Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
90139 Ann. Univ. Ferrara
90143 Current Protocols in Neuroscience 1934-8576 Wiley
90145 HICSS 2013: 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
90148 International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 1178-5608 Professor Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay - Exeley Inc. (New York)
90149 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering
90159 Ladakh Studies - Journal of the International Association of Ladakh Studies
90161 Construction History: International Journal of the Construction History Society
90165 Cities : the international journal of urban policy and planning
90167 Revue de l'Association des historiens modernistes des universités françaises
90172 Revista História da Educação - RHE
90174 Cadernos de História da Educação
90177 Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry / Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry
90185 IPCO springer
90186 Journal of Communications Software and Systems 1845-6421 Croatian Communications and Information Society
90188 Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science (ISSN: 1221-454X)
90193 Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology,
90196 Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology
90197 ISPLC 2012 : 16th International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications
90201 Medievalia, Revista d'Estudis Medievals 0211-3473 Institut d’Estudis Medievals (IEM), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
90202 RFFP
90203 Journal européen des droits de l'homme = European Journal of human rights 2294-9313 Larcier
90209 International Journal of Engineering Research 2347-5013 Jaikaran Singh
90210 ISRN Environmental Chemistry
90211 Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology
90212 Ingenieur-Archiv
90213 International Journal of Learning Technologies not yet available
90215 Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. Washington: American Mathematical Society n.a
90218 Бестник, Кыргызского НационалЬного Университета n.a
90221 Voix et images, Anne Hébert en revue
90223 Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of the Asme
90224 Evolution Equations and Control Theory
90227 Synoptikos
90232 Cahiers du CLAIX
90245 Universal Journal of Materials Science 2331-6691 Horizon Research publishing corporation
90247 Theatralia
90248 EICS' 2013 : 5 th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Systems
90250 Advances in Information Retrieval
90251 JetSan 2013 : Journées d'Etude en TéléSanté
90253 Literary Research/Recherche Littéraire
90257 Mania, Revista de pensamento de la Facultat de Filosofia de la U. B
90263 Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications 2192-113X Hindawi Limited
90794 At-Tadwin. Revue annuelle pour les études de philosophie, sciences sociales et humaines, sciences de l'information et de la traduction
90796 Control Theory and Technology 2095-6983 Springer
90799 Prison Service Journal (Centre for crime and justice studies)
90802 Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare (JITH)
90803 Annals of The University of Craiova, Series : Automation, Computers, Electronics and Mechatronics, (Romania)
90806 Schifanoia
90809 Piccola Impresa/Small Business
90810 Proc. SPIE 9065
90812 VDI Berichte 2199.2