Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
7870 Politics Today 0160-4929
156543 Politique, la Revue 1270-2331
157570 Pollen et spores 0375-9636
21474 Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego 1426-9686
156488 Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii 0032-3764
154561 Polymath: An interdisciplinary arts and sciences journal 2153-4314
156526 Polyphénols Actualités 0987-7819
114210 Polypode 1638-3184
154986 Pomaceas 0717-6910
155760 Pomme (Dieppe) 0292-2231
156689 Pomme (Paris) 0296-550X
155832 Pomme de Terre Magazine 1771-8635
120728 Pomme à cidre 1632-0743
155474 Ponts et Chaussées Magazine 1958-7198
7875 Popular Electronics (1954) 0032-4485
7877 Popular Gardening 0032-4507
7878 Popular Gardening & Living Outdoors 0554-6907
7880 Popular Mechanics Magazine 0736-993X
21465 Population reports (Washington, D.C.). Series C,, Female sterilization 0891-0030
21464 Population reports (Washington, D.C.). Series D, Male sterilization 0891-0049
21467 Population reports. Series A: Oral contraceptives 0097-9074
21466 Population reports. Series B: Intrauterine devices 0092-9344
21463 Population reports. Series E, Law and policy 0097-9082
21462 Population reports. Series H: Barrier methods 0093-4496
21461 Population reports. Series J: Family planning programs 0091-925X
21460 Population reports. Series L, Issues in world health 0197-5838
21459 Population reports. Series M. Special topics 0733-9135
154906 Porc Québec 1182-1000
153618 Porc magazine 0296-9076
20347 Portugaliae Physica
21458 Positively aware : the monthly journal of the Test Positive Aware Network 1523-2883
163072 Postdigital Science and Education 2524-485X
21457 Postepy biochemii 0032-5422
21455 Postgraduate dentistry / Dental Learning Systems
159813 Postharvest Biology and Technology 0925-5214
21456 Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej
156849 Potash Review 0032-5546
105226 Potato Planet 1955-1045
20987 Potential Theory
156166 Poultry Digest Online 1444-8041
159863 Poultry Science 0032-5791
157087 Poultry Science Reviews 0964-6604
156302 Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews 1357-048X
156116 Pour ! 1276-8057
157489 Pour une Education a l'Environnement 0985-5947
156645 Powder Handling and Processing 0934-7348
20349 Prace Instytutu Tele- I Radiotechnicznego
7901 Practical Forecast for Home Economics 0742-8693
156182 Practising Anthropology 0888-4552
101819 Pratique Médicale et Chirurgicale de l'Animal de Compagnie