Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
161193 Pop'Sciences 2680-5987 Université de Lyon
161194 Actes des Premières Rencontres Nationales Petits Mammifères
161196 Boukan - le courrier ultramarin Une saison en Guyane
161198 Edentata 1413-4411
161203 Le Cercle des Travailleurs de La Garde-Freinet
161207 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2664-7125 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
161208 Juristische Studiengesellschaft Karlsruhe 0447-1806 CF Müller
161209 Atti Soc. Nat. Mat. Modena 0365-7027
161210 Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering
161211 Dialogos 1351-0355 Frank Cass
161217 Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
161218 Mediações 2176-6665 Universidade de Londrina
161221 Bull. Trim. Soc. Géol. Normandie et Amis du Museum du Havre
161222 Palaeoecology, Palaeography, Palaeoclimatology
161228 GQ 1959-7800 Condé Nast
161229 Operative Neurosurgery
161231 Prevenir c'est changer®
161233 International Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Science
161236 Cinephile. The university of British Columbia's Film Journal Morgan Harper, Zoë Laks
161241 Cultural Trends
161245 Trends in genetics: TIG
161252 microPublication Biology Caltech Library
161254 Engineering Research Express 2631-8695 IOP Science
161270 AGU Advances 2576-604X
161272 Questões Transversais – Revista de Epistemologias da Comunicação 2318-6372 Unisinos
161273 Études à la mémoire de Philippe Neau-Leduc - Le juriste dans la cité éd. LGDJ
161274 Quarks, Brazilian Electronic Journal of Physics 2674-9688
161275 Russian Technological Journal
161281 Acta Radiologica Open 2058-4601
161282 Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology
161288 Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
161289 Multimedia Systems
161290 International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE)
161291 IET Software
161295 Open Journal of Plant Science
161298 Catalysis Letters
161300 International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 0964-8305
161302 International Journal of Business Science & Applied Management 1753-0296
161303 Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning
161312 Medycyna Paliatywna
161315 Journal of Palynology Palynological Society of India
161316 Comparative Parasitology 1525-2647
161317 SubStance
161318 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET)
161319 Plume/Société des lecteurs d'Henri Michaux 1165-9505 Paris : Gallimard
161321 Bioethica Forum. Journal suisse d’éthique biomédicale
161324 TRD : Textes, recherches, diffusion / Association Jean Tardieu 1634-4030 Lyon : Association Jean Tardieu
161325 Régal 1769-3977 Uni-médias, Paris (FR)
161327 IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution 1350-2360
161330 Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering Fusuo Zhan
161332 Scientia Militaria
161335 European Conference on Computer Vision
161336 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
161337 Uniciencia
161341 Radiotherapy Oncology
161345 East Central Europe
161350 Journal of Royal Society Interface
161351 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
161354 Computer Methods in Materials Science
161355 Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA
161356 Dard/Dard 2680-9605 Éditions de l'Attribut
161357 Liaisons, Bulletin d'information du consistoire israélite de la Moselle Consistoire Israélite de la Moselle
161358 Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
161359 Metáfora. Revista de literatura y análisis del discurso 2617-4839 Asociación Peruana de Retórica
161360 Journal of Romanian Literary Studies 2248-3004 Arhipelag XXI Press, Tîrgu-Mureş
161362 Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія: Моделювання 2312-4547
161369 Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging Retina 2325-8160 Slack
161371 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia 1808-0413 Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia
161372 Revue Internationale du Marketing et Management Stratégique 2665-7414 Revue Internationale du Marketing et Management Stratégique
161375 Journal of Politics and Society
161376 Lernen und Lernstörungen 2235-0977
161384 Gesprächsforschung: Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 1617-1837
161385 Geprächsforchung: Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 1617-1837
161392 Le Philosophoire
161401 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology
161402 International Molinology
161403 Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems Wiley
161404 AGILE: GIScience Series
161406 International journal of virtual reality 1081-1451 Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology
161408 Applications in Engineering Science 2666-4968
161409 K. Revue trans-européenne de philosophie et arts 2609-2484 Laboratoire Cecille - Université de Lille
161412 Design and Culture 1754-7075
161413 Tekipaki 2729-465X
161415 Journal of Aviation Research 2687-3338 Maltepe University
161420 Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 1411-9420
161422 L'Avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscape 2421-6496 Il Mulino (Bologna)
161424 Eminds – International Journal of Human Computer Interaction Universidad de Oviedo
161426 La semaine de Nancy
161436 La Presse Médicale Formation
161439 Taqralik 2562-3206 Makivik corporation
161440 Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 1726-0531
161443 Graphè
161445 The Professional Medical Journal 2071-7733 Independent Medical College, Faisalabad
161447 Thyma : La revue francophone de victimologie 2496-963X Thyma
161448 Iles d'Imesli 2170-113X Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou
161449 International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology 2168-5436
161455 Green Chemistry
161457 Energy Science & Engineering
161462 Rev. Integr. Bus. Econ. Res