Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
90513 RCS Instituto Politécnico Nacional
90515 Research journal on Computer science and computer engineering with applications scielomx
90520 International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (JDWM) IGI Global
90528 Journée d'études " Le vieillissement cognitif : quelles caractéristiques ? quelles stratégies préventives ? quels enjeux pour les politiques publiques ? Centre d'Analyse Stratégique - Premier Ministre
90530 ACM Romanian Journal of Human-Computer Interaction ACM SIGCHI Romania
90532 Romanian Journal of Human-Computer Interaction MatrixRom
90534 Santé conjuguée
90536 Systèmes d'Information Collaboratifs, Architectures et modèles, Revue RTSI, s√©rie ISI, Vol. 15, N¬∞3 Lavoisier
90541 Cyberpsychology and Behaviour N/A
90542 2012 19th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE) IEEE Computer Society
90543 City planning review
90544 Urban planning overseas
90545 International Journal of Computers and their Applications (IJCA), Special Issue on the Application of Computer Technology to Public Safety and Law Enforcement ISCA
90553 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture
90555 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Engineering Journal
90556 tijdschrift voor nucleaire geneeskunde
90560 IEICE Transactions, Special Section on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support System
90561 Language Resources and Evaluation Special Issue on Multiword expression: hard going or plain sailing
90562 Secteur Privé & Développement, revue bimestrielle de Proparco
90563 Informes de la Construccion
90564 Private Sector & Development
90567 Télérama Hors série Télérama
90574 The Lahore Journal of Economics
90578 Revue en Sciences du traitement de l'Information. Cépaduès Editions N/A
90581 Revue de CID n/a
90585 CDIO 2010 : 6th International conference
90586 IADIS e-Society 2010 Conference
90595 Hipogrifo. Revista de literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro 2328-1308 Instituto de Estudios Auriseculares (IDEA)
90596 New Standpoints
90598 European Research Studies Journal
90599 Amfiteatru Economic 1582-9146 Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest
90600 International Journal of Electrical Energy
90601 Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biological Materials
90605 New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), 2013 IEEE 11th International
90606 European Union Review
90616 Lambard 0214-4573 Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans
90618 Définition(s) de la couleur. Interfaces
90619 The Déjà-vu and the Authentic: Reprise, Recycling, Recuperating in Anglophone Literature and Culture
90624 e-jde-Rem
90625 Integraciâ obrazovaniâ
90627 Atmos. Oceanic Opt
90628 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf
90629 Research in Transportation Business and Management 2210-5395 Elsevier
90631 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf
90634 Wikiterritorial - INSET/CNFPT
90641 Forvännen
90643 52èmes Journées Scientifiques de Physique Médicale (SFPM)
90645 Social Networking
90650 The Fifth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observation
90657 économie et société série Socio-Economie du travail