system design and dynamics
81336 Journal of targeting measurement and analysis for marketing
6486 Journal of thanatology 0047-2832
6487 Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 0885-3479
110706 Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences
110698 Journal of the Aerospace Sciences
173631 Journal of the African Union Commission on International Law 1821-8962
788032 Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2769-2485
101045 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995)
155279 Journal of the Alamire Foundation
898573 Journal of the American Medical Association
625467 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1097-6787
424993 Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
100957 Journal of the American College of Dentists
159837 Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724
146821 Journal of the American College of Nutrition 1541-1087
24941 Journal of the American Dietetic Association
329065 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
100554 Journal of the American Hearth Association
6507 Journal of the American Institute of Planners 0002-8991
176140 Journal of the American Medical Association 1538-3598
725933 Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
22003 Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (1972) 0098-8421
22002 Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. Supplement 1046-3607
182402 Journal of the American Nutrition Association 2769-707X
69775 Journal of the American Oriental Society
22000 Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA 1544-3191
155573 Journal of the American Pomological Society 1527-3741
159209 Journal of the American Society for Information Science
23941 Journal of the American Society for Information Systems and Technology
6516 Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 0093-0318
514308 Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography
118768 Journal of the American Society of Hypertension : JASH
84741 Journal of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation
511017 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 1533-3450
111643 Journal of the Anatomical Society of India 2352-3050
101846 Journal of the Asian Pacific Economy 1354-7860
58509 Journal of the Asiatic Society
21991 Journal of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians : the official publication of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians 1048-9886
176535 Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
169047 Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2330-1643
119753 Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
43603 Journal of the Association for Learning Technology
157044 Journal of the Association of Avian Veterinarians 1044-8314
176595 Journal of the Association of Consumer Research